Holy shit

> Black guy takes $125k from investors to run a car show
> Puts it all in bitconnect
> Loses it all
> Posts on legal advice subreddit asking if he can "lawsuit bitconnect"
> Russian-Israeli real estate mogul with ties to Trump is apparently one of his investors and shows up in the comments
> Says black guy is gonna pay for what he did
> Black guy posts letter to investors saying everything is fine, another ponzi has come to save us
> Investor guy demands black guy answer his phone
> Black guy disappears
> People worried about black guy and don't know where he is

Is this real life biz?


Other urls found in this thread:


> People worried about black guy
Fake and gay

And nothing of value was lost

that was the most obvious bait post ever you retard, kys

>Jew invests in a nigger

What exactly is bait, faggot?

Haha holy fuck it's real. How the fuck does BCC only manage to attract the dumbest niggers in society? This shit is hilarious

ma laaaaaaaf saaaaaiiiiiiiiins maaaaaan ya know? ya know?

Lol awesome

How are those shit coins doing smart intelligent white investor

this dude fucked up, i would laugh but i think he might of killed himself


Reminder that bitconnect is based in India.

>Answer your phone RIGHT NOW

It's not fake, dig through those profiles and you'll see he's really just retarded

I didnt do nothin wrong tho. I just invest money to make more money for show. Was sposed to get 30% more money each month.

dindu nuffin

>i would laugh but i think he might of killed himself
You have to go back.

i make more money than you from cryptos dude, you go back and learn to trade before you talk shit on my board again faggot

whats with black people and bitconnect?

>$125k from investors to run a car show
>Russian-Israeli real estate mogul with ties to Trump is apparently one of his investors and shows up in the comments
>Says black guy is gonna pay for what he did

So a rich and powerful real estate mogul was just one of his investors, and the total investment from all these investors was only $125k?

Let's just say the rich jewish guy invested the entire amount, $125k.

Maybe these seems like alot of money to you, or a poor negro, but this is actually nothing. For a rich real estate mogul, it would be pocket change. It would be something he spends on a car or a watch. You can't even buy a semi-decent house for $125k.

Why would the guy waste his time even giving this nigger a thought about losing such a small amount of money?

>heard about BTC and ETH skyrocketing and making people millionaires
>blacks want to get in on it but don't like to research
>new coin shows up claiming to make them rich via the same bubble phenomenon but only if you get in quick nigga invest now
>"Hmm... I don't know, looks shady-
>music videos come out

because hes a kike and they have short arms and deep pockets. thats why they are kikes

>I invest my companys funds in a ponzi and they run wit da money. I need money for March when we havin the car show. I gots to pay my workers and staff. Can I lawsuit the ponzi people for my money back? I need it by March. THX

do niggers really write like that? what the fuck literally WH40k orks

Fuck, the way he types, I hope he got killed.
Fucking retard.

my wife says its a scam, heyhehyeyhehyyyy

hit me up in the comments cuz i dunno

Crypto has made you lose touch with reality. It's common for investors to drop 10 or 20 grands on a bunch of small projects with the expectation to get their money back most of the time and the occasional moonshot making it worth it. You're thinking with your average Veeky Forumstard mentality of going all in on a shitcoin. Investors throw their money at 20 different projects and refunnel their profits into solid businesses with lower returns.

Up 160k from 5k since Oct hbu?

They usually talk and text worse than this. This is him trying to sound official and smart. You have to remember to that most American blacks are functionally illiterate.

This is why you don't do business with niggers.