Im crying and i dont know what to do

Im crying and i dont know what to do
i come from a poor country (bolivia) and i put all my savings on chainlink after someone made a thread here... i had nice coins with other coins like bitcoin and vechain... i am so stupid... but why so much evil in this world? i am poor, i need this money. my mom is unemployed, i once told her how much money i was making with crypto... i dont know anymore. i hope there is a god and he does something with those people... not fair.

psst, thanks for the money, kid.

You’ll make it user. Keep your link for 2 years and your investment will be worth more than with btc & ven.

Nothing personal kid

Convert it all to sShadowlink, then FUD LINK.

As LINK's price goes down, Shadowlink's goes up

Cone join us dark linkies, we're all making massive gains.

Take your money out of crypto and invest in kneepads

Do what your country men know how to do best.
Cross the border and live in Brazil.

The Colombians do that all the time, o know a lot of colombians here who had a shitty life in their country and they have a comfy good life here.
And we need cheap workers.

Listen, Bolivar-Junior.

If you sell now, you will be poor forever.

If hold for at least 1 year, you may be pretty fucking rich.

OP, listen to this guy, he is right Buena suerte amigo.

Nigger you about to be the richest man in your shitdump country. You just need coconut hands (or whatever the strongest material in Bolivia is).

Bolivia power rankings 2020:

1. You (or anyone who has any LINK)
2. Guy who owns a thatched hut and a chicken
999999999. Everyone else

There is no free meal cabron.

KEK. this guy's right though

The amount of newfags is concerning....

Get fucked in your anus, faggot.

>the absolute state of newfag Veeky Forums

Nice larp bro

Never go all in friend.

>You just need coconut hands (or whatever the strongest material in Bolivia is).


get off biz and go sell cocaine op this place isn't for you

>Never go full LINK

He is Bolivian, not Colombian.

Brazillian here. sell me your bags just like we sold you that refinery.

This is bait, but hey-

99% who bought into crypto, including you, got in to scam the guys coming in next in line. You are just as complicit as anyone. This is an unethical game and you knew it too - where do you think the free money comes from?

oh yeah because the standard of living in Brazil is soooo nice...

What is it with shitskin's magnetic attraction for the worst shitcoins?

Kek I used to live there. U still got that politician demanding he be elected or he turns off the septic system?

>Rio de JaNIGGER
That is like talking about the US based on Detroit.

I come from a poor country (polando), and this month i doubled my cryptos just by shorting.
Literally any brainlet in euro country without taxes on crypto could do the same.
So instead of posting your annoying copypasta you could do the same brainlet.


How about the less than USD9k Brazilian gdp per capita. Does that only apply in Rio as well?

I just can't stand third world shit-holes bragging because they have a toilet or two more than their also shit-hole neighbours...

I feel you bro, I was planning to buy a ferrari just to show off to my friends, but now it's just a porsche.

Wtf am I gonna do with a porsche?


just remember, jesus loves you!

Suriname here.

How you say "Get Rekt" in Espanhol, amigo?

>How do averages work?

listen here you faggot
hold that link or go work as a slave for minimum wage. U want fast money without effort, u will end up with no money sucking dicks for a penny

Ok so there's like 3 rich people in Brazil. Big fucking deal...

immer han der schmus di Pech :((

Do you perhaps mean Venezuelans? I know for a fact Colombia is actually a better place to live than Brazil and actually safer despite their reputation. Also, wages are very similar and their economy is not recessionary

god-tier post