Sinners gtfo
Sinners gtfo
Is the ark departing?
>Ark aims to offer template fork blockchains with connections to any chain. The wordpress of blockchains
>Sandbox VM smart contracts, Dapps. Available on all fork chains. Leaving the main chain bloat free to deal with currency swaps
>18+ programming laguages to build on the VM
>Push button blockchain. Allows anyone to create a chain, with a ridiculous amount of options
>Multiple choice of PoW, PoS, DPoS, RDPoS
>ACES - automatic contract execution between independent chains. BTC - ETH cryptokitties etc.
>Delegate marketplace. Passive income
>10% compounding interest pa. on your holdings
>mobile & desktop wallet with lite clients, no need to download the full chain. Download, Buy, transfer into wallet & stake in under 10 mins
>buy in wallet function coming late 2018
>Ability to send 14,000tps, more with testing.
>feeless transactions - yes really
>wordpress of blockchains
>coin supply on coinmarket doesnt include forged coins. 30m. Would place ark in top 30
>SCIC - first legal crypto buisness entity in world, & first coop society in France
>France think tank endorsement.
>3 forked chains already. At least 2 more community ones planned. Team have a ton more with partnerships everywhere behind the scenes
>Arks value comes from acting a as a sort of Gas for the ecosystem. Transaction fees, ICO funding currency etc.
Devs will have so many options
I'm here to warn you all.
>another Ark PnD
Have fun being poor no arkies
whats your price prediction eoy? im a poor fag and can only put in hundreds per coin..
50-150$ is not unreachable
wow 50k sats good job guys you are back to where you were about 9 months ago. Very proud of you
wew, hefty gain, but i will still be a broke fag at that rate. wish i had real money to invest, but im guna dip me toes in regardless... by the dozens. will have to resort to treating me coins as real investment and keeping it for atleast 3-5 years to see retard returns.
We saw 16x gains last year when it took off, I don't see why we can't do another 10x-12x EoY.
1.4K ARK reporting in for duty. I will help setting the sails fellow deluded Arkies.
You must be some sort of uncultured, subhuman, extra chromosome bearing fuck. If you think Ark can't reach $150 by the end of the year you have to have the mental capacity of a three year old. Even a school of mentally inept children in Africa could tell you the potential of this coin. Before you think about posting on this board again, how about you actually fucking think. Your brain has to be most most under utilized part of your pathetic little body. You're a failure to the human species and you will never account for anything. I'm sure a fucking primate could outwit you.
Kek agreed
Isnt the ATH like $8 or $9?
Deluded arkies will hold bags forever.
Have you seen the market lately, sleepy head?
I'm looking right now.
Nice coin you got there.
>he dumped his Ark, pump it.
You deluded armies have been holding this shitcoin since May of 2017 saying it’s gonna moon every fjcuking day since then. It’s time to give it up, your Arks are never gonna moon.
This. Imagine holding those ark bags this whole time while every other coin had mooned.
I unironically like the coin because of exactly that reason.
Did the retard dev team even complete their wallet yet?
Idk, 3500% since May isn't too bad right?
>doesn't even beat the market
And they wonder why it's crashing
Stay poor fag, the wallet is completed and looking pristine.
Yes, mobile and desktop. Both are works of art. ARK isn't about fake hype and pumps, it's not about getting to the finish line with a shit product as fast as possible. It's about doing things right, creating a great and polished product.
how many ARK do you need to get into the Veeky Forums prvate?
fuggg i only have 15k
AION is going to take a massive, cultured dump all over your bags.