The absolute state of normies
buy ven btw
bowl of pinecones for breakfast first thing in the morning is like heaven
All of these Youtube stars are the least funny people with shit acting skills yet they always have such huge followings. It pisses me off more than it should.
tfw this makes me not want ven.
almost on the same level of when niggers on twitter were talking about ripple before it crashed
>This is like the new gluten free right?
The utterly insane mental hurdles someone would have to jump through to even make that comparison...
American Vandal is amazing
idk who or what that is but I'm sure its shit humor like video above.
Also dumping all 25k of my VEN, normies ruin everything.
I enjoy the fact that normies lose money in crypto.
VEN has the normie curse now
Ffs dumping all ven, next ripple confirmed
I kind of keked.
Also, that ven was shilled in that sketch tells you that you should dump it and it's a shitcoin. Normies only like shitcoins.
lol at this crypto is a fad fud
fucking faggot brainlets
How is this a bad thing? remember when XRP was normie flavor of the month and they pumped it to 100 bill plus. If they did that to Vechain, id dump at 100 bill and retire.
When did cryptocurrency become such a normie thing? I remember when I was still in school my friend and I made tons of bitcoin by scamming people on runescape, then selling the gold for bitcoin to the chinks. This was back in like 2014/2015.
Then at the end of 2016 I started coming on Veeky Forums and invested a fairly substantial amount (for me back then) in ETH. The only people back then that knew anything about cryptocurrency were techy people and retard NEETs.
All of a sudden every millennial on earth seems to be invested in cryptocurrency. It's no longer that thing that only a handful of people know about, so many young people seem to be invested that it's made its way into mainstream normie culture.
When the fuck did this happen and why? Is it really as widespread as it seems now?
Media talking about it
You really think this would be a sekrit cwub forever?
yeah me too
>You really think this would be a sekrit cwub forever?
No, because then there'd be no way for prices to rise.
It's just surprising how many youtuber-tier normies and millennial students are getting into it. "Investing" isn't a new thing, and has always been pretty easy. Don't know why it amazes me so much tbqh. I guess it's because I got in really early and feel special for once.
This truly is like the lead up to 1929. I can't wait for all these normies to get absolutely decimated.
lil anime nigga, pls don't act like you understand crypto or anything else about big boy life for that matter. you understand how to find the best hentai and what new animes are coming out next season but not real big person stuff.
HAHAHAHA dick dawg my man Wright yourself a check
And now you understand why YouTube is in full panic mode. They got rid of all good content creators through stupid rules and witch hunts and are now left with unprofitable retards and rules that make sure no new successful content producers will ever appear.
Except the whales won’t let VEN pump. It’s like these assholes are trying to protect normies from losing money or something. I don’t just want to make money, I want to take money from normies dammit. So what is the point of buying VEN then?
Won't BAT help change this though?
Oh shit this nigga was in My Name Jeff