Hey sir, why did you scam my brother out of his Ethereum on that anime forum?

>hey sir, why did you scam my brother out of his Ethereum on that anime forum?
What do you say

>wanna earn it back right now?

How many neo to accumulate her gas?

8.5/10, would share my shitting street with

I can't tell what nationality she is.
Is she American?

>What do you say


holy fuck shes hot

>all these race mixers getting horny because they see a girl who isn't white
Just kill yourselves

100% le 56%

Do you see that ass you queer

you're deluding yourself. it's only bad for WOMEN to race mix. Men are all set to go. dont be a wahmen

Day of the rope for you betrayer.

You faggots tend to marry these subhumans and that means no white kids are being produced and that's why you're causing white genocide.

Yeah with whites.
Ever notice how all autists are white or mixed? Neanderthal genes

Fuck i can almost taste the curry smell that must be coming out of her butthole. *vomits*

take this shit back to pol you fucking cunt, white women are literally nasty disgusting pieces of shit and I say that as a 100% white guy

i'd rather fuck asians, indians, south americans, anything but niggers honestly before i'd fuck a white girl

imagine dropping a coiler on a day so hot it sizzles at hits the street. looking over to your left you meet for the first time your future wife. her sweaty round posterier glistens in a ray of sunlight as she unleashes a spray of acidic curry shits. she notices you glancing her way and you ask her to show vagene and she smiles and it is love.

I'm a white girl and honestly i will never date a white man. You guys have become so self obsessed, demeaning and outright vile. And then you proceed to blame everyone else but yourself for your fatal flaws

Yes theres never been a full blown asian autist before

You're obviously a shitskin

This just proves that white women have a superior womb.


admit it, you never would have dated a white guy anyway. You've been so brainwashed by the liberal progressives to feel such intense white guilt that you feel indebted to pay reparations by only servicing nigger and muslim dick.

White guys want nothing to do with women like you; you're an embarrassment.

i will give him back every coin if you can fart on my face in the next 30 seconds

Oh man, when you talk like that, girls get wet.
How about pulling your bitter head out of your own ass and realize the reason nobody wants you is because you're an obnoxious twat with delusions of grandeur? No, it must be the liberal jew media.

Get out of my way you filthy nigress

It's just a preference dude. She doesn't like to date guys with hardcore inherent flaws that just so happen to be white. No different than not wanting to date a black girl for her flaws as well. Don't get so butthurt dude.

