COLX just released their roadmap
Looks like a no brainer at that tiny MC. What do you guys think?
COLX just released their roadmap
Looks like a no brainer at that tiny MC. What do you guys think?
anytime anyone says the word nobrainer that should instantly tell you to that youre the guy holding the bag
total shitcoin, money isn't built on hopes and dreams alone.
they could do the whitepaper and github in a single afternoon
scamming niggers
These bags are worth more than what I bought them at, nice try with the biz-logic though
Nice, literally just bought 100k.
>get 8 billion shitcoins for a penny
>scam idiots into buying them for a nickel
ppft nothin personnel kid
what is that like 10 dollars?
Nice FUD buddy. You must still be accumulating before the cryptopia listing.
>thinks anybody needs to fud one of the most shitcaked poopcoins on the planet that dropped back to the gutter after staking was proven to be a scam
>anonymous team
>no whitepaper
>no github
Why would anyone buy a coin that doesn't even have a fucking white paper yet? Damn, you people have a ridiculous risk tolerance.
looks promising, so many shit talkers here calling everything scam :^)
Tell that to the motherfuckers that bought Antshares. Biggest risks, biggest rewards.
Staking just fine here, not a single problem.
Because the developers have proven their worth with other coins that they've done work on?
I've been staking for a few months now, getting 1500 coins a day, its definitely working
>looks promising
LOL why would you think that, christ you're such a transparent little shill cumstain.
>proven their worth by creating other worthless shitcoins, pre mining them, then selling them to idiots
This is crypto, nigger
Coordinated shilling.
Suck my nigger dick brian
staking like a mofo here
my COLX is up 5659% since october, faggots
stay poor , then.....
how else you gonna hear about good shit like this except from other /bizbros/?
my COLX is up 5,659% since october
stay poor then faggots
user trying to do you a solid
where else you gonna here about this, except from other /bizbros/
Get out of here pajeet, and take your shitcoin with you.
Higher risk higher reward
If they don't have their whitepaper yet and you buy but it turns out the team is actually legit you get huge gains
You know this is ignorant bullshit, bagholder
Saved, will make sure to repost in any COLX threads
turns out you are the greater fool you just don't know it yet.