Save me!

> invest 900 € at ETH all time high
> do bad trades
> market plummets
> all altcoin positions become worthless
> be at 500€ and still falling

I am a poor newfag and i am panicking hard. I know selling won't save me so I wanna buy more and wait for a golden future.

I need to make 400 just to break even and I have 1400 to invest.

Can user name me 1-3 blue chips that will 2-3x by eoy.

I dont know if this is allowed but I would offer 100€ in ETH in december if you pull me out of the gutter.

No moon missions. I am done with altcoins for now, last two Veeky Forums coins i bought dipped harder than anything else I had.

Sorry but you're too stupid, as you can see this isn't easy money, get out before you get eaten alive.
Otherwise stop listening to fucking Veeky Forums for starters and do your own research, don't fomo and learn from your mistakes, you're doining literally everything that you shouldn't do right? Then take note of that and don't repeat your mistakes.

Try this discord group for more advice /HUZqWY

>discord group
I hate this board so fucking much. Btw op everyone is losing money right now, they best thing to do is sit out the storm rather than trying to chase your loses

Mate, crypto might just implode any day now. BTC is on the edge of a cliff looking down with no bottom in sight. Nothing is certain now. You're still somewhat lucky because despite buying ath at least it's ETH which you can put in some ICO. Either that or try your luck riding some McAffe or PBC pumps. If you're super fast you can make your losses back. The last PBC coin, CND is still pumping, too late to get in now, ofc.

It was 900. Consider it a life lesson and move on

Buy ADST and wait patiently one month.

>Nothing is certain now
im certain your a faggot and this happens every year without fail

Buy Bitconnect dip. You'll be rich in 3 months.

>Buying into fallen Ponzi

>everyone is losing money right now
Nah, I am in stock right now, made 20%. Normalfags return to traditional trading and so the money.

You are an evil man

This year is different, WS has the power to short this fucker down to $1k an increase their stack scooping up cheap from all the weak handed faggots selling. By the time WS will be done with you losers you'll be BEGGING for regulations.


i did buy ADST. it's below ICO price right now. hodling it.

Invest in some decent coins now if you havent done so already. Walk away from crypto until December 2018.

You should now have around 10k EUR.

>File: i856g4pqc5401.png (855 KB, 1000x1189)
>This year is different, WS has the power to short this fucker down to $1k an increase their stack scooping up cheap from all the weak handed faggots selling. By the time WS will be done with you losers you'll be BEGGING for reg
fuck off

that is the plan. which decent coins should i get, is the question.

Buy FUN today, recoup your losses by the weekend.


>lose half
>make it back
>lose half again

and only then, user, you're ready to start learning and earning