5k RLC club (aka millionaire club).
What you gonna do with all your gains? Live frugaly? Spend it all?
Ill be growing my own food and hunting.

Other urls found in this thread:


10k+ RLC club here.
I plan to travel the world.

What makes you think it's going anywhere? It's been consistently flat-lined unless it's getting listed on a new exchange. Even then it only lifts for a minute at most.

After it ixec will be the backbone of every app that can't scale on blockchain

2k poorfag here.
Live in third world country tho

Project. Distributed cloud computing is a necessity for the futur of blockchain.
They are talking with MAJOR company : IBM, Orange (French operator), and more.
They have a lot of support from big institution (openfog consortium, Inria (french MIT), Cnrs, Chinese academy of science, institute of electronics of China.

The team is the strongest of the crypto world....

For the moment, people invest their money in shitcoin, but in 3 ou 4 years, when all the shitcoin will die, some altcoin will survive and be stronger. iExec will be on of them, and i'm not joking.

Don't start that pajeet shit Xk club bullshit.
Go swallow some bleach.

Btw, they are blockchain agnositc. This is a really strong point. If one day there is a flipenning between ethereum and an other blockchain (Neo ?), they can change easily.

+ Read this if you are interested by iexec : hackernoon.com/blockchains-need-iexec-the-market-just-hasnt-realized-it-yet-5597c743cd0a

t. 0 rlc holder

Not quite, but still go fuck yourself.

I can start whatever club i like you fucking pajeet

I've given up huge amounts of Ether for this, so I hope it doesn't get outpaced by Ether.
My only concern with this project is that the project leaders are very technical and academic, and not very business-oriented, although they have released working products to customers, which is way ahead of most other cryptocurrency developers.
How long would the demand for this product fully mature? Can we stand to wait 10 years, or even 20 years before we see parabolic gains (See $AMZN)?

5500 reporting in.
Thinking about dumping more alt bags to get to 10k

2 years will be enough.

Project leaders are very technical and academic, but look at Jean Charles in the team, he is the one going to launch iexec like a rocket.

ETH as the backbone
RLC as the off-chain processor
LINK as the oracle network
ENG as the privacy protocol

What else can you add?

NEO, REQ, ARK and QASH and you are good

the supply of RLC is only 100mil so it feels a bit like buying ETH at $10 here.

What the fuck are you smoking.
This is unironically my portfolio, except with a share of XLM in there too.

I'm asking how long before iex.ec is a household name. 2 years seems aggressive.
It seems that they have grown their team a lot. I think their website listed just six or so people last year.
As for Jean-Charles, I think his photograph has meme potential. I've saved it for when RLC starts mooning.

I should drop my remaining btc on this

you will cry EOY, mark my words

Isn't the off-chain computation centralized though? sure, it uses user hardware and could get distributed to some extent, depending on the computation, but isn't it far off from the robust trustless protocol blockchain provides?

From joy?
I'm holding
23k link
6k RLC
16k xlm
2k eng
3 eth
And about 4kUSD in various shit coins.

What could I possibly being doing better?

How long do you reckon it'll take for it to take off? Planning to sell a portion of my ICX stack early next month and scooping up few k of RLC. Basically betting on ICX outperforming it in the coming weeks.

1.5k stash here /biz will i make it?

Buy more RLC with your 3 eth.

Eth is a x20 potential in 2/3 years.
RLC is a x100 potential in 2/3 years.

I know this is more risky. But High risk high reward

Hard to tell, a lot of things are lined up. Not sure if they'll have big effect.

Any specific dates coming up shortly?

Will unironically buy a bunch more when I sell my VEN after the moon mission

New partnership and new dapps in January

- One partnership announced before the end of the month.
- Result of the dappstore challenge at the end of the month.

V2 is on may, and they are hard working to get listed on more exchange as soon as possible.

nice to know.
will keep and expand rlc bag.

How popular was their dapp competition? Did they get many submissions? I hope that what I see on the dappstore is not indicative of submissions.

Results will be revealed at 31st january

They didn't talk much about the dapp challenge. They are waiting the end to reveal everything. We just know their is some submission about big data, scrapping and stuff like that (Maybe AI, but i can't remember well).

Interesting. Thanks for the info. I don't expect such relatively minor news to affect the price in current market climate.

I agree with you.

The things who can help with the price will be big partnership (i know from validated source they are in talk with ibm, and they are meeting with lot of big companies (crypto and non-crypto)) and the V2 release.

I have a feeling 2018 will be the year of REQ, LINK and RLC.

V2 eta?

May 2018. And you can be sure with 99.9 certainty that they will deliver

may 2018 : trello.com/b/SBLym0gH/iexec-roadmap


A project run by goofy professors with no business experience. Imagine your high school geography teacher running a start up. That is literally what this is

is this the new linkystyle creative fud meme?

Look at the rest of the team, fucktard

you a re gonna be bagholding for a while at this point, young shill.