this is why i never buy crapcoins that have over 1 million supply
they are litterall brainlet/pajeet magnets
nice mountain
sold my bags @ $0.5
>buying pajeet’s bags
shitcoins were a mistake
Time to buy back in I guess
Do you mean billion?
classic pattern mountain of eternal bags
>it's hitting huobi tomorrow!
>prepare to moon as soon as it does!
Guess what it did when it hit huobi.
Every shitcoin looks like this chart. Feelsbadman
that's right OP, it starts to look as a buy
It dumped before it even hit huobi.
i literally hit my head today
i think i have a concussion
but even i was not stupid enough to keep holding dbc
got in at 15 cents CAD, out at 83
see ya later suckers
this was a pump n dump from the beginning. "brain gang" was made up by discord groups. they made all those meme images and went on a shill campaign for your fiat.
Oh shit its gonna moon faggots!
the most hilarious was the "brain gang" tripfag who would just spam "BRAIN GANG" xd over and over and people who actually reward him by telling him how positive he was. 90% sure those people were shills because nobody likest hat reddit faggotry on Veeky Forums
If Veeky Forums created a crypto that could be used in tandem with the reporting system to block IPs / rangeban countries with enough funds deposited, it would go to $100 overnight. Not even moon mission charts. Just fucking straight line out of the galaxy.
People went all in on that shit too or at least a split with ven. Saw a lot of that shit last couple of weeks
There's a linkfag a bit like that too, but he seems like a good ol autist rather than a pajeet.
FUCK you're right. Mods are fucking useless.
Compare that chart to the ZRX chart and weep tears of joy.
You are literally worse than all of them because you think you’re smart.
> what is marketcap
just bought 100k, literally
posts like this make you money, thanks op