What are the possible black swans of crypto?
What are the possible black swans of crypto?
nigger swans? wat?
Most obvious one
Yeah, if tether collapses that's probably the end of crypto
It's not the "end of crypto" at all. It might destroy a bunch of normies and bring a bullshit level of regulation attempts, but smart contracts aren't going anywhere. Private money is going anywhere. Speculation isn't going anywhere. You could hold XMR, BLOCK and LINK and even if tether died you wouldn't have too many reasons to worry long term.
Next most likely Black swan is government regulation. If they decide to ban crypto at Davos or the US does or something.
Positive black swan would be a central bank deciding to store crypto as a reserve, or if there is very clear and relaxed regulation for crypto announced as part of a world trade agreement
This or the military/Jews/intelligence agencies start busting the rhythms with their quantum computing and they get too greedy or word leaks out to /pol/.
Inevitable, really.
I don't see how tether is that bad. 100m tether being printed doesn't mean 100m is being cashed out just that people are trading into it because it won't loose value in a bear market. Most of it will probably be used to buy back in at a cheaper rate. The people who are gonna panic sell or cash out, will cash out regardless of tether. And it's not like when it gets traded back the exchanges are then cashing out all the tether. Most of it is just a means of trading.
That's the whole problem.
Tether is essentially a leverage tool for crypto. The housing crisis would have just been a correction, except the money wasn't there. You had people getting houses with mortgaged money that they didn't have. When that went away the whole thing imploded
Are you saying it's bad because people are getting more bitcoin without actually inputting any more fiat?
Broken parabola, not enough acceleration.
FUN -> 1 on CMC & added to coinbase
>When that went away
you mean when the (((credit))) got recalled
Any Perth Fags?
Don't black swans cease to be black swans when they are predicted?
TRX AAA+ rating from Weiss tomorrow
Why aren't the chinks buying more doge?
1) Tether/Bitfinex goes gox
2) ECC broken, possibly by quantum computers
3) Major goverment bans crypto
4) Satoshi dumps his coins
All recoverable, but we might see another crash like mid 2011 or end 2013.
There's your answer, OP: Buy NGR.
nice trips. They're blackswans insomuch that the more impactful they are, the harder they are to predict. But in some cases, you can set yourself up to protect yourself or benefit from a blackswan, you just don't know how likely it is to happen, so it's more beneficial to focus on the impact of the event, not the probability. Hence, as unlikely as it is, it's always good to cash out enough fiat to be financially independent if you can, just so you have valuable options no matter what, in case crypto gets annihilated.
Perth Chad here
I don't know.
Digibyte & link
A downturn accompanied by a stock market crash could conceivably lead to a crypto bear market if the risk on / risk off phenomenon displays itself strongly enough
don't know if anyone really cares about those, but crypto has one and only one point of failure and it is hardware.
Duopoly based in America. If US feels like banning crypto. That's the obvious target and I don't see any solution. It's basically impossible to compete in this field.
fuck im reddit now apparently
Based emus
Im in Philadelphia and Perth is the closest city as this city's antipode (look it up)