I'm so fucking sick of you newfag /pol/acks posting on my board with your memefag "hur jump in guys" threads. This is Veeky Forums. Making money comes first.
Nobody gives a fuck about your opinions, sourceless calls, what you should invest your inheritance on, your disdain for crypto or your fucking identity politics (you faggots are as bad as the leftist cunts you hate).
To be relevant to making money, provide something to the thread you're starting instead of trying to hang out with likeminded faggots like yourself.
It can be as simple as posting upcoming events and/or announcements.
> VeChain is based in Singapore, but was owned by and branched off from BitSe
> BitSe is owned by China- speculation suggests VEN is Chinese in all but name
> Jim Breyer is investing into VEN; breyercapital.com
> Jim Breyer was Forbes Magazines number 1 tech investor from 2011 to 2013
> VeChain is partnered with PwC, a company with more annual revenue than McDonalds
> VeChain claims DNVGL will announce partnership by the end of Jan
> DNVGL announced on twitter they'll be hosting a Facebook Live Event with VeChain on the 24th of Jan
> DNVGL has an annual revenue of over $20bil
> VeChain is rebranding to VET on the 26th of FEB
> VeChain is currently being trial'd in Chinese provinces- suggesting strong govt backing
> VeChain CEO already stated there will be Fortune 500 companies launching ICO's on their platform
VEN (VET) General
Thanks, just bought at 150. Will I make it?
Wow you want us to buy VeChain how brilliant
its a pretty good project i think
it depends on if the market does well i think
also if PBoC pans out i think
I'm not spoonfeeding these pajeets and brainlets tyvm,
besides if they can't even do 5 mins of DYOR then they don't have the capacity to hold this coin for long enough to even make profit
they'll fall to FUD and degeneracy but I appreciate your effort in trying to bring some rationality in this forsaken desolate echochamber
Don't believe the people who say VEN has a product. Here's the facts:
>Jim Bayer already dumped his bags at $9.
>No white paper.
>Huge sell walls are people who bought in at 30 cents dumping there bags on you.
>Even once Thor comes out they won't be more then $1 each.
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: All of biz has bought this coin and biz never makes it.
My advice to you: Sell VEN and buy something else you guys are worse then linkies now.
Set yourself a goal, then judge for yourself
I don't care if you do. What I want is less useless newfag posts shitting up my board.
like biz has any impact whatsoever on the big coins like Ven go fucking kill yourself fucking pajeet shit for brains
Dude. FUD faze is over. We are now shilling.
100k$. Can you judge for me? should I daytrade VEN? There's pretty clear patterns, it'll go up about 10-15% sat and then dip some. But some say I shouldn't with VEN.
Goddamn, see
People calling this another tron should obviously kill themselves, like wtf
You're the kind of newfag I hate. Why the fuck would you post in a thread about your investment if you didn't want to talk about it?
Why wouldn't you post reasons to invest into your coin so anons can at the very least, pick it apart and assess it?
FUD is good. Shilling is good. Being lazy is bad.
Source on the Jim Breyer dump? His website says he's still invested
How do you know the price of Thor?
Veeky Forums has made me more money than i'd ever get being a wageslave. It's newfags like you will never make it because you try to follow the Veeky Forums hivemind instead of making decisions for yourself.
I understand you're probably a VEN holder that's self fudding for fun like linkies do, but fuck sake up your game a little bit. FUD in a way that's at least a little bit constructive.
I don't think VEN will reach $1000 any time soon if at all. My goal is to unload and reallocate my VEN at either $50 or $100. If your goal is $100k, then i'd suggest planning out your investment schedule and trading for the next 6 months atleast. Holding can work, but you're better off setting yourself a trading trajectory/plan imo.
Unless you plan to inject FIAT into other currencies. Either way, making $100k this year should be very achievable.
don't pretend you're smart, pajeet
The circular logic of /pol/acks calling good investments pajeet coins. Are you all secretly envious of the Indian's because they're culturally the most Aryan?
I don't fucking care, but I know that fact triggers you faggots from /pol/
What do you reckon tomorrow's announcement will be?
Not an argument....pajeet
>Are you all secretly envious of the Indian's because they're culturally the most Aryan?
lmfao, I knew you are a pajeet. You know what to do now don't you?
Uh oh prepare for low caste chimpout.
thanks just bought 100k
Ok listen up biz coss I am fucking sick of this god damn bullshit fuckery you keep spewing onto the web all fucking day long! You don't want to mess with me I eat fucking mustard covered stun-guns for lunch god damn it! I don't need to dip it in ketchup! Do you think I'm afraid to steal a gun from an armed policeman??! I got 8 Sovjet cold war graded AK-47s just laying in my bedroom closet armed with uranium filled exploding bullets! That's how casual I am! What the fuck do you think I say to the low life McDonald's person when he asks me if I want my tripple double whooper with cuecomber on the side? My fucking titanium forged platinum steel teeth won't have that shit! I trade cryptos! I drive lambos! I make ten fucking grand $$$ each trade while caring fuck about ratings! I could get a fucking 9-5 job at Wall Street any day of the week but why would I join a group of pussies?!! Every CEO would suck my dick and fondle my balls just to get me to trade for them! I dont give a fuck about fundamentals I'm here to make money bitch! I dump on you fags! Margin is my fucking middle name! You think 100x is bad try 1000x bitch! I steal you're cheap ass discount coins when you run crying to your mother making millions of your weak hands! I'm not the hero you wanted I'm the monster you needed!
Announcing the partnership officially (as VeChain said they would) with some details on the the partnership entails.
ie. rough idea on how closely DNVGL will be working with VeChain and what they will contribute to development and progression.
I'm hoping it's nothing too unexpectedly good as I plan accumulate before the rebrand in Feb.
I just know how to trigger you /pol/ faggots- point out the hypocrisy in your own arguments. Same formula as the leftist cunts invading my countries uni campuses now.
because this is Veeky Forums you fucking inbred? if you think any of your fuckery has any impact than you're delusional
>justifying being a useless newfag with "this is Veeky Forums!!"
I believe it will be over 1'000$
1) The current undervaluation is still insane. With the partnerships they have announced so far, this is already at least a Top 5 coin. So I give it x5 for current undervaluation (10B market cap right now would seem pretty fair to me compared to other coins).
2) The Thor rewards system (mainnet launch late Q2) will put more value in the VET coin because of ROI. My expectation is that this will increase value by x3 ceteris paribus (meaning this will be on top of 1) I'm not even counting in too much the reduced supply because all the nodes will be stacked earning Thor and the "real" market supply (coins that will actually be traded) will be much lower, price pressure upwards, right?
3) There are many more partnerships under NDA right now that have yet to be revealed. I expect something big in the few next months. But let's try to be very conservative here and assume that all the new partners announced in 2018 will give you an additional x2.
4) Business expanding through DNV GL, PWC. There is obviously something big to be announced 24th of January in the Live Facebook stream from DNV GL and we have a rebranding coming 26th of February. So lots of factors able to push the price up. I won't factor it in at all though (let's see it as a Joker) Let's say it doesn't have an additional impact or is factored in the other 4 topics.
5) TMC growth this year will probably be at least x5, and I'd say it's safe to assume that Vechain will grow at least in proportion to the market growth. x5 is super conservative again, it could be more something like x10 actually.
So now some quick maths (my assumption is that all the 5 factors are completely independent): 8$ (current price)x 150 (x5x3x2x1x5) = 1200$
Every factor works independently, is IMO more than realistic and leads to a total growth potential that seems totally feasible. Could be 2-3 x higher, could be 2-3x lower but it will be in that range if not for a major crypto market meltdown.
DNV-GL IS partnered with VEN.
Just check their Facebook - tomorrow they will have a LIVE video on Facebook from DNV-GL's headquarters in Oslo at 14:00. Not sure what burgertime that translates to
So you made it to Australia, pajeet? How did that change you?
What do you do there, do you clean loos for a living?
Do you still squat in the streets?
I squat in your mothers house and I clean her asshole as payment. Australia really is the land of opportunity.
I agree on the fact that it's heavily undervalued at the moment, however it would need about a 280bil market cap to be worth $1000. I can see that happening eventually, but definitely not in the short-mid term.
Let's meet EOY
Seriously considering taking another $10k usd out of my savings and buying more VEN.
That would leave me with $10k to live on for the year, and would probably mean I have to scrape profits on the way up. Have no additional income currently....dont really want to work....
I'm pretty deep into VEN myself- I read over your post again. I hope you're right, but scepticism is healthy imo.
> claims Veeky Forums is usefull
> feels a sense of entitelment being on some obscure website
sad chimp, glad you found your online tribe where you belong, chimp away pajeet
Nobody gives a fuck about entitlement user. This is Veeky Forums, everybody is a virgin wizard unless proven otherwise. Now fuck off because I cast my lightning bolt
My prediction post got dubs, it can't be wrong. Approved by Veeky Forums god
Whats the general consensus on PBoC ties? I know there is already strong government ties for vechain but I can't really see what benefit a partnership with vechain would bring PBoC. I can see them releasing their own coin on the vechain blockchain but other than that I think it's reaching a bit.
Why are Norwegians on the forefront of things? It's like when their mining company Element said they were giving the workers the option to get paid in btc, and now DNVGL
you're truly disgusting, pajeet
Preach brother
they have the luxury of not giving a fuck about money, because the oil fund for their country and low number of citizens
they can experiment however they want with very little repercussions
No product, not even a white paper. If you bought this you deserve to lose money.
Thanks I just bought 100K
Arguments for VeChain being a scam
>No white paper
>They are Chinese
Arguments for it not being a scam
>DNV-GL is partnered with them and they are doing a joint announcement tomorrow
>PwC partnership
>Chinese Tobacco partnership
>Jim Breyer invested in them and joined as an advisor
Hmm. It's a scam guys. They don't have a white paper.
damn, thanks
sold my 20k
Please don’t use ceteris parabis to sound smart, you sound like a first year econ student
ya think?
Im holding VEN but I think $1k is stretching it.
$100-200 should be good EOY.
how low is it going this time?
I need to buy the dip
I bought 3 VEN when it was like $5
I'm gonna drop the whole shit when it's $12 so better duck&cover.
>'buy the dip' with bitcoin/eth when btc/eth also crash equally hard
btw btc is going to 5k
Holding on kucoin will the rebrand make any difference to me?
No bullshit time. I started in Crypto late by most standards (May 2017) and saw a TON of FUD around some really great coins, but also saw a lot of FUD and genuine distaste for bullshit scams (Confidio, anyone?). I can say this looks and feels on all levels like the Antshares FUD. This is, and will, be a monster business in the sphere and it WILL increase in value this year. I can't say it will hit $1,000, or even $100, but to me $50 isn't out of the question.
You are an idiot and you will lose everything taking risks like this.
Never invest more than you can afford to lose
You are approaching this problem incorrectly. Instead, you need to understand what Vechain is trying to accomplish and where they will obtain revenue. By the way, vechain will be the first blockchain dev team to be operating at a "profit" within the next year. If you are running a node you are going to be entitled to part of the profit due to THOR being bought by enterprises for transaction fees. I built a spreadsheet to calculate the value of VET/THOR based on a reasonable ROI of 5%. How much do you expect enterprises to spend on THOR in 5 years if it becomes widely used? 10 billion usd? 60 billion usd? If you divide total enterprise spending on the THOR network divided by maximum annual thor generation (If 100% of all coins are being used to generate thor all year) you will find a reasonable equilibrium price of THOR. You can extrapolate that price to VET assuming that most investors would not pay more for a token with less than 5% roi. At a 60 billion USD annual revenue from THOR the price per VET/THOR would be around 1400/410 USD. That's about a 20 P/E ratio.
all in on ven. portfolio still down 50% from ath, but still in the green overall.
you convinced me. time to all in my 1 eth on ven
Depending on how many nodes there should be around 500,000 THOR a day.
LTC mines $3,000,000 worth a day.
500,000 THOR * $6 = $3,000,000 a day
Plus 70% of THOR gets burned after use.
So I could see THOR being a couple dollars starting off. There will be many people using THOR day 1.
The higher the THOR price the more people that will want to buy and hold VEN to generate THOR.
Or the less people becoming a node means a higher THOR price for those generating THOR.
You can't lose buying a shitload of VEN.
Even their non-white paper doesn't even seem that unreasonable. Considering the problem of transaction fees and latency problems using blockchain for carrying data about inanimate objects seems like a really intuitive/reasonable idea.
You have to go back.
I'm sick of all the VEN euphoria of the last few days but honestly, their non-white paper is as good, or even better, than quite a lot of actual white papers out there
VEN is offically a normie coin even normie youtubers are name dropping it, I can't stand the reddit fucks that own this coin. I'm cashing out.
>Iota lel plebbit coin enjoy your bags normies!!
Internet is also a normie thing, so stop using it right now, faggot.
Why are you surprised normies take notice of a coin after it has gone up 3000%? You got in back in early December right user? You aren't a normie are you?
Better no whitepapper than a copypasta-one like in TRON case xD
"I base my investments on a photo a redditor posted, I would have no fucking clue who Breyer was otherwise. I also dont understand the tech but i deserve a 100x return"
>Jim Breyer invested in VeChain
>Jim Breyer has a photo with Xi Jinping
It's still better indicator to buy, than trusting random shill on this board.
Really is no counter argument to this. People have to dance around it and FUD Breyer or say a man with a higher net worth than VeChains cap and more connections in China than any other westerner was bribed to shill it.
What is more likely? The man described above was bribed or he has access to insider information and that is why he invested and joined the board?
jim breyer already dumped his bags hence the big dip.
yea Breyer "dumped his bags" 3 days after joining as an official advisor you virgin
See what I mean? You get shit like this. Baseless claims because they don't have a counter argument.
Do you actually believe that? Follow up question, were you dropped on your head as a baby?
d-do you guys think i could start flipping this coin
its not gonna suddenly launch into space, right?
I pretty much have no energy left to shill VEN to people. It's such an obvious slam dunk. If you didn't dive in head first after Breyer joined as an advisor, then you'll be fomo'ing in at $10, $15, $20, $50, etc. The doubt actually makes this a more comfy hold, because the fomo crowd will help pump the price up faster in the future. I actually can't blame normies for not recognizing this, because they're currently being dazzled by brilliant marketing by the Tron chink and overpumped shit like Ripple and BCash. VeChain just isn't as flashy.
Everyone isn't supposed to make it. Most people will hold bags. Others will hold VEN.
Indeed. I bought this the second I saw Breyer was in. There is no genuine retort to this point. The man knows his shit, so why is he so involved?
I have no idea where this coin is going to end up and people predicting prices really fucking annoy me, but I think its fairly clear its going to do well unless the whole market implodes, and even then its one of the few coins with fundamentals to survive that.
Just to play devil's advocate, aren't the world's billionaires invested in tens of thousands of different companies (at the very least)?
Do Wall St traders piss themselves with excitement just because a billionaire is on board with a stock?
I'm in VEN too, but I really think the Breyer excitement feels a little naive. It's a good sign, but if literally everything billionaires touched turned to gold, then every trader would be a billionaire.
I bought back in mid December before Breyer was even in. He came out with an article shilling it on Christmas and after that any time I was close to or thinking of selling I remembered the article. Then he officially invested and after that joined the advisory board.
My reasoning is that he knows far more about investing and the market than I do. So far it's worked out well. Nothing but positives and I'm turbo comfy on my 80K stack.
One more word about Breyer.
Guys like this don't get caught with their pants down. Tech investing is his world, he's literally an expert at picking winners. And Chinese winners, in particular. His wife works in the Bank of China, and there are several photos of Breyer getting face time with President Xi. He's probably the most connected foreigner in all of China. To think that he is "gambling" on VeChain is ridiculous. Someone with his connections is able to verify whether the Chinese gov't rumors are legit BEFORE he buys a single VEN token.
>Others will hold VEN.
Breyer Capital is only invested in ETH and VEN.
Yes, they have a bunch of other tech and media companies in their portfolio, but only 2 cryptos. It isn't like they're holding bags of Cardano, Ripple and Stellar. They've chosen the sure thing that they were able to confirm with their gov't connections.
215 VEN microballer reporting in
This is true and a good point. I agree that it doesn't mean VEN is going to turn into gold, as I said I have no idea what pricepoint this coin will end up at. However it is a great indicator that its a legitimate project with a good future at the very least.
$1,000 + 2019 cucks deal with it
Agreed-- the cypto market is such a wild west place that any sign of legitimacy already puts a coin above the competition. On the flip-side, that's probably also why most investment groups won't touch crypto with their money yet...
My price prediction is $150 EOY.
I'm holding this but you retards don't actually believe this will hit $1000 do you? You realize it would have a 800 billion market cap at that point right?
>The man knows his shit, so why is he so involved?
That's like buying into Bancor because Tim Draper was involved. Seems kind of retarded to buy in just because of some VCs whose intentions and stakes you don't really know
It's funny because the CDRP test they ran with PwC is one of the most boring and yet incredibly significant news drops they have done. They are legitimizing crypto and setting standards for it as used in business.
You obviously have no clue how VCs work.
You invest in 100 projects with a fairly good potential, 99 of these fail and 1 succeeds and makes you a profit.
This guy, Breyers, may not even remember if he has vchain or chinachain or whatever in his portfolio.
Normies are invested in Tron and Ripple because they think it will flip Bitcoin and be worth $200B.
Could you imagine if VEN had Justin Sun take over their marketing? We would be top 5 in 2 weeks..
He literally joined the advisory board a few days ago and tweeted an article he wrote about doing so.
List for me the other 100 crypto he has invested in.
So, he's written 2 articles specifically about VeChain, yet you're he might not remember which crypto he's invested in?
t. cuck