I registered on seekingarrangement.com to see if I could be a sugar daddy, then forgot about account...

I registered on seekingarrangement.com to see if I could be a sugar daddy, then forgot about account, exactly - no more than 1 month later I have over 50 messages.

Is this normal?

Are they bots or something?

No one cares faggot
>payign for sex
ugly freak autist

to the contrary all you capitalists are going to get women the second you make your gains so fuck off man

I've already got gains and enough women
They're all boring

take pic as an example

What kind of person with a functioning brain sits on a chair like that?

Women who try to be sexy aren't sexy

This is a feel you wouldn't understand because you're larping


Wait are you saying I dont have 50 messages in my inbox? Because that would be cool?

no im saying you're a faggot

>implying that woman is desirable

you get rich to bang useless thots?

Bring in the ban hammer.

i tried it some are bots some are real, but trust me you have to watch your back with most gold diggers, i mostly go pick the young ones at clubs or bars where they work, desperate to make end met


Bots and ugly girls.


how is a gold digger dangerous?

its not like im going to marry her


well not dangerous unless shes a addict or connected directly to prostitution, how ever if your a cuck and easily manipulated a experience one can suck your money dry. You have to have control over the situation.

>fuck gold digger
>she lies about the pill/lies about IUD/sabotages condom
>gets pregnant
>"Marry me or I take half your shit for your sprog :-)"

I don't know how is a gold digger dangerous?

moar pics

Yeah but white chicks don’t actually do this. No 22 year old white slut is gonna have a bastard kid just to get some of your money.

Oh, user...


Really? I bet the prevalence is 1/100th as common as black girls having kids with no father for free money. Sure everything is a risk, but less for sure

Ok man good luck.


do people actually find pic related attractive? it just looks grotesque.
throw in that meme hairstyle and you get a weak 6/10


God damn... How young are you? That's as absurd as saying "A man wouldn't lie about his relationship status in order to fuck a chick"

i want to eat caviar off of the ass of the one on the left

Yeah lying about relationship status == caring for spawn for 18 years of your life for pennies

that's making it for a woman user

what's goin on there?

what the fuck is that ass on the left, is she growing back a tail

focus son, you have to focus on the gains stop Fapping >

Jesus Christ user...

That dress has to be so annoying to walk in how does she not trip?

someone needs to teach this bitch how to squat, taking thotty pictures like that she's gonna fuck up her knees and lumbar spine baddd by the time she's older.

also, wtf she literally looks like a 14 year old you creep, she has no curves. pic related is a full grown woman who clearly has good squat form, and doesn't look 14.

>Marry me or I take half your shit for your sprog :-)
wat. isn't marriage where she takes half of your money. if you get her pregnant can she really get more than, say, 10k per month?

>also, wtf she literally looks like a 14 year old you creep, she has no curves. pic related is a full grown woman who clearly has good squat form, and doesn't look 14.
>sag ass