Let's start a company Veeky Forums

Lets brain storm ways to start off from a seed investment of 5,000 to a company netting 80,000+ in a year.

Bonus points for hands off. Double bonus points for information sector in finance. All the pay with none of the stress?

Triple points for capitalizing off the venezuelans.

Other urls found in this thread:


Buy a bunch of kneepads
Hire Venezuelans to blow people

convince people we having a trading bot that guarantees 1% gains a day if they invest their bitcoins with us

Organic GMO chickens

Trading bots have trouble when markets shift, in either direction. They end up making good decisions in a stagnant market though.

here's the catch though. we don't even have a bot that can guarantee 1% returns daily for each investor. we just say we do, and take their bitcoins.

That's viable.
14 year old hookers are under 0,50 USD a romp. I wonder how much you could pay a former electrical engineer to work for you, when their monthly food budget is $20 for them and their entire family

He's talking about a ponzi scheme you dolt.

Go on. Are we going to GMO these chickens to be bigger and raise them organically?

We are only convincing them that it works... The bot doesn't really have to get 1% a day... At what grade did you start learning to read at?

GMO CRISPR them to have 8 legs and 14 wings and be the size of a pig. Then let them roam free in grass.

Lol why would i tell you my idea, more competition.

You need more than 5k to market that though. Bitconnect had music videos, Carlos from NY, Youtube shills...

Not a bad idea desu.

Have you watched the inflation of the price of chicken wings?

BRB building a breeder reactor and buying chickens. If you luck out and get a deformed chicken born, you can breed it and label it a non GMO

Just cold call people.

Here it comes.
A company which offers modular systems to build your own cryptocurrency. Perfect for normies.
< choose your coin name
< upload a logo
< set your supply limit
< etc..

should be easy to code this kind of stuff. based on erc20 token.. or maybe others. you can charge price X per completed build or you can keep percentage y from this token.

send thanks to this:

take your money from cryptos and buy a shitton of property in detroit. hire/create your own security force to kick out the crackheads and fix all the houses. sell the property for 100x your initial investment.

>14 year old hookers are under 0,50 USD
You have my attention.

come hang in the alt-investing room in Xaviers.
its 4chans stock/crypto chatroom, including education channels, alt investing, etc.
all free.

You are all the dumbest fucks. No wonder you call each other fags and tards - It’s true.

Stop being lazy, get a degree. Holy fuck.

Up and coming industries: fintech, biotech, VR, cannabis, space travel. Learn about one of those. Stop being a fucking useless, sexless, wannabe. And forget the Lambos, feel lucky if you get to grace the inside of a Hyundai Elantra one day. Fly-over idiot. And that - want a life? move to a real fucking city where you can actually see what is achievable and get some motivation. Read a fucking book.

LMAO keep sucking corporate cock you sad little man.

>Hyundai Elantra

How much of a cuck are you user? For $16k I could buy a nice miata.

Once we have highly liquid decentralized exchanges we can have an ICO for coordinated P&Ds executed by bots and smart contracts. Profits will be distributed to all token holders in proportion to their share of entire token supply.

I’ll make the logo!