Why is eth not recovering? Wtf

Why is eth not recovering? Wtf

ETH price is directly intertwined with BTC price to the point their graphs are exactly the same in shape with only a difference in scale

>Pumps from 750-1400
>Settles at 1000
>Not recovering

1000$ is the new 300$

not true, otherwise ethereum would still hold its 0.15 btc ratio

Ya but all the coins are recovering now back to normal price while eth is still 1k not 1.3k

cause it's old dinosaur tech, XLM does everything that it does but better

seriously guys does vitalik have some sort of illness or what is going on with that dude?
yes i am new

Instead of scale i should've used the word ratio

Remember eth started to raise when it decoupled from btc price rapidly.

Waiting for that to happen again.

it held that for like 5 mins back in june or something

foreskin cancer

true, but it was at 0.12 for weeks

Do I buy Eth now?
I finally got an account verified for bank transfers and I want into crypto.

he's Ukrainian

I would if I had extra money. In 75% in eth, just this non recovery today is hurting me

Is there any point in waiting for it to dip back into the $900s?
It's $1014 on my exchange.

Not Litecoin. Not Bitcoin. Not Bitcoin Cash. It doesn't matter what your gay altcoins are doing. If you were holding Ethereum before the crash you've made massive gains while everyone else got rekt.


It's supposed to be around 3$. Vitalik said so.

>non recovery
it was at $930 and went back to $1000
this was completely predictable too because of the way the 24h graph looked, some user even made a topic telling you to focus on the % chance and buy in one hour for a pump in three hours (which happened exactly at these times)

Nobody knows, user.
I'd assume it gets good grades (comparatively) when the ratings come out.
Then it's a question how the CME futures influence the price - it could dip hard or it could rise.
Too many unknowns.

Does anyone else get the vibe that Eth is a big junky failed experiment in the making and eventually it's problems become too large to fix?

It figures, thank you.
I guess I should just buy in increments to spread out the risk.
I'm really wary of going in the red from my ground floor.

I'm in the same boat. I had my finger on the buy button when it was around $1008.00 and now its below 990.

This isn't a bad entry point desu, it's still over 400 down from ATH. Maybe put 25% of your stack into it around this price, then see what happens over the next few days. If we drop to 900, go in with another 25% and so on.

nigga, eth is goign to drop under 900

just watch for bitcoin, stop misleading people eth retards

I want to buy Eth mainly because I can buy other things with it
Doesn't BTC rape you with transaction fees?

And what happens if it doesn't, and goes back up to 1400? Nobody knows for sure what will happen in this game, it's why you don't go all-in at one price.

You must be retarded if you think bitcoin is going anywhere close to 14k in the following days.
Must i remind you that the trend is downwards and we are closer to 9k than 14k. I get it, you faggots are trying to sell your bags to this guy, but dont worry, eth is strong and will recover someday.
You are also retarded for buying alts right now.

To me at least seems like the scaling problems it has are quite fundamental. I haven't gone through the codebase but I've heard people saying it needs to be started fresh so that the legacy stuff doesn't drag it down. Are POS, sub-chains and sharding doable and enough to up the performance to where it needs to be? Maybe, but they're a long way from here

What is your sage advice for someone looking to get into crypto now then?
Just don't bother unless BTC dips sub 10k?

Eth going back to $1400 you dunce

he has anorexia. Very common with crypto programmers

Fucking hell user this is why you're not going to make it. I've given you a sensible plan for averaging into a position, which you've ignored in the hopes that you can go all-in at the bottom of this magic dip. Honestly, I hope Eth goes back to $1400 tomorrow just so you learn a lesson.

No one gives a shit about the tech, we are all speculating. Have you bought a hotdog on 711 with any coin? They are all USELESS. Wow ethereum is useful to transfer between exchanges and cryptokitties? How can that deserve billions in marketcap?
Buy when btc goes sub 10k, when that happens it will go hard to lower 9ks, 8k will be harder to catch.
You can buy ETH or BTC when that happens.
Yes it will, once BTC goes back to 14K. So, not soon.

i bought a 4k when it droped to 1080 thinking it was the floor and then it droped firther to 920 and i went in another 1k to proce average slightly better. its a waiting game but hodling anyway i pay myself biannually or whenever my returns hit the 30% mark

It's correcting. BTC already corrected, now it's ETH's turn.

>BTC already corrected


not a chance

>Are POS, sub-chains and sharding doable and enough to up the performance to where it needs to be? Maybe, but they're a long way from here
POS is supposed to hit main net this fucking year. Plasma is a bit further off but I'd expect it to at least hit test net this year.

I guess 26th is the big day but i would be surprised if ETH stays above 900 much longer

Eth is the next Btc

This is just what peak human condition looks like

>BTC already corrected
nice one

Glad i bought some @925

It's like saying that Dogecoin will overtake ETH.

I'm all in on ether and just holding my stack. If it decouples and goes back to 1400+ great, otherwise I will buy more with fiat 50% if it goes into the 800s and another 50% if it sees 700s again

Isn’t ven a good buy today now that it has dipped?

Fugg. My dad gave me a few thousand bucks and he asked me to buy some crypto coins for me. He's breaking his back for small cash and he sees crypto as some sort of ticket to lambo land. I already told him that he shouldn't put his hopes into crypto and that it's gambling at its finest, he said he knew that but I think he got swayed by articles about people making mad dosh with crypto.

I just don't know when to buy ETH for him. I wish he bought it himself. Everything but eth and btc seems like a scam and I will hold myself responsible if I make wrong choices.

Keeps losing his gains. :(

you weakhanded bitches are the worst people.
ETH will prevail but it wont happen overnight.
Get used to sell high and rebuy low, thats how I turned 95eth into 178eth within 2 months while every loser on this board was holding shitcoins like VEN.

Invest it over time. It's unlikely for the market to go anywhere fast right now.


Proof of Stake? Or Piece of shit?

Xlm is good, but I don’t think it’ll replace eth. I feel eth offers more in the way of decentralization and both will have their uses

Right, thanks.

he needs more nutrients for his brain

All the whales know.

getting a BBB+ rating tomorrow, cant get that XRP/XLM AAA tier. sorry. ETC is still cheap though.

I think Job has more muscle even in this picture.

wait until 26th, seriously
it might be all good and pump straight to lamboland but with next set of futures closing and those contracts being for 5 BTC each I think it's highly probable that there might be another dump in store
the market cap keep getting smaller too

is this rating thing or real though? who the fuck is rating crypto?

Just make sure not to rush it. Put in like $500 a week, slowly buying dips if you think the market isn't gonna crash immediately after. No reason to rush things because we likely won't see another bull rush for a few weeks at least, plus if something catastrophic happens like Tether exit scamming, you won't have lost all of it.

You can tell him about altcoins and how to research them if he's interested, and then just vet his choices for him to keep him from getting Bitconnected. Diversifying into a couple of different long-term holds is a good idea with that sum.