Are there any plans for this q1 or q2?

Are there any plans for this q1 or q2?

I hold a small stack but was thinking of putting it in ven to raise value then sell and put back in omg.

I don't wanna sell and see it moon though like always happens.

Uhhh completely changing the way the world financial system handles transactions?

Mainnet, staking + plasma within q2.


so, what does Q1/Q2 mean?


You fuckin serious

Q1 means first quarter of the year

about to drop the last of my $1k on this, good idea?

If you are a patient man, yes.

This desu
I dont know blockchaon tech

>Showing VB
What does this even mean!!

both you and OMG Twitter does this every chance they get

I know it's got a good future I just want to increase my stack on it, hoping to get out and back in before it moons.

> Q1/Q2
> blockhain tech

Are you guys really pajeets, 12 years olds or both?

God dammit Kumar.

So it's probably going to start rising by the end of q1

But Thomas Greco said that the SDK wallet is being betatested by a multinational conglomerate + something about a nation state

but Q1 prolly the conglomerate reveal and SDK white label wallet release

Q2 staking

Q3/4 plasma/dex


MCD is not a conglomerate you dumbfuck.

MUFG on the otherhand is, a 2.7 TRILLION dollar conglomerate. Cough cough.

>posting VB pictures
>"a multinational conglomerate + something about a nation state"
Why all the fucking secrecy and being mysterious? Do you shills work for OMG? Just say Mizuho bank jfc

No one knows whether this team can deliver Plasma as promised, which explains why its price doesn't hold $20

Omg for the last year has been a buy the rumour sell the news coin.

I still like it though and think it will be huge, just wish I had more to be able to stake it but I have no chance.

Ever heard of fucking NDA ?

Did you sign one?

Yeah ever heard of an absolute idiot. Not sure the relevance he- oh

The OMG team specifically stated they’re under NDA retard.

I am talking about these shills here you dumb cunt

So is every fucking company that has anything in the works that isn’t public knowledge. Fuck off, that is literally nothing

not much in q1q2, only fucking changing how world handles money. yeah, not a big deal right
biz doesn't deserve this coin

Did anyone fucking say 'not much in q1 and q2'?

Read the posts before you reply you triggered fuck.

>last year
the project literally started this summer

Im balls deep in OMG and will hold for years. Anyone who studies the project deeply knows about the potential

No I was showing Thomas Greco special adviser.
He does a lot of OMG talks.
Vitalik just so happends to be in the pic with him.

>Pulling out of OMG to FOMO into VEN near ATH
Why is every newfag absolutely fucking retarded?

Near ATH? Its dropped 10k sats and still going down, theres only 1 retard here and its not me.

OMG is headed towards 120k sats before it finds its way upwards.