You would be an absolute fool not to buy UFR during this dip. Guaranteed 5x gains after it gets added to the new exchange. Don't miss out on yet another moon anons.
You would be an absolute fool not to buy UFR during this dip...
Man im waiting hard on this exchange i hope it comes any minute now
If I had fiat to buy i would bought more for sure by now.But I had no fiat:/
New exchange when?
Just looked it up.
From whitepaper:
>Upfiring is a P2P file-sharing application that encrypts and distributes files between peers over a decentralized network. Upfiring operates similarly to services like uTorrent but with several key upgrades and inherent advantages. All transactions are linked to the Ethereum blockchain - allowing transactions to run securely and for proof-of-transfer protocols to be carried out between peers. The movement of files across the network requires Upfire tokens (UFR). When a user downloads a file from a seeder, the user pays for the transaction with UFR - which covers the cost of gas and compensates the seeder for offering the file to the network. This allows users to earn passive income by seeding files and allows users download large quantities of files at an extremely low cost. Upfiring supports the exchange of many different file types on the network, including .torrent and magnet files.
Interesting idea, not heard of any competitors.
WHere can I buy ?
can you people just give up already? Constant shilling was the reason I sold, very glad that I did.
I really wish to know that too...
I guess there are some bag holders who haven't given up yet. Was a nice PnD while it lasted, sorry you're stuck.
Pajeet coin scam
cryptopia and etherdelta
everything has been dumping lately you dumb faggot
>shilled by a discord group
>anonymous dev team
Yeah no, fuck off.
You guys are no better than the ignorant niggers shilling bitconnect and I want you off my board.
And who guarantees 5x u lame scammer? :D Invest in projects with prosperity and vision, own blockchain like Digibyte.
most stupid shill i've ever seen on this board.... torrents are dead mate, they are dead
>torrents are dead
gee I wonder how we can fix this
oh right, what if we did so that the government and big jew coorps can't do shit about it
you're gonna look like a fucking retard a couple years from now when you are torrenting a movie off of upfiring. screencap this
>torrents are dead
Well shit, how am I supposed to download my illegal games now? Fuck off
>torrents are dead mate, they are dead
Is it really worth the 9$ / hour to shill this hard GOVBOY?
This dip is a bless. After new exchanges and alpha release this coin will moon.
filesharing is dead. you are living in the past. today everyone and their mom is streaming and nobody is retarded enough to torrent anymore.
Looks like quite a community is gathering around this project. This is a good thing. Shilling or not. The idea is great and that's why I think this coin is gonna make it.
New exchange any day now will be a nice boost to the price.
>1. Do people pay for content?
>2. Do paid content providers like Netflix and Spotify supply all the content people want, when they want it?
>Will people pay to get the content they want elsewhere?
see point 1.
Upfiring (or whoever executes this vision the best) will be as disruptive as Napster was in the early days of online piracy.
If media companies are smart, they will make content much more widely available and they will also use the blockchain.
>streaming games
god she's hot, i masturbated to this specific dress pictures a lot
>very glad that I did
>Q1'18 UFR Alpha release
>Q2'18 Beta release
>Q3'18 Desktop SW release
engines fired up, ready for takeoff
Cant wait for the new exchange, it will moon for sure!