What do we think of Amazon?

What do we think of Amazon?

Are they something that needs to be resisted because they're "killing our local highstreets and independents" or are they just providing the best service and others need to git gud or accept the future technology is here?

I don't like them because they are killing a ton if jobs, but atleast they are providing somewhat better jobs than Wal-Mart. The company doesnt seem to Jewish for me unlile Google and facebook, so i continue buying from them and buying prime. Only thing pissed me off is them stoping sales of confederate flags. I dont care if niggers feelings are hurt, let me buy what I want to buy

the future doesn't look bright when a handful of megacorporations own literally everything . that said they do provide the best service so i don't know what the solution is.

Latter. Luddites and commies whine about the streamlining of labour out of civilization.

Amazon's acceptance of crypto will singlehandedly solidify crypto as a global currency.

If the mom and pop general store was getting the same level of gibs from the government as Amazon, they'd be sending you your waifu pillow by drone as well.

he's satan

They're a monopoly. That's never a good thing historically.

I don’t like them. I cancelled my prime because products came in the wrong size, too late, or they simply charge too much. I got burned too many times not getting what I wanted.

This. But what can be done?