Made decision not to cash out my altcoins for half a million dollars in Jan and keep HODLing.
>Currently 300% at 160k
>Ask me anything
Made decision not to cash out my altcoins for half a million dollars in Jan and keep HODLing
whats your biggest holding
how badly did you fuck up to lose that much, were you holding kucuck shitcoins?
Why ? Why holding instead of selling and buying back the dip ?
Tbf you know the liquidity wasn't there anyway.
I went from 110K to 40K and I want to kms. You're not alone Ripple/XVG
Cash out USD in parts. But hey don't listen to me I refuse to cash out any fiat till I hit 6 figures, or at least till it has been one year since first buying anything via coinbase so I can claim cap gains instead of annual income, already am in the 24% bracket. Thanks Trump for swapping the brackets around for now I guess...
Do you still tell people how you’re up so much and don’t care about the crash?
I see this a lot, people saying they’re in so early it doesn’t matter while giving back 50%+ of their gains
Noob here, how do you track your portfolio? is blockfolio confusing to use?
I dunno - personally I went from my initial $347 down to $90 up to $16,000, $4.5k on Pink Tuesday, and now at about $8k. I could put it all in fiat, but don’t like making too many trades that the IRS can track.
If you actually believe in the coins, 500k shouldn’t bother you too much. I’ll always be above my initial $347, and this year I’ll definitely surpass the $16k.
I'm kinda like that myself
Started with $5k about 12 months ago, my all time high was about $400k a few weeks ago, down to $290k now
I just don't care all that much, its like a joke/game to me in some sense, like money from air, and I don't really need to cash out to improve my life, I'm already comfortable, live alone, have a nice apartment, all the material shit I want I already have, so cashing out would just be to make another investment play like buy a property or go into an ETF or something, just no real motivation/desire to do this right now though. If my crypto went to $0 I'd be kinda sad but life would go on and I wouldn't feel ruined or depressed. So I just hold indefinitely. Unless I make like $10M+ my lifestyle won't change much, even if I make $1-2M in crypto my life won't really change much, maybe I'll buy a nice sports car or something as a luxury, and/or do a little world traveling, but that's about it.
>Biggest holders are shitcoins like DENT, TEL etc, biggest gainers IOTA, PRL etc will post blockfolio later
I dont see any fuckup in this, sorry cant help with better answer
Actually have zero XRP
buying high selling low is not part of my HODL strategy
zero emotions really, Im up 300% and trully believe its only beginning
You just have to add each trade manually once you make it. I prefer Delta, it runs much better than Blockfolio
>Dent & tel
Nice to know that even guys who have sort of made it have the same shit hodl'd i do...
I'm a techie so naturally biased towards future and tech centered coins
Similar to you. Started at 10k last June and hit $420k, now down to $340k. I think if you're in some good projects, just hold. The value will return.
Same boat. Put in $25k in total, and peaked at $600k+ as the market turned around. I've lost a lot, like everyone else, but I'm confident in my bags long-term.
What bags you holding? I'm long on DRGN, VEN, and NEO with some little BAT, LRC and ICX to round it out.
my hands are getting weak, what's keeping you guys sane?
user you cant change the inevitable
>what meant to be will be
Have STRAT and NEBL as the workhorses. And put in 2ETH into UFR at ICO, which has worked out better than I ever imagined.
Plus some STORM, ETH, and ENJ to round it out.
I did a bunch of research and believe in my picks. Plus, I've been invested in stocks for a while, so I'm used to waiting months/years for catalysts to materialize.
I'm not sure how to feel. Turned 4k into 50k which is great. It just happened to hit 117k in between.
>only goes back to DEC 12
Larping faggot.
that's when I installed blockfolio
>I'm not larping type, just here to share what I've seen/know
patience brother, that spike is just a little taste of what's going to come this year.
Yeah why the fuck is that? I bought a new phone and reinstalled Blockfolio and the graph starts the day I reinstalled instead of my first trade. Seems retarded.
holy shit that's exactly how i feel, went from 5k to 540k in 6 month and now im down to about 200k and i don't give a single fuck.
I don't speak autist but I'll try
>I've only recently started using blockfolio
>I'm actually thinking of deleting it now since it started taxing on my free time since I've installed it.
Have you learned now that you should use your crypto profits to purchase gold and silver as a hedge?