Not quite wanting to shill this, however this is your shot to get some freebies

Not quite wanting to shill this, however this is your shot to get some freebies. is handing out TRTL coins, the transactions are so damn fast.

I have faith in this project, mainly cause it started out as a casual project.
No rush, no hurry, just getting shit straight to make it grow exponentially.

Buckle up for an easy 50x

Other urls found in this thread:

>slowandsteady hasn't found a block in 4 fucking hours

thanks babe

What could possibly be ath of this coin in may 2018?

How do you get the miner/wallet to work? It's doesn't connect to anything and there's no technical help documentation.


getting about 16k a day mining at 600h/s?

1. - Download the wallet from the official domain.
2. - Once you have the files, open simplewallet.application. Press G as it states to generate a new wallet.
3. - Sync the wallet to the latest blocks by clicking on turtlecoind provided with the files.

Your public address is visible in your wallet, even when you're not yet synced you can still use the public address in the wallet, you can see it upon logging in to your wallet.

try another pool

You gotta run turtled.exe for like 20 minutes before the wallet will work. It's awful.

Thanks. Turlecoind appears to be doing it's thing

Once it has been finished it will say SYNCHRONIZED OK in green.

Use CCminer 64bit with the cryptonight algorythm if you wish to mine with nvidia.

Here's the .bat if you wish to make one:
ccminer-x64 -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u TRTLv3i6c5WebKFxHNvhTtMpoVSRNrysqGm7LGX4NWkUbkzJS4b7FPYha5BZX8TmgeFw3cjZhsEQ46rcRrK2B6TQLk395c9s6MR -p x

Paste in notepad, save as all files with .bat in the end.

>10 entire TRTL per drip
The Foot Clan is generous indeed!

Consider that a group of ~10 people have 80% of the circulating supply. This is not going to work.

You have to sync the blockchain.

Oh it will when Q2 arrives.

This shit is controlled by 1 pool that has like 54% of the hashrate. Be careful.

It's a legit pool, the guy is in touch with the devs too.

Pays out at 1000 as a minimum, received alot already.

>be me
>mined a couple of days when TRTL came out
>now have 5 M TRTL
>apparently this shit is worth at least 1k$



ty 4 free air

Why does it smell like curry in here?

pls gib

Says stratum authentication failed

No one is shilling for real money, we're just mining a worthless shitcoin out of nothing for now.



why do only like 5-8 people appear as payees in the payout tab? there are like 70 people in the pool. am i getting jewed here and giving my hash power out for free?

there's a few nicehashers in here, I get 1k/hr or more.

Don't sell that shit now it's going to increase in price in 3 months


'scuse me, but what does that mean? for my understanding it seems like only the people providing most hashing power get payouts. i can imagine me providing only 800-1300h/s am not part of them.

Leave it running for an hour and you'll see it come to your wallet.

I only get 600h/s but yet I now have 20k in two days, see the prt scrn up here.

Why are people buying coins like these. Why are you so retarded?!

Thank you, I will drive lambo soon, not immediately but definitely I will

ah yes, i see. before i was in a pool with only like 5-8 miners finding blocks every few hours netting me around 3-6k per block. will see which goes better for me

The Turtlecoind finished syncing ok but still can't open the wallet. Anyone have this issue?

Open wallet, let it sit, don't log in yet.
press turtlecoind, let it synchronise.

Once it says OK, log in to the wallet

you need to have the turtlecoind running while you open your wallet
don't worry GUI wallets are almost there

>this wallet

Thanks, that worked. A simple FAQ for procedures on their site would prevent me from having to ask questions in this thread.

My pool is in NYC if any of you guys are close, don't forget to port to 3333!

how will this coin ever go anywhere?
if people are mining this shit by the hundreds of thousands, then its just going to get dumped on every time it sees a rise in price.

Plz help poor user


gibs me some
