Post your blockfolios, tell us what kind of hit you’ve taken. Or if you’re not retarded, tell us what coin you’re buying in this comfy dip
Blockfolio thread - carnage edition
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Make money even in this bear market...
discord dot gg/6ddqFHd
Down from 150K€
I’m going to get on one of these discord’s out of curiosity one day, and I better not here any pajeets
Still up from a 150$ start in the beginning of December lol
Nice job, keep buying what you can every little bit counts
Still have some January profit all december profit I don't care hold
Dropping $7k in today, thinking of spitting three ways between NEO, VEN and ICX, any advice?
bought some wish because that chart is looking ripe as fuck
how am I doing?
made 1btc since december
I'm actually retarded
I'm gonna win right?
Aaaaahhhhhhhh....still up 120% for the month
I thought horse was a meme
I was 30k before crash, I haven't even opened delta since
Can we please get someone to drop malware in one of these shit discords?
cant complain
How has ethclassic been for u? A good investment?
I personally don’t know much about neo, but I think VEN and ICX are good bets, I’ll be increasing both of my stacks next paycheck
Is this a troll? If not then I admire your bravery on the memecoins
Good safe choices all three will have big years. For your folio in general I'd be holding aion as a hedge against all of your ark just because what they want to achieve is like ark but better plus they have partnerships already. Ark has the time advantage but still, the blockchain interoperality alliance is going to be a big deal this year.
trying out coins for first time, bought at ATH (8.2) even though I knew not to rip. at least it will teach me a lesson so when I drop 500-1500$ I will know what to do
Thanks for the advice, I've been in ARK since May and probably missed a lot of moons being deluded. I will sell off 1/4 once it goes back to $10 and diversify.
I'm a bit in the dark with AION but I will read into them.
Thinking of building up ICX
wtf was that Spike
Doing ok
>€52,000 in XRB
Godspeed my friend.
Still comfy with $10k initial investment, gonna hold for a long time
Going to work at sea for 3 months in a week. Any changes? Otherwise i'll be holding this
This is a joke right?
The first time getting the shaft hurts, but you get used to it.
Looks like he spent loads of fiat right before everything started crashing
No joke. I like my daddy ETH and his token bitches
you can make fun of his shitcoin choice, but i'm willing to bet by virtue of having 80% eth 3 months from now he'll have better % returns than the meme portfolios ITT, should they hold for that same period of time
I fucking suck at this. Guys how do i get to 10k so i can go all in on something?
Started out with less than $10k cad
Also live in maplesyrupland so its worth like 135k cad to me.
I look at my blockfolio in usd because I am not a cuck.
>i discovered crypto in november 2017: the blockfolio
Name one portfolio itt and wagers, I'll create a smart contract so I can bet against you.
bought tokenGRAM's 100.000 to my portfolio, it will TO THE MOON)
Pick mine ;) ecc will go x50 this year and id love to see ethereum match that kek
you seem awfully positive for someone who was up above $180k and now only $100k
im canuck as well and similar looking portfolio, started with $7k, reached $115k a few weeks ago, now at like $62k kinda mad but whatever
AGI ICO hit market. Ico price ten cents, hit two dollars, back down to 65 cents
My high was 21,000. From 6k
I'm the guy that wants to bet on you, not the other way around.
Should we make a bookie on the blockchain with bets on prices? Did we reinvent options?
My portfolio are long term holds. I also work in the oil patch and earn a decent wage. Since I am away for so long I dont spend much (today is day 21). I also have a loving gf who refuses to make me pay for rent ( she owns the condo we live in and says I dont spend enough time there so she refuses to take my money).
Besides we are at war against the banksters....this will either be the greatest transfer of wealth in our lifetime or we all go down with the ship.
Zero or Hero no in between I am going for the high score.
not bad user, take some risk though with a small percentage, if you had put 1k into LINK's ico you would have 10k more right now.
I need this to turn to 100k in 1 year. What do I do
Start making $1000 bets on low caps that have the potential to go 10x.
Keep dry powder for dips.
Is there a large difference between trading BTC or ETH? Does it depend on the Alts you want? I don't want to keep switiching back and forth between them and losing from fees.
Down 20k from a couple weeks ago.
I’m getting real tired of my portfolio looking like some sort of sick joke.
Keep FUN/NEO. Get some ICX (icon)
>all in in a shitcoin
i mean.. do you hate money or something?
Is this a larp?
oh no you lost like $40...
This is the only way I even have a small chance of making it, right anons?
It hurts to look, I was up to $5000 at one point this month, and now all my gains are mostly gone.
But both of these coins are hitting new exchanges this month hopefully, so I may end the month over $2000.
You have less than 24 hours to buy cheap Ven. All three are promising yet I expect bull run for ven in 24 hours.
I will go back into some alts post bear market, I just don't think it's time yet