39 this year. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to infants. Found you guys after making 400K in cyrpto gains. Shit on this board just makes me laugh. I keep showing my wife all the wojaks and brainlets. She doesn't think they're as funny as I do but I'm still gonna keep her. Keep up the good work poorfags.
Am i too old to be on Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, you're too poor to be on Veeky Forums.
You're the Biz Elder. Please share wisdom you've accumulated throughout all your years.
im 34.. made 550k in crypto.. love the pink wojaks, brainlets and pepes... what i dont like recently is the reddit pink wojaks.. i want my compfy pink wojaks back
Don't worry bro, with your gains you'll be able to afford experimental treatment and probably be the first batch of 150 year olds
Trying to explain why biz memes are funny to your girl is a universal struggle.
bitch, my son is 38 next month and he thinks i'm retarded for coming here at all
ikr,they just dont get it
Because your son is retarded LMAO
it's true though. the fuck does that make me?
larp on this board gets worse every day. At least we have Link threads and we'll probably see an 'AAAAAAAA' thread today. Fun times.
Same, only ironic anime fans enjoy soyjack. Pink wojack makes me feel
You're a treasure OP. I'm 29, newfag, but some of these kids say the dumbest shit, I get why successful people come here.
i'm 29 but i've been lurking Veeky Forums since 04-05, so i feel like an oldfag too.
i do have to admit that Veeky Forums rekindled my interest to this website again so thanks bizbros
Are you too old to laugh at genuinely funny shit and make money? I'm 30, been surfing /b/ off and on since 2006 and can honestly say that the humour on Veeky Forums is almost like oldschool /b/ now. I also love the community feeling of being suicidal when shit dips
>lurking since 04
been lurking here since 07 and im 23 rn. probably why i ended up as such a fuckin loser but at least i have a 6 figure crypto portfolio, r-right haha
30 here too, i know exactly what you're talking about. Old /b/ was beautiful. Sad how much of a cesspool it is now
Get off my board boomer.
i'm 36 :(
i will never quit browsing Veeky Forums
Yes you're to fucking old holy fuck gramps
It really is. I haven't laughed at a single thing posted on /b/ in months. People keep repeating the same shit over and over again and the memes are complete shit
by not posting anything
Agreed I've also come from /b/, just need abit more craziness then biz will be something, it's a shame its work safe, can you imagine gore & rekt threads in-between ven shilling and wojacks? Or trap threads & link threads or dick rate next to blockfolio kek
Gosh I hate my gf, she doesn't even respond when I send her funny screenshots of the frog and the stupid guy and the crash guy memes
Nobody is too old to make money user
dude, come to Xaviers school, its the Veeky Forums stock/crypto chat room, its where all of the vets went.
>only $400k gains
>calls others poorfags
That's because every day someone would post cp and it would stay for minutes because moderators were few and slow. This kept normies out.
As moderation improved the decline started.
Veeky Forums vets don't go to fucking redditcord, asshole.
jokes on you pajeet
i'm actually 4 & a half next week and I already made $700k while whacking it to my mom who still has to spot check dildo's for faults down at the plant.... HAHAHAHA
suckit oldfags!!!
I dunno, I feel like the rules and context of Veeky Forums makes for more original humour, since you can't rely on pure shock value
What is the fuckin larp? If you don't post anything like "BUY UFR. BUY LINK" you are larping?
Wtf do you think is hard to believe in his post?
You know 8 chan isn't too bad but hardly anyone goes there so it's slow. When it's good though it's good. It's weird tho, unironically that seems to correlate with the number of pedos & cp posted
OP will be 40 by EoY screen cap this
Huge if big
>39 this year.
No need to cap... you already made a bad investment.
You're right it probably makes it better, but I think more normies come here, & some how the thought of rekt threads in amongst everything when shits crashing is funny
I'm certain there are famous people lurking. Maybe they even throw a pajeet or two.
This is probably the best place to freely discuss crypto with minimal moderation. Reddit has too many rules but it's the second best place.
I'm gay and you are not. HA!
this used to be /b/ before this board was made a containment board for crypto you fucking newfag
and /b/ is a god damn shithole anyone remotely still entertained by fap roulette and gore threads are either manlet spergs or high schoolers
>get banned for posting porn
Pic one
Veeky Forums came out in 2006 fuckwit. nice larp
you a lying nigger hahahahaha
>39 this year. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to infants. Found you guys after making 400K in cyrpto gains. Shit on this board just makes me laugh. I keep showing my wife all the wojaks and brainlets. She doesn't think they're as funny as I do but I'm still gonna keep her. Keep up the good work poorfags.
>39 years old
>only 400k
I'll take the bait
i think you're wrong on this one, i remember participating in the pool's closed habbo hotel shit and i'd already been lurking for a while before that.
I'm 43 so fuck off.
I’m 87 been browsing Veeky Forums since 1942 I feel like I’m talking to faggots on here my wife who’s a nigger says I’m stupid but then again who likes niggers I’m gonna leave her
I'll lay you 23 to 342
Pfft, I'm also 29 and I've been here since 04 as well. Feels good to see foreverfags lurking Veeky Forums.
>tfw only 2k in crypto and $5 in the bank
/b/ has made me what I am... No turning back, you're better for coming here anyways
Im 32. I lost about 6k overall after being up to 11k.
lol he's a fag but that's also your fault for not beating him enough times when he was younger
>39 this year. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to infants. Found you guys after making 400K in cyrpto gains. Shit on this board just makes me laugh. I keep showing my wife all the wojaks and brainlets. She doesn't think they're as funny as I do but I'm still gonna keep her. Keep up the good work poorfags.
>2% gains
Nice just sold this shit
26 here. I mined BTC years ago but the HDD died (I could be rich now). I forgot about crypto until 2017's summer. I put 150€ in, and after learning, winning and losing, today I have 460€.
I can't invest more because I am a poorfag, and I rarely buy anything for me (in fact, the last thing I bought was a pair of dressy leather chukkas).
You're not too old, OP. You're going to make it too!
Nice larp faggot ass nigger
32 here. Been on /b forever.
I’m 63 and hangout here. I like the memes. I only trade stock options, these crypto flunkies think they all will be rich with lambos. I’m happy with my Volvo and Audi.
I'm 27 and I feel old when lurking russian imageboards, while here I can meet literal gramps.
I'm happy for you, old fucks. It's good to get old but still have your brain working and flexible enough to accept and be interested in all the new stuff that comes to our world.
I just watched a pewdiepie vid and he said he was sucking of seeing a particular meme on here and he uses words like shitposting
And the nazi thing awhile back makes so much more sense now
The fucker is a Veeky Forums shit poster
Probably here right now shilling link
Sick of seeing a particular meme
Fucking auto correct, where the hell did it get sucking from any of that
Hello poorfag, seems to me that your wife thinks in the back of her head that you're a manchild and that's the reason why she's taking BBC on the side.