Did anyone else fall for this scam?

did anyone else fall for this scam?

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Give it time, no huge moon missions yet


Tell how it is a scam?

i got into int, sphtx and hpb.. but i passed on bto.. .. felt like a scam.. i may be wrong... i'll keep any eye on it

>he fell for the AI meme again

No, saw it from a mile away.

yes, bought last night, am i cucked?


Me. Give it some time, OP. You'll be surprised.

Seems like a useless project muh blockchains

Please explain how it's a scam. It didn't go straight up to $5b market cap overnight and you're freaking out? The ICO was less than a month ago you fucking idiot. I'm starting to think Reddit investors are better than the bottom tier pieces of worthless shit that whine all day on here.

The bottos guys and women are solid. They have a clear vision on what they want to do, and good experience from encountering the challenges they aim to solve trough their earlier work with exoskeletons among other fields.


>did anyone else fall for this scam?

>hey goys, It's moonin' GET IN NOW!!!!!
you mean that scam? ^^^
Or, the scam where you read the WP, look at the charts and buy in at dip?

I know I was kidding more than anything, just surprised it's been trading sideways cuz I'm an impatient cryptofag.

Definitely waiting until it gets a proper moon, I just wish I could identify a potential catalyst for this other than mainnet in March.

I fell for the scam where I’m up 40% in 3 days while everything else i have is in the toilet


I know it's not a scam boyyos, I was memeing so you'd comfort me

stfu attention whore

The only real AI coin is DeepBrain Chain.
This shit is a scam like SingularityNet.


but how do we all feel about Matrix AI Network?

Cost too much on ED

Well.. there was just posts on telegram from Xin Song that BOTTOS has signed partnership agreements with ARM Accelerator and ARM AI Ecosystem Consortium.

You can also look into the Draper Dragon rumors/speculation. Rumors also about deals with Huawei. BTO also got listed on two new exchanges today. So there is progress. But maybe not big catalyst before Huawei confirmation. accumulate

It gets shilled pretty hard when it's shilled, but my gut tells me it's total shit and Bottos is the more promising AI hype train. Have you looked in Matrix much?

Website is shit, whitepaper is shit, but the team seems stacked and the ideas solid (self programming smart contracts, etc)

I looked into it, you're right the ideas seem solid, but hard to gauge the tech behind it. I don't know if it's worth investing into, at least for now.

If something is named matrix it's gotta be total shit, a copy of a copy

Yeah it's hard to tell with the chink shit, I remember thinking Walton was a complete scam but it's made this far (still a scam though, but not as obviously).

I guess I'll wait, if it's unintelligible gobly gook to me, then it will be to most of the west and Bottos will moon first.

Well with a name like that, I bet it'll moon once normies get a hold of it. Highly doubt AI can take care of programming whatever you want, but why not

I was really skeptical of their claims of self programming too, but normies will eat it up like you say.

Luckily it's only on ED and not even on CMC yet, so it's pretty normie proof for now (and in a sense, moon proof - unlike Bottos)

What's the circulating supply for BTO?

Not a scam btw.

350 mil

Guaranteed moon