How do you absolute faggots feel about the fact that you’re helping to accelerate global warming?

How do you absolute faggots feel about the fact that you’re helping to accelerate global warming?

global warming isnt real i think
i dont mine coins anyway so its ok i think

Ok so you’re just fucking retarded instead of a douchebag.

>stagnation in tecnological progress causes economic decline
>technological progress causes increased energy demand
>instead of focusing on producing more clean energy, let's kill progress

Didn't u heard ? It's the earth's core what's melting the ice


You’re fucking retarded as well. Bitcoins don’t do anything. Their price is artificially inflated on hype. Once people realize they don’t do jack shit, the market will collapse. Then blockchain tech will be adopted by real companies and you’ll all be sucking cock on the street trying to recoup your losses.

Most of the best guesses surrounding bitcoin mining energy use assume that the miner hasn't done all they can to reduce consumption, which they do, that's their profit margin after all.

Maybe it's time for humanity to produce and use energy then? Bitcoin mining is pretty small compared to other energy wasters. And before you say "But mining is useless", it's not. It's the whole thing that brings base value for cryptocurrency and secures the network. Without it fraud would be possible and the whole thing would not work.

u mad?

The sun's not going to beat me!

Every time you fart you contribute to global green house gases. You should sew up your asshole and do the world a favor and stop talking out of it.

>blockchain tech will be adopted by real companies

blockchain tech didn't just magically appear out of thin air, don't forget that bitcoin kickstarted this whole blockchain hype. that's exactly what tech progress implies, you start with an amazing concept, v1 works, but is very crude, v2 is better, v3 is perfect.

Yeah and the perfect version won’t be one made by some faggot in his garage. It will be IBM or Amazon or Google.

>IBM or Amazon or Google.
All these started by some faggot into garage, and now they are poisoned and corrupted by being centralized. For google your data is simply speculative asset.

s/into/in his/ I can't type

Pretty good, if I make virtue signaling environment faggots cry then I’m happy.

Earth is already fucked anyway.

The age of making shit in your garage is over. Are you trying to tell me Google couldn’t make superior blockchain tech if they wanted to?


Ummm user it's referred to as "climate change" now because "global warming" (much like "global cooling" decades ago) is too obviously not happening. Did you not get the memo?

If you are trying to protect global warming, you should be all over for decentralization, just saying. You realize big centralized parties are very energy ineffecient compared to people producing their own resources? This is same with cryptocurrency vs. banks.

Meh, 2018 is the peak mining year.
Ethereum switches to hybrid pos in a few months and to a full one in 2019.

Pow begins officially dying after eth flips btc. I give btc three months at most after the hybrid pos hardfork.

PoS is a nice idea, but technically is very prone to fraud compared to PoW. We'll see how casper fares.

>it's referred to as "climate change" now because "global warming" (much like "global cooling" decades ago) is too obviously not happening

I can't read the article because I've used all my free slots with previous ones.

>what is uber
>what is tesla
>what is paypal

you have no idea how corporations like google operate, do you? they spot new tech, and if they think it has massive potential, they absorb it or fund it. a competitive stance is dumb as shit for multiple reasons.

Mining is a waste of electricity but it had to be done to start off this bubble.

We need about 400 Mega Windmills to run bitcoin. I don't see the problem.

>Feds, states, and localities are trying to use muh global warming to tax mining operations now

I dont give a single shit about this planet humans or life itself the big bang started this huge mistake is time to go back to nothing

now go find stats on how much electricity, water, trees, etc. go in printing cash and mining gold.

The fucked up weather and climate is from HAARP and geoengineering, you think a bunch of chinks running GPUs affects the global weather/climate? Seriously?


Is global warming real?



You’re all going to get righteously fucked in the end. Don’t hodl too long.

That's not a real thing.
Why don't you go protest overfishing you two bit ecologist.



Imagine how many people have this opinion legitimately and also think they're decent people and not the scum of the earth.


Its bad OP. Its a fact that by the year 2016 Florida will be under water. I mean, do you need any more proof than going outside? Its fucking cold as fuck out side, further proof of global warming. Al Gore is such a great man, buying million dollar mansions on prime coastal beach front properties so he can keep a close eye on the rising sea levels.



Pretty good mate. Fuck the planet..anything for gains

Fucking great. I also run my vehicles without emissions equipment and only place them back in for the annual inspection that we have here in Netherlandistan. The gubment can go fuck itself mandating me to ruin my car with EGR and DPF when in the meanwhile the 13 biggest transport barges produce as much emissions as all of the cars in the world combined.

carbon tax shill detected.