Bros what is happening with my money

bros what is happening with my money

It got JUST'd.

Be patient. Seriously, does everyone here have ADHD. You will regret it in a few months if you sell now. Mark my words.

Just sell ahhhhh no updates or rebranding or exchange listings or anything to look forward to with this coin ahhhh sell now sell sell

It is green again, 2x by a weeks time

my back is hurting man from holding these fucking bags

Is Raiblocks worth investing in? Will it ever reach its ATH again?

you know how they act like xrb is instant, well none of those transactions are actually confirmed. Technically the instant transactions are actually pending and can be reversed days later if not confirmed. XRB has a lot of problems needing to be addressed and fixed.

but they are instant

The more exchanges xrb gets on, the lower the price will be. XRB will probably settle around $4-$5 for a good few months.

this is going single digits faggot. better unload your bags

Practically confirmed just waiting on rebrand.

This slut cant do shit. Blockchain currency is so 2011

Two words.
Metaverse ETP

It's not a blockchain. You can't possibly be this bad at FUD, right?

>goes over 100x in a month
>thinks this is completely normal/rational
>buys at the top
>gee why am i going broke?

the absolute state of this shithole


not confirmed transactions

transactions are only not confirmed instantly when your wallet is out of sync or something at exchange is fucking up. It was pending only one time for me and that was when my wallet was couple blocks out of sync.

>buy high
>sell low
you know the drill, baby

I'm not invested in RAI but seems like a good buy opportunity. Its good but needs some time to develop and be implemented still.

You bought vapor

you gambled it away on yet another shitcoin
congratulations, never trust pajeets

What is the reason why xrb should be a penny worth?
It may be instant feeless transactions, wow.
So let's say
user A has 1 BTC he wants to send user B
user A exchanges his 1 BTC for XRB
and sends them to user B on the other exchange
user B changes XRB for BTC again without high transaction costs, only exchange fees are paid.

So tell me why xrb should have any value at all if it's just for transfering money instead of real use cases like lets say iota.
protip: you can't

If this becomes the coin of choice for doing this its simple demand moron

demand which lasts a few minutes lol

That has literally never been the case.

lightning network and atomic swaps will make exchanges and raiblocks obsolete. sell all XRB while you still can


so paypal isn't worth anything too then? It's practically the same usecase. My god the fud here is getting desperate

People who call it shitcoin are literal brainlets.

Money is moving into IOTA

of course paypal money isn't worth anything. Or are you paying 2$ for 1$ in paypal?

a pending transaction cannot be reversed, it's as good as done, just needs a receive pow if you want to spend it again

Why even have BTC in that case? Just keep it as XRB and avoid the hassle

because BTC has use case instead of xrb as well as many other crypto

XRB is just the communism of the cryptoworld, good idea but effectively not profitable.

These bags are heavy. Can anyone give me a real end of q2 prediction on this or something?

>good idea

plz stop

its dead in the water once iota picks up steam
hint: iota is picking up steam

iota should fucking release my hostages

Iota is unfixable vaporware

raiblocks was jsut a meme coin bud. it had no future coz there is no incentive

it is just asleep for now, come back later and it will either be more or less I promise

People still unironically hold this shitcoin?

Put your money into link, XLM or something solid.

Have you tried buying high then selling low?

The coordinated FUD on XRB is beautiful. Good work guys

It's trash and barely functional. Xrb based exchange rai exchange was supposed to go up weeks ago but it's endless problems

You think this is FUD?

I do. Convinced it's a conspiracy. Just made another post about it.

You fell for the meme coin


The c-c-cordinated FUD is real good!! XRB is d-d-definitely worth multi billion dollars.

You don't? The upside to XRB is way higher than the downside. People are taking little or past issues and acting like they are the end of the world. XRB is one of the few currently working projects on the market right now, instead of just a whitepaper and a bunch of promises.

If you don't believe me (and this applies to you too lurker) just go and try using XRB yourself. Beyond the withdraw hiccups with exchanges (which were real, and an issue, but has been fixed) XRB is the best experience I've had in crypto so far.

This is just people trying to drive the price down before the rebranding and Binance debut.

b-b-buy high and s-s-sell low and listen to biz when they tell you to do these things

If you listen to the herd instead of doing your own research, you're never going to make money

People who don't do their research and realize that the distribution faucet was still going when the price was sub 2000 sats. People weren't buying because you could get them free. Now you can't. Supply and demand 101.

A base feature of any shitcoin is not a working product you fag, lol @ anybody that fell for this regurgitated argument. Its like diluting the definition of "working product" so it fits your shitcoin.

this shit coin doesn't event have smart contracts

its a dead meme nothing more

Also give me 1 reason to not use xlm over xrb, since xlm is actually secure and has ico's and much more.

pro tip; you cant

Xrb is faster and feeless

>A base feature of any shitcoin is not a working product you fag

What a great counter argument, everyone lurking in this thread right now should sell their XRB because of this and not try using XRB yourself

So basically you sacrifice all matter of security and network stability and ability to add smart contracts just so you can be a fraction faster and cheaper. Tell me again how its going to keep its network together with bitcoin amounts of volume.
Pro tip; you cant.
You fell for a meme coin pajeet, get over it

XLM is not a bad choice actually, but XRB is completely feeless as opposed to XLM. XLM is going for a completely different value proposition anyway so I'm not sure your point.

>you sacrifice all matter of security and network stability

Provide source
>PrO tIp; you can't.

Everyone who makes this argument has clearly no idea how fast and free all shitcoins are. Try sending some to their wallets, you will be surprised. Its like these xrb shills dont want to even do research

Have some, this shit doesnt move at all since months
Hopefully I frozed for 1 year, can not be a weak hand anymore

What an awful argument
>I know shitcoins that are fast, so therefore all fast coins are also shitcoins

"different value proposition"
xlm litteraly has everything xrb has and more, so yes, very different, one is obsolete, the other one isnt. This is all assuming xrb is secure, which its not

I bought in at $1 and hold because I'm not a retard. I could sell now and still make 10x profit but I don't because I see potential.

You are the pajeet here.

>real use cases like lets say iota
lel, iota akbaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr!

Well that's just a lie. XLM has fees and once its volume grows so will its fees. XRB will be feeless forever since it was built ground up with this in mind

>ItS nOt SeCuRe
Stop lying, it just makes you look bad

Any more questions?

Also on a note that is more of a personal attack than an argument, using quotes on Veeky Forums? What the fuck is wrong with you?


If something does moon for a week Veeky Forums will consider it dead or an exit scam.
This thing went from $2 to $35 less than a month ago...

That same growth again will put it at $350

Except it's not going to fucking do that.

Was at 10x when it was ATH, wish I sold this shit. Sold 70% on its way down, getting ready to drop that final 30% if this shit doesn't move in the next 7 days.