I just sold everything, I just can't do it anymore. I advise you to do the same, no one holding these coins will get rich. The governments will regulate crypto and the top dogs are cashing out right now leaving us as bagholders. Sell now.
I'm done with this market
Other urls found in this thread:
lol clearly this just isn't for you
straight outta reddit
Good that you figured it out at this point, it's better than becoming deluded bagholder.
This is precisely what made me mad about crypto. Not the sick gains that people got over late 2017, although obviously I was jealous. It was that they did not appreciate just how mad that bull rush was.
"regulate" is not synonymous with "banning" or even "interfering".
We're just going back to how the market was before you stupid nigger
You actually had to have patience to make some money, and now that you aren't getting 100x gains every single day you quit? Good that you are leaving, we don't need people like you panic selling every single dip.
This. Such level of hype is just impossible to maintain for too long.
welp looks like it is almost time to buy
OP doesn't understand how crypto works
>he joined the market in the last few weeks
It's okay OP. This market isn't for everyone
>Selling while it's the best time to buy in four months
Go play your Nintendo boy.
100k EOY. Garuntee it.
This unironically
>The governments will regulate crypto
*Shills XMR shamelessly*
>reads thread
>checks the time
bit early user, dennys got a promotion on or something?
Make money even in this bear market....
discord dot gg/6ddqFHd
Brah... bruh... bro... I hope you're trolling.
The fuck? Is everyone here new? Now is when you start accumulating cheap coins. Veeky Forums really disappoints me sometimes.
>le buy when it's low
95% of this board has all their assets already IN crypto you collosal fucking faggots why do you always say this
i have 900k in crypto and 90k in cash i'm not fucking putting more cash in
>go to bed, up 20%
>wake up, portfolio value halved by 50% Even though my biggest loser is just -5%
Just about done
I don't see anything wrong here. Why should he keep bagholding at this point when we all know at this point that the bear market is gonna continue?