Bitcoin's finally bottomed out, I think. From here on in I think the uptrend has started

Bitcoin's finally bottomed out, I think. From here on in I think the uptrend has started.

Lemme here from my Veeky Forumsnessmen. What do you think?

Bump faggots, c'mon now


Not until 5000.

W u t


What the hell makes you think it'll go down that hard?

Solid support at 5k. Bitcoin will go down for weeks yet, not fast, but very very slow. and even then I'd expect a long sideways crawl before we see gains in any of the top ten coins. Honestly I think the best advice is to come back to crypto in the summer.

Ugghhhh noooooo

I've tethered up, but all this FUD about tether is making me nervous to keep it that way.

But now that I look at it I think you might be right.

Might swap to Nubits instead. Seems to always be the inverse of whatever trend bitcoin is following

>come back at end of Q2
When everything is mooning because of so many main net launches? You're absolutely retarded

Thanks for the laugh.

I'm thinking at least March until recovery.
I mean look at the volume this shit is pumping out just hovering.
See you at 10k again later.