Be me, 19

>be me, 19
>Only 30k banked
Biz is full of lambos and here I am poorfagging, life isnt fair


set up a binance account using this code and start making BIG BOY GAINS

REF: 21502837

If that's without crypto and you aren't larping, you are already doing pretty well.

20 got 2k... ur doing well.

I'm 26 and I have about £130. Fuck off with your "poorfag" spiel if you have no idea what it's like being poor.

It was bait bro

Dw bro. Make a safe investment and wait a year.

>crying about having 30k
>could literally buy a whole town in a 2nd or 3rd world country with decent internet access and living conditions and live like a kind and have his picking of the town qt's for being the town savior.

b.bbut i need muh familiar environment.

Was it though? Seen more than a few people complaining about their ports being down despite still having 5 figures or some shit. I get that it's all relative, but I'm on the bones of my arse here and it's frustrating as fuck.

Bait thread, but believe me. Biz is full of retards you aren't even past the 5k mark yet and never will be.

Biz is full of larpers OP. Seriously don't compare yourself to these fags. For every 'help me turn this into $1M biz I'm so poor' while having $240K post there are probably thousands of poorfags with

I'm not a retard and I'm not past 5k yet. The only thing worse than bait threads is cunts swanning about pretending this crypto thing is easy, especially with the current state of the market.

Serious question that I can't seem to get answered, how do you manage to get in early on things? I try my hardest, I've managed to catch a few things on the ground floor but they've all turned out to be shit, no matter how legit they seemed (website, whitepaper etc)

I made money and reinvested how am I a retard?

Its not a bait thread, Im just from lower middle class family and got moderately lucky with crypto

How do you figure anonon?

If you got moderately lucky then why are you posting a thread complaining about it you autistic fuck

Better than me, spent half of my money in gacha.

You can always get luckier, I was promised lambos

I'm 21 year old NEET and only $200

Don't worry OP, /biz is so poor that it couldn't manipulate the market, even if everyone put their entire portfolio into play.

Lol when I was 19 the most money I ever had at once was like 500. Fucking kids these days. I hope all the young fucks getting into crypto get JUST'd or end up cashing it all out in a few years and blowing it all and ending up fucked having to find a no skill minimum wage job.

Dont worry user, Im studying STEM so Il be flippin your burgers in 5 years