For this fucking VEN bubble to pop? I don't think anything would be better right now than to see all these deluded fucks holding bags of their scam chinkcoin.
I LITERALLY cannot go on cryptocurrency subreddit without getting cancer from all the moontalkers and bike helmet wearers. These fucking morons are ACTUALLY convinced this coin is gonna hit $1000 EOY. Worst part is, they're starting to litter this board with their garbage now too.
Let me be very clear: if you're still holding this for the next 2 weeks (absolute max amount of time I give it before it implodes) you WILL lose everything and panic sell the bottom like the dumb fuck you are.
>"B-b-b-buut muh partnerships"
You realize this fucking scam has been around for ages right? I've had some VEN since it was literally 20 cents at the beginning of December, and its gone over 40x since? If you don't this this is a bubble, and that its gonna keep going up- you seriously deserve to lose everything.
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-uuuuuut MUH TECH"
Look at the btc chart of ETH and NEO summer 2017.
>inb4 OP just mad he sold VEN early I sold at $5, happy with 25x gains. Have fun with your bags you fucking mouthbreathers
Brody Rogers
You doth protest too much, but I agree.
VEN is good but face it, it's already mooned, it's going to correct hard and soon.
Liam Martin
stfu u retard and stay poor
Brandon Wilson
>I sold at $5, happy with 25x gains you don't sound happy i'm not saying you're wrong but that part makes it sound like you're hoping for a correction so you can buy back in not that you actually know what's going to happen
Julian Sanders
kek someone didnt make any profit
Alexander Moore
Seriously they’re the lowest IQ brainlets on the web. Literally they’re scared as fuck of Walton and constantly bash it all day because they know it’s a coin with fundamentals and not just hype and muhhh partnershipssss muhhhhhhhh
Jace Hall
I think OP is butthurt he didn’t sell at $9
Lucas Mitchell
Friendly reminder Tron hit 18B before it corrected and it's a shitcoin. Ven is only at 2B and isn't even in the top 15.
It's still undervalued. Deal with it.
Owen Gonzalez
DnV GL news coming tomorrow. See you all at 15$
Aiden White
i am more than 900x and still buying, what about that?
Samuel Perez
Op just mad he sold VEN early lmao
Ian Young
Obvious brainlets.
This is the average response of venjeets
Mason Taylor
Walton is a project with good fundamentals Vechain is also a project with good fundamentals where did the idea come from that only one thing can be good?
Liam Flores
Still the only coin of the PRC.
Jack Butler
Yes icx will crash back to $1, Walton back to $5 and lumens back to $0.05. Fucking cuck. You ent getting cheap bags, iam holding till 2019 minimum. Poorfags shitcunt
Joshua Lewis
Ven is hype, Walton is fundamentals.
Walton is releasing their mainnet and master nodes sooner than ven, which in that time it will leave ven in the bust.
Jack Richardson
1800273-8255 U.S. National Suicide Hotline
Please keep this number safe everyone for when this coin becomes an instant top 5 once PBOC is officially confirmed next month,
David Morris
Just like the PBoC Partnership huh? Oh yeah they’re both larps
Nathan Carter
ok you can think what you want ive looked into both projects pretty extensively VEN is definitely not just hype when WTC launches of course it's going up, that doesn't mean anything about VEN
Isaac Brooks
*delays for the 3th time* D-dont worry! Any day now...
Alexander Rogers
Christian Turner
Caleb Scott
Dddddddouesnt even make a white paper for their scam coin
Benjamin Edwards
Its 3rd not 3th. Street shitter detected boys. Almost had us fooled you were english pajeet. Better luck next time my friend
Joseph Robinson
look at my chains nigga, mad dolla, mad dolla, i'm ahead in the game, ur jealous fo' my VEchains
How delusional of you to think you gonna get sweet cheap VEN again by posting brainlet FUD in \biz\.
Jace Reyes
He genuinely believes all of Veeky Forums combined along with all of reddit combined even, could make and difference in the price of this what so ever.
Sorry Pajeets, but the millions which are making prices move in either direction are only from the huge corporate, enterprise and government interest. You have no power. you will never get your node.
Us node holders shilled this as low as 50 cents in my case, too bad.
Ryder Fisher
No one, fucking no one can seriously FUD this coin when it has Jim Breyer as advisor. I don't think its going to reach anywhere near $1000 EOY either but this man knows more than you ever will and he's only in ETH and VEN. It's here to stay, get used to it
Adam Lewis
im not trying to "FUD". I literally don't give a fuck how many of these smelly pajeets are left crying in a week. Just SICK of going to every fucking cryptocurrency board and seeing nothing but VEN everywhere
Zachary Green
Everyone saying VEN announces partnerships and barely goes up.
You realize why? The price isn't going up because you're being dumped on. You fell for a meme.
Be salty all you want. But vEnrons are about to be the next stinky linkies
Michael Turner
Lmao fcking pajeet OP.
Get poor we Vechainers getting rich.
Daniel Roberts
Bitcoin down 13% in the last week. VEN up 48.36%.
Do you live in your own created world?
Carter Taylor
You're calling it a scam you moron, what on earth is that if not FUD? (seeing as its clearly not a fucking scam to anyone who did more than 1 minute of their own research)
Maybe its overvalued, but its not a scam
Aaron Miller
That's probably because Ven is in the middle of a rebranding and keeps dropping massive partnerships that are good for the adoption of crypto as a whole. It's a sub for crypto news and guess what? Ven drops big news every few days.
I will agree though that the price speculation and other shit like "Guide to Ven" shouldn't be on there. But it's going to stay on there so long as the news keeps coming.
Jayden Torres
This. It's talked about as much as there are news. No news, less talk. VEN has a stable news output and also in the interest of many so it takes up a big portion no doubt. I'd be glad if this was even $100 EOY but I don't even think that. I'm more in the $20-50 range.
Jordan Collins
Exacty. They have a "stable news" output because they know if they don't keep hyping their overhyped garbage, the price would tank. Something to the effect of McAfee tweets. Soon enough, these "partnership" announcements are gonna lose steam
Ayden Long
Sold off some profits so my current holding has cost me nothing, that way I dont give a shit what happens. Bring it on.
Colton Gonzalez
You have to go back.
Elijah Russell
That's some interesting cognitive dissonance. It's hyped because of the news they are dropping not the other way around.
Yeah hype will die out between March and June but and the price will go down but it will be $40 before that happens.
Why are you so bothered by Ven because it really sounds like you are just salty you sold low or in fact never bought in the first place.