Shill me some coins that are on the ground floor

Shill me some coins that are on the ground floor.
I said coins not tokens aka the shitcoin's shitcoin.

Other urls found in this thread:

>2 day old coin
>already blowing up leddit
>meme magic

why are her boobies cross-eyed

PopularCoin (POP) will moon very soon. 4 million dollar market cap.

Upfiring UFR is a 15mil cap coin on Craptopia that is supposedly going to be listed on a new exchange within 3 days. I think it will be Kucoin, according to their weekly update:

Literally just mooned

That's not ground floor you faggot


telcoin TEL

I'm talking that have no marketcap because they just launched and are not on market yet.
A plus would be you can talk directly to the devs via Telegram or Discord.

either you're a newfag and you don't know the difference or you're just blindly shilling without caring about the guidelines. Or both.