Crypto gains

Hey guys I just wanted to share my success I have had in crypto this past year. It has allowed me to take my initial investment of roughly 30k into nearly 1 million dollars in just under 8 months. I used to be heavily involved in the stock market making several hundred trades a month and I have turned my attention towards crypto where I see it still being the wild west with much greater opportunity than the heavily regulated stock exchanges. We have a limited amount of time to make the most of this crypto boom before governments and wall street get more and more involved limiting the potential for massive gains for the average investor. I want you guys to check out my twitter WeLamboNow for proof and to see some of my quality picks and writeups. I do not shill shitcoins or do pump and dumps and I am not trying to sell you a pipe dream like Tia Lopez, John Mcafee, and Trevon James who recommend only coins that pay them. I look for undervalued gems with excellent teams, unique product, and superior tech. I have had great success investing in coins with solid fundamentals like VEN, NAS, QASH, OMG, REQ, early on and made quite a bit of money beating the rest of the crowd to the gems. WeLamboNow take 5 minutes of your life to check out my profile for yourself.

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What are you selling

You can sign up here:

Selling a future outside of slave labor. A forum of individuals and myself tracking profitable investments. No shit coin pump and dump schemes.

Wales and guppies alike. We all make money.

"This is the next step to gaining the insite..."

That makes you look tarded.

Looks like access to his forum
> There are two VIP sections:
> Vip General (green users): $500 USD
> Vip Tier 1 (gold users): $1000 USD

Thanks for the critique.

Yes. There are a few hundred green members and a few dozen gold members.

Gold dump bags on green, you dump bags on gold, right?

yo op, what do you think of sphtx?

No pump and dump. Its based on how/when the information gets distributed. Gold has on average of 50k and can make bigger moves to start moving markets. I dont shill shitcoins. Everything is something I would be and am currently holding.

Sounds legit, thanks for sharing pajeet

Lol why does everyone trying to help others and help them selves with crypto have to be an evil chink or a pajeet?

Its a safe place without agendas. Well besides making money.

>why don't people trust me when I ask them to pay for advice

I was giving it iut for free for the longest time. Check my twitter. Doesnt make sense to give away advice when I put in full time hours researching so the people who pay a one time fee dont have to. If you're good at what you do then you dont need advice.

I'm in the group. Coming from one person, it's definitely been worth it for me since I joined the group. Thanks Lambo!

Thank you guys for the show of support.


Don't buy into his bull shit. I was in his group. He brings nothing new really. Maybe noobs might like his advise since they don't know shit but everything he shares in the group you can find it on a decent youtube channel for free. VEN, REQ, OMG, QUASH all not out of this world picks. ANy one with half a brain could have spot those.

What a nonsense. I am part of the group as well and his picks are not just the ordinary ones. Besides it’s not only about the picks, but also about the right point to get out or in. It’s a matter of keeping track of news and trading accordingly. That’s one of his strongpoints for sure. Apart from that there is a nice community with people who do their own research and share their ideas freely. Definately a recommendation!

Really? You must not have even half a brain then. Paying someone to do the work for you and exiting means you already lost all your investment. I know you werent in the group and dont pretend you were.

exactly everyone in that girl are brain dead. You guys can't even do your own research. You rely on some dude to tell you when to go in or out of a coin.. Come on.. He even barely talks in that group now.. It's not hard to turn 30k to a mil in this market. Don't waste your money like this. 500 to 1000 for some dumb shit advise please. Sounds like ponzi group to me and you are all gonna get bitconeeeeect

Just move along dude.
You're trying to save everyone from this group. What a hero you are.
Here I am trying to save everyone from being broke. What a hero I am. What are you selling? FUD. Everyone is getting enough of that. Be a hero and go help someone who needs it.

Speaking of wasting money. Why would you even join a paid group in the first place. You apparently know everything. And what girl?

I think he just means group. Don’t waste your energy convincing an illiterate.

Because I was there I know what he brings.which is nothing new. Total waste of my time and money really. I thought I was going to see something I didn't already know but again nothing you can find out in a youtube search.. That is why I left it's a total waste of your money...

Hahaha bless his heart!

Keep shilling the coins I recommend in your shitty discord that you charge people for. I would like my 50% in omg please

Listen hero, you must not know as much you think you do or maybe you are just mad but its ok. You need a hug? The group is more than me or allegedly you. Go seach your youtube and sift through the piles of shit while we plant the seeds in it to make fucking bank.

Really you need your twin brother for support? I think we have made our point clear. For anyone interested, do your own research and make your own decision whether you think it is worth it or not.

And f he’s wrong, too bad.

There are no experts here. Only people with big money moving the market at will.

Good or bad, this post is on page 1. Do your own research and make your own call. @WeLamboNow

No one can be right all the time. There is a lot of room between being flawless and clueless. Nothing is guaranteed, but there is just a nice community to get a lot of information from. But again, make up your own mind, DYOR as always.

awesome the guy already made 1 million out of 30k.. Go ahead give him your money lol... people just love to get ripped off I guess is just human nature or just a natural sheep mentality