OP here that called out dip yesterday

OP here that called out dip yesterday.

Dubs decide where we go today.





definitely 2. we're gonna dump til the 26th and then climb


0. 15k



Let’s win and see mcafee eat his dick at the same time




We need a consensus faggots

Also Buy VIBE, if you faggots like money.

12,2k then nigger

LOL. I am just saying where I put my money honestly.

Is that really how it works? The digits we get on Veeky Forums decides the price of bitcoin? How long has it been this way, or was it always like this?

wow what a genius OP I didn't see it coming

The dub gods want 2

Pump or actual tech?

I don't care about pumps or w/e, I trade charts, I don't care about technology or whatever VIBE is even about.

I challenge your meme lines with my meme lines

What the fuck is this?

I'm genuinely interested in what your style is, please explain. Is this some unorthodox default style or did you develop it yourself?

So according to your shit lines btc will pump back up to around 13k then crash back down to 8k?

good taste
meme lines

You should seek professional medical help


I mainly trade around the slow and fast force index and then I throw on a bunch of random shit idk why