Youtuber is broke because bitcoin crashed

this guy whines about being broke because bitcoin crashed.


how can he be broke. Bitcoin is still worth something. What a cunt.

Wasn't bitcoin at ath when this video was posted?

damn, he know the word 'fluctuates', must have been a valedictorian in high school

I love watching these videos

Sounds like this dumb e-celeb wastrel is looking for an excuse to get out of explaining he spent all his money on designer sneakers and an overpriced apartment with what little he makes of YouTube, honestly hope this obvious pathological liar offs himself.

>I blame it all on nate

Nigga blaming his friend, classic normie

look guys, he's not going to axe for symptathy

>i bought at 20k

i just finished the movie and i got pranked epically by this man


22/12 was 13,7k, down from 19k a few days prior

Oh it was a joke vid

pretty good acting desu

>have 300k
>BTC drops 40%
>im in debt right now bruh


around 8:30
"it's probably going down more next week and then I am not able to eat *stares at camera"

top kek

ITT: people who didn't skip to the end. goddamn, you all are dumber than you think this dude is

fucking morons

He should’ve invested into bitconnect, he’d be swimming in cash

Man niggers don't make it easy to line them.
"Erm gib mub doop much fuggah muh butcoin right hur"
*smacks lips*
*sniff sniff*

most stupid video ive ever seen.
is it only niggers on biz?