This will 100% go 10x-100x

This will 100% go 10x-100x.

Thank me later.

Other urls found in this thread:

Every one of these crypto cards has been a shitshow

wtf is this? How is that even a credential?

That just sounds like a made up major to get more $$ from students. It's the women's studies of Europe.

Kek what the actual fuck? He could have said economics or computer science. You know, something plausible. Fucking doctorate of philosophy in crytpo hahahah scam.

I'm a student at KU Leuven and I can assure you that we do not have a major like that. This guy is bullshitting you

If Team.Lithuanian >0 Then GTFO

>PhD in poopcoins

I just snorted out loud irl

My Scam sense is tingling

Brainlets. Maybe know how Ph.D. studies are defined before pretending to be smart on the internet.

If Antanas Guoga is actually an advisor, then it may be quite a serious project.

This is simply not true.

He's stating the truth, and it can be found out by googleing.

Project groups at KU Leuven:

It's a research group for bitcoin and crypto.

On the right side click 'Onderzoeksgroep' (research unit) at the promotor part --> it points to unit 50000232 --> open the tab 'Personen verbonden aan deze eenheid' (persons in this unit) --> search for 'Vytautas Karalevicius' and he's in there.

Stop believing in FUD retards and investigate.

Gee I wonder who made this thread

Team is Lithuanian. Pass.

The guy who has clearly done more research than you?


Typical lithuanian scam tactics

Is there a history of Lithuanian crypto scams or something?

Alongside Lon Wong, 2 MEPs and actual marketing and PR experts. BNK is going to $1 very fast when its up and running.

No, they're just being retards. The creator of NEM is an advisor, as well as Antanas Guoga (Tony G), who was a member in the European Parliament.

Not to even start about that sweet Japanese pucci

No, just Lithuanians being the jews of Eastern Europe and sapping any kind of outside funds they can get. That’s why the country is (still) such a shithole

That does not make sense

So, any actual cases of "snapping any kind of outside funds"?

Nice try, faggot. We've got CRISPR.

Unironically just bought 6k
Tikiuosi manęs šitie vaikai neišdūrė.

Išdūrė, seniuk..
Ne šiaip tai pats kažkiek turiu, bet per daug nesitikiu.

neshillinkit kol ICO nesibaigė, aš noriu likusių tokenų dalies :(

This is worse than that LIFE card bullshit

ya blew it

Make a list of points that proves your statement, otherwise btfo.


trips dont lie

Jaučiu apipis nes kartiožnikas yra tar advaisorių

Nu ką anonsai, į mėnulį? Ir jo, neshillinam lopam, nelabai jie įkirs kas ir kaip čia kol dėl exchange'ų fomint nepradės

idomu kaip pakonkuruos pasaulio mastu, laukiu

You all are retards and I feel shame that I share same heritage with you. Probably some of you have gypsie blood in veins.

Aš netikiu, kad kas nors gali būti toks imbicilas jog pirktų storojo autisto banko žetonus. Tai yra anti tezė crypto. Steigti jobana banką crypto reikalams. Jūs gal blet pamiršote jog crypto sukurta, kad būtų galima atsipisti nuo bankų

and you're retarded to think crypto only has one use case

Heard of XRP?

>lietuvis linkis

And you are cuck if you invest in a fucking bank without same guarantees of regular bank. Bankera is literally anti thesis of crypto. It's even worse than cripple. Why don't you just invest in laundromat, you fucking mouth breather?

Turiu virš vieno milijono linkiu. Tu net neįsivaizduoji mano Autizmo spektro

Virš milijono? Nu tada pagarba.
Už kiek pirkai?

In the end only the blue chip cryptos will gain normie adoption because of institutions. After that you can start memeing about decentralization and your anarcho capitalist wet dreams, faggot.



Vidurkis 20 centų. Nueik į 370 chan ir rasi mano Autizmo apraiškas. Ten vietinius konsultuoju dėl crypto, kaip jakilaicio avatar fag'u
Sure thing honey, just suck tony g fat cock. You also should invest in černobilis real estate. I heard its at all time low

did you read what i linked you yeast infected spastic cunt?

Fucking hell, 370 dar egzistuoja?
Pamenu kaip kūriau gyčio su šampanu mymus.
>autizmas intensyvėja

Yea, it’s been disproven as paid competitor fud, faggot.

Which if you read what I posted you fucking gypsie of a cunt, would confirm what you said. Fucking normie newfag faggot that can't tell of b8. Kys

Gyvas, bet labai lokalus. Primena kaip susirašinėjimai laiškais

Crypto ain't free. The secure transactions gotta be litterd with centralization and regulations.
Bankera aka "Scamera" is not my blue chip. It is Lithuanian pump and dump and probably Jewish as well. Visa and Amex, not Bloomberg and Finance ok.
Praise Ripple.
- direct partnership with mastercard
- finished product
- launching at the end of this month
- na first, then europe.
you'd be stupid to take this coin created by a bunch of rats over stack

Bankera is already giving out debit cards and dividend payments are already being made.