This is all a bad joke right? It says FUN is at 0,09$ on CoinMarketCap...

This is all a bad joke right? It says FUN is at 0,09$ on CoinMarketCap. People on Telegram are telling me that FUN is not even 0,03$ worth now? If this is real, Im ruined. Like really fucking ruined. I have nothing left. I put everything I had into this, because I trusted them. Literally all of my familys savings are in FUN, because a friend told me the risk was worth it. Are you telling me I lost everything? 50,000$ gone like nothing? Im so angry right now. My wife doesnt know yet. She will come home soon. What am I going to fucking tell her. How am I suppossed to care for my family now? I have literally nothing right now. My wife has two sons and I am unemployed. How am I suppossed to take care of them now??? I hope someone pays for this mess. If not with money then with a sentence.

Its .025 right where i bought in

Lotta FUN fud lately. Something in the pipes orrr?

Should I buy some now?

the fuck are you on about OP? its $.09 on binance and bittrex

The fuck is wrong with you investing in literal FUNnymoney at ATH?

I laugh every time I read this.


just the same few guys making shitposts on Veeky Forums about it

likely in hopes of accumulating at a lower price

as usual; do the opposite as what Veeky Forums says

it's $0.09 on bittrex you fucking larper.

>How am I suppossed to care for my family now? I have literally nothing right now.

Thanks reddit

>My wife has two sons
I like this part.

>two underprivileged black kids

>invested in a coin for gambling
>the investing was a gabmle

This one is getting pretty stale


rest easy knowing there are people out there that paid $0.19 for their FUN and it will soon be worth under $0.01, literally a negative 19x


brehs ive only got 5 eth, do i just put half into FUN and sleep for a year?

I would buy now and wait until Feb 5-9 or until the first casino starts using it before selling. Wouldn't recommend it as a long-term hold personally.

> D-daddy why do we have to move out? I like it here.. Do we have to live on the street now? Why Daddy?

Because some people on a Japanese imageboard told me to put my life savings into a casino memecoin on a bearish internet market.

>B-but why Daddy? Why did you do that?

It was FUN.