Who here at the office?
God that looks like a shitty place to work. As an introvert, and possible autist, I absolutely despise these open workspaces. Who here work in a cuckspace?
I am you get used to it quite quickly
kinda sucks though
you'll get used to it pretty quickly
It fucking sucks, you just get used to being in a sucking situation
lol do you even have a job you autistic neet
I’m at the office it’s hell.
Moving to an open office in the near future. Fucking corporate kikes can suck my scroat.
Where am I supposed to fart? Where should I direct my eye contact when straight in front of me is someone's face, to the side, someone else's face, and I know there's someone staring at the back of my head? How do I reposition my balls before getting out of my chair, or check my fly without anyone noticing? HELP, IM IN HELL!!!!
i literally did nothing for the entire day while sitting here ffs
amen brother
That’s what pisses me off the most. As it is now I can shitpost 99% of the day away. It’s tolerable. When I am forced to relocate to one of these “open concept” offices, there goes my ability to shitpost. I will probably quit. I’ll be god damned if I’m going to stare at a computer screen with nothing to do for 8 hours every day.
>Where am I supposed to fart?
Just go ahead. It's all natural.
I'm not confident in the tenor of my flatulence though. What if it sounds like a "gay fart"? Then my coworkers will think I'm probably a fag when I was just trying to expel the pressure slow and silent
Businesses have gone full communism with their focus on teamwork for every task.
It's terrible. Zero privacy and everyone is obnoxious millennial liberal piece of shit. You have to wear headphones all day to cope with their insufferable "muh trump muh Russia."
Office culture is worst thing ever. Work has crushed me as a person.
I'm an IT systems analyst. I have about 2 hours of work to do a week. Maybe less desu
no you just stop being a fuckin bitch and adapt to your environment
christ some of you are actual soyboys I swear
>implying, becoming "ok" with something that defies every thread of your mind/body/soul, just so you can make a few dollars isn't the definition of soyboy behavior
the absolute state of cuckspace bois
you don't get used to it, it's a terrible meme. productivity down the shitter, drama up, no reason for this layout. companies knee jerked from completely closed off working spaces to completely open... hey dipshits how about meeting in the middle?
>the virgin fart vs. THE CHAD GAS CHAMBER
Build up as much gas as possible and then stand up and force it all out making it as loud as possible while pulling nearby coworkers towards your ass and staring down anyone too far away who looks at you.
hold up, I gotta take a break from work and shitposting to do a few sets of squats/deadlifts, eat an in between meal, and check my folio before heading back to slay at my job because I stood up for myself and no longer have to work in one of these.
if sitting next to someone in a non-cubicle defies """every thread of your mind/body/soul""" then maybe you'd prefer a mental asylum you autistic wreck
If you can’t see how having no privacy and being forced to sit at a desk in open view of everyone is demeaning to the highest level then I’m afraid you are an absolute cuckboi with no self respect.
This. Why aren't the Leaders/Middle Managment for of these compainies sitting in an open space while their trying to get actual work done. Conference room workspaces kill creativity. Imagine trying to architect complex mechanical parts that would be used in important infrastructure by real people all while trying to concentrate though loud phone conference calls, office politics, that one guy trying to fart quietly, and that dumbass coworker that relies 100% on you to complete their work tasks. Pretty sure you're end product would be pure shit because these environments sap energy from you unnecessarily.
same profession basically. I actually should do stuff but since I'm criminally underpaid and my supervisor is a moron I simply do not do anything. Apart from appearing busy of course.
I need to escape
Me too bro...I hope you make it
>tfw work in a mortgage lender office
>tfw accounting clerk
>tfw do all my work in the first half hour then shitpost on Veeky Forums the next 7.5 hrs
tip toppety kekkity kek
What do you actually do? How much are you paid and how much work is it?
nice try, hr
i cash checks, send out invoices, do the payables, and sometimes transfer fannie mae loans to our subservicing company (just uploading spreadsheets here and there)
get $15 an hr, im 22 just graduated
>mfw i escaped office wagecuckery hell to trade forex and indices full time
>mfw im actually making more than i did before and am unmeasurably less stressed
took 5 years of study and suffering but im finally here. keep fighting boys.
Same here. I scripted most of my tasks. I spend maybe 30min per shift actually working.
Im hesitant to keep my job and start this cool mobile app that would get me some serious $$$
All that is stopping me is fear. Im being a pussy guys call me on this
Threads like this really make me want to start my own business.
I wouldn't mind an open office as long as I can sit where my back is to a wall and people can't see over my shoulder and see that most of my day is browsing biz and checking my investments every 10 minutes.
Too close to home.
whats preventing you
Being forces to sit at a desk and stare at a screen for 9 hours a day every day for years is shit. The human body is built to hunt and fight and rage against the world around it. Now we just sit in offices pretending to work while our test level drops and our hairline receeds.
I want out.
Lmao i had a place like this but it still sucks if the temperatures rise from 14 degree in the winter and 30 degree in the summer
>fired from my job with half my savings in crypto, it was shitty anyways and i forced them to because i couldnt work there for another 3 months
>Made half a year paycheck in 1 month
Fuck them
My question is, how do you fart in such an open office?
> be me
> have his own office
> fart anytime I want
fucking plebs, can't even fart freely
I make $25/hr sitting an office with about 30 mins of work a day. Playing vidya on laptop + Veeky Forums browse all fucking week everyday.
I just left a job wear I had a back corner cubical with vacant cubes all around me. Now I work in something like this :/
>being a wagie
Thank Silicon Valley cucks and kikes for making this the new fad.
Who the fuck works in a place like that? programmers or what?
i hate desktop jobs
its good but is a fucking soul slow death
reporting in
you know what i hate the most about wagecucking? not wagecucking itself, its more that there are too many situations where you have to justify yourself to your boss for the most rediculous stuff.
my latest example (im a IT guy btw)
>logistics boss boasts into office
>"user we just decided we are renting a building 1 mile away. we will start working there in 10 days. we need an internet/intranet connection, we need a new printer and a laptop"
>tell him laptop and printer are ez pz
>call local provider and ask for an internet connection over there
>they say it will take 2 months minimum (average waiting time for a new connection)
>tell them its urgent but they dont give in
>explain that to logistics boss in a fucking 30 minute long talk
>eventually have to explain it to facility boss as well
>since all of that came from HIS boss (region manager), he calls me too and i have to explain it to him as well
>"user the building costs 20.000 a month and im going to deduct all of it off of your wage for every day we cant get to work"
that was 1 week ago. this company is full of pricks. there are many examples like this and to be honest i stopped asking myself if the people here are just full of shit or actually believe what they say
All you guys who do 2-4 hours of work a week or less - how much are you guys making?
I am trying to go into surgery, and will probably be working my ass off at all hours of the day. But at least I'll be compensated well
Wendy’s chef
300k a year plus bonus
Yep. I'm quitting soon. I'm tired of waking up early and commuting for a whole lot of nothing. I've made enough money to quit and figure out an alternative. Self-employment gonna be fun.
My friend spent 50k on a mobile app when he wouldve otherwise spent ir on crypto in mid 2016.
Instead of 5000% return he got 100% loss.
At office right now. And yep, it's a new office with (mostly) open concept.
>tfw got a decent table at a hidden place on my first days but one of my managers decided to steal it, implicitly because "you need to talk more to people user" as my boss put it once
>tfw you're one of the few in the office who actually gets (good) work done in time
It's like people love offices and ''''socializing'''' more than getting actual work done. I really hope my portfolio moons about 1000x...
I work a good 10 hrs out of 40 a week.
Want to kill myself everyday tho
It's still better than working at a factory:
>No AC
>Constant loud noise of machinery
>Nauseating fumes from the products permeating in the air
>Have to stand up for most of the shift
>Can only stop when machine stops
>Scheduled breaks
>Need to be in constant focus or else the work would pile up
At office:
>No need to constantly focus. Can daydream.
>Can take break anytime you want.
>Can work at comfortable pace.
> I-it's like I'm getting paid to read whitepapers. It will pay off soon.
>phd in mathematics
>any job I want
>300k starting
At least you’re busy and being focused makes time pass quickly. Also being able to stand is so much better for your body. Also you don’t have any gossip queen literal homosexuals and women to deal with.
I don’t know man if there were factory jobs that paid as well as my officecuck job I think I might take it.
logistic companies are utter cancer. working for one as well