I'm posting for the rare bizraeli that actually has a brain. You guys recommended lamden and other gems, so time to give back.

If you hold an XLM position, buy some MOBI now.

People are misunderstanding that rapid transactions = value. This is not true, especially with low and no transaction cost coins. XLM charges only 0.00001 xlm. If it had VISA like throughput (about 85k seconds per day x 4k t/s) it would only put about 4000 XLM into the inflation pool. This is WAY less than the 1% native inflation rate.

Put another way, this investment is a 1% per year investment that will be an intermediary but never a great store of value.

Enter MOBI. If you get LINK you get MOBI. Right now you can get MOBI at basically public sale prices on all the XLM exchanges (stellarterm etc.). MOBI will eventually be way more valuable on a per token basis because there is incentive to hold (staking) and incentive to use (oracle pulls on the fastest/best network).

Again, 99% of you dumbfucks won't get it. Doesn't bother me, someone has to wash our shit. This is for those that keep bringing the good shit to the board.

Other urls found in this thread:!/

truth or pajeet?

it seems like the pajeets have collected their shit from the streets, piled it up and called it MOBI, because it looks like a brown MOBY Dick.

Truth. Even assblaster discussed the inverse proportionality of rapid transactions to asset price,

Screenshot this and play it back to remind you why youre poor.



user, please help. I don't understand how to even buy it. I have some lumens on the stellar ledger wallet.

there are like a million projects like that already out there. why is exactly this pile of shit unique?

wait wtf. it wants me to put my private key in? Seems sketchy.

Thanks for reminding me, this was on my ico watch list and I missed the public sale. I owe ya one faggot

stellarterm is prob the easiest:

this looks so sketchy. Really you just put your private key into stellarterm?

- Backed by stelar team. stellar team good
- Better value case
- Team stronk even if pajeet

Don't fucking do it. Proper exchanges doesn't ask for private keys. OP probably trying to scam or some shit. DYOR and google. Mobius is legit, though.

If you dont want to do that you can just use the desktop client and trade there.

When I use stellarterm I use a new wallet that only interacts with that site and transfer back to main wallet.


Wait, nevermind, no prob

yeah i was going to do that and set up another wallet.
Stellarterm is the only site that allows you to buy it with xlm.

The fact that xlm has a pair is really cool.

thats the only site that coinmarketcap links

Soon enough XLM will have all the pairs...

Agree. See above, make second wallet, dont let anyone have your priavte key of main wallet.

i use a nano s for my keys for the xlm wallet!/

to make a new wallet I simply just generate new key pair for a new account correct? It wont fuck with my nano s ledger?

im always paranoid when i move coins around, its easy to get fucked over in crypto

Why buy now though? Xlm is likely to go up potentially by alot in the next few weeks, it might be better to wait a few weeks to buy mobi, plus at some point it will be on better exchanges

mobi could go up a lot more too. its all about % gains. A jump from .2 is easier than it is for xlm to do another 100%

There is a lot of MOBI from tier 3-5 ico buyers on the market now at pub sale price. Once that dries up and gets hoarded it will start acting like LINK with no volume and slow pair based gains.

This is LINK at 18c.

looks interesting but their web is very unoptimized and affecting all my other tabs

They don't have good coders in team

and right now I can only buy it with steller?

>This is LINK at 18c.
except LINK is actually good

Agreed just looked at the mobus website it's terrible.

Haha this post is retard level.

man look at this thread, everyone is complaining about how they didnt receive their mobi. They got free XLM though!

>be me and didn't believe OP
>see 42 in tag
>will now consider OP seriously

I may have a try user.
Thanks for sharing.

why 42?

xlm is going to 8 dollars by the end of the year

M8, read a book.
Just google it.
[spoiler]me? An old fart? Maybe...[/spoiler]

LINK and XLM are good projects.

MOBI is a shitcoin.

And like previous poster mentioned: you are really stupid if you sell your XLM right now when it's about to moon (roadmap, fairx).

Stronghold offers BTC/Mobi pairs

MOBI is legit, but so is stellar. It will be a long time before Stellar stabilizes at it's natural inflationary rate.

HODL both