>35k in crypto
>$400 in the bank
Who /allin/ here?
>35k in crypto
>$400 in the bank
Who /allin/ here?
fuckin idiot
those are rookie numbers OP you gotta pump up those numbers.
>90k cryptos
>50 bucks on bank account
you have a gambling problem
50/50 split here kind of
$6k in bank and rougly 0.6 bitcoin
500k in btc/eth/ltc down from 1mm 5 weeks ago
Some of us have literally nothing else to live for. If I don't make it in crypto I'm still a depressed loser, if I make it I'll be able to change my life
>70k in crypto
>5k in bank
This. So little to lose but so much to possibly gain.
>pic related for crypto holdings
>5 oz gold and 50 oz silver
>$30k in my bank account
>paid off car (worth $6k now)
>credit limit of $33k
I'm getting married in a couple of months and I'm really considering just moving away forever.
$100k in bank
$400k in VEN
dude just trade triple zero stocks, or at least diversify and do some of that.not worth going all in ever. you think your a depressed loser now? wait til you lose everything
55k in crypto
100 in bank
More like 5 mm in crypto 200 euros and 300 dollars. I live with parents so don't have no problems. Also there is no stigma to live with parents because east euro. I also bag hold 1 mm chain link
never go all in op... but if you do.. buy INT.. and then sell it for SHIP mid feb.. you will 100x so fast
You could be trading Canadian weed stocks or pharm stocks with actual value and volitlity just like crypto (not to mention volatility ETFS) yet you decide to gamble your money on scam coins that will all go to 0 one day
>5 oz gold and 50 oz silver
Why THE FUCK would you do that
alright you idiots, if you got that much money in crypto at least have enough cash ready to live off for a year so you can withstand the jews pushing down btc for a while. Because if you dont you will sell them you coins for cheap at the first emergency you have.
this is the opportunity of a lifetime. Make the most of it biz friends.
Sure, if you're a cuck that buys shitty scam coins.
>never go all in op... but if you do.. buy INT.. and then sell it for SHIP mid feb.. you will 100x so fast
Hi Rakesh!
$5000 in bank and this blockfolio for holdings.
Cost of living is real cheap so i'm just gunna hodl these beautiful coins for 6 months and pay off this house with the profits.
Might not make it but i'll be comfy for a long time.
> 250k$ in crypto, 1k$ in fiat
Get rich or die tryin
uh, no sweetie. It doesnt matter how "good" you think your coins are, they are all 100% speculative + manipulated prices, with no real company backing and no obligations for shareholders
Even XMR, the only good coin in existence that is actually used, I believe will have a 90% correction when the next crash happens
Because its literally the only investment that is guaranteed to have the same value in the future.
god where do you retarded nocoiners even pop up from
They are bitter people who mis-timed their sells to the point where they felt it was too late to get back in.
Pro Tip: It's never too late.
Me too here. 43k in crypto, 3k fiat (19 tho so no point of me holding onto money anyway) started off with 10k so yolo all in or nothing. ATH was 74k when BNTY was 95 cents
All in or nothing faggot
>£32k in crypto
>£500 in bank
>Rent due in 7 days
Was I doomed to fail at everything? I
began to feel hopeless, until I saw the current jackpot for the Megemillions Lottery. It was rising very
high in the month of March. I began to take a serious interest in playing the Lottery again.
I believed that it was destiny for me to win the Megamillions Lottery, particularly this very jackpot.
People win the lottery every single month, so why not me? I was meant to live a life of significance and
extravagance. I was meant to win this jackpot. It was destiny. For the first few drawings I played, I spent
$50 to $100 on tickets, but to my profound frustration I still didn’t win, and the jackpot kept rising. This
only increased my enthusiasm. I started to picture a whole new, perfect life for myself after I won. I
imagined buying a beautiful, opulent mansion with an extravagant view, and acquiring a collection of
supercars which I would use specifically to attract beautiful girls into my life. I planned to go back to
college once I had bolstered myself with all this wealth, and lord myself over all the other students
there, finally fulfilling my dream of being the coolest and most popular kid at school. As I sat meditating
in my room, I imagined the ecstasy I would feel as scores of beautiful girls look at me with admiration as
I drive up to college in a Lamborghini. Such an experience would make up for everything. I had to win
this jackpot.
How do i rearrange my portfolio to become a millionare eoy?
24k req
438 ven
1.1k eng
2.2 eth
>$1200 in the bank
>$50,000 in crypto
8k in bank
We had this thread yesterday
60k crypto, negative 15k in the bank (debt) idgaf.
Get some XLM and LINK.
Get off of Veeky Forums and dont ever take this place seriously. Thats actually honest advice. this place is the worst place on earth to learn about anything.
>$2200 in crypto (rn its worth $6k)
>$2k in the bank
>$1k in stocks
>$1k in silver
will I make it?
Turn 24k Req into another 1.5k VEN and sell of the ETH and get BNTY/PFR both going to x4 next month
only if you transfer everything from stocks silver and bank into crypto
Jesus you sound so fucking old. Go collect a social security check or something old man.
Well the silver is my "savings", I use it as my retirement fund so I buy like $200 worth every month. The stock is this one Cannabinoid
pharma pennystock called Nemus Bioscience, chek out their pipeline.
They recently got a partnership with emerald health, a licensed producer in Canada and they've been doing real well. If any of these drugs passes P2 trials its ganna moon. Bought in at .30 cents, not ganna let go of this one
Never took a risk in my life, always been depressed and faggy that I cant seem to improve my situation.
Went all in on crypto, was the only thing I could think of and at least I could say I gave it a go if it doesnt come off.
20k in crypto
2k in a stock I bought ages ago
600 in the bank.
we're gonna make it
Same here bro, it's either crypto takes off or I off myself
shipchain releases feb? Source?
sell ven and buy icx/xlm
>hast the same value in the future
ill legit kill myself if cryptos doesnt make me rich
this fucking shit planet has nothing to offer and Im not gonna wagecuck for the next 20 years
>not going 99% all in in this timeline
>not being afraid of loss since you were a loser NEET that hit rock bottom to begin with anyways
is anyone else shitless of tether but don't want to cash out your small gains knowing in a year from now that could have been a million
>$12 in crypto
>$20 in the bank (will be $10 after I top up my bus pass today)
>Im not gonna wagecuck for the next 20 years
fuck i would rather die than go back to that for the rest of my god damn life
>$100 i bank
>$78,000 in crypto
not joking. but getting paid this week
>$90k in crypto
>$2.25 in bank account.
Pay day is tomorrow so another $4k in worthless fiat
I hope you make it.
Im too smart to go all in
15k£ in bank
200k£ in crypto
I wish I was happy about this but I'm actually just numb and depressed
I have almost 4k in crypto and $100 in the bank, but that's cause my investment was 900 and I spent a bunch on my last roadtrip.
I didn't start all in, it just happened. Too smart to sell and I'm looking for a job.
20k in bank
60k in crypto
600$ initial investment this year
im going to make it
14k crispo, 2k dank account
why is your shitty fiat going against the trend? you getting hyperinflation on your shitty island? or is there money to be made from going into your currency?
>65K in crypto
>rock candy in bank
>biggest boner I’ve had since 2012
I used to have 1.6 million in crypto and 81 dollars in the bank. Then it crashed to 950k and I snapped out of it and cashed out 900k and left 50k in.
Buy some kneepads with the last $10
It's fucked for at least the next couple of years. I'm emigrating as soon as I make it
jewing the jew
godspeed user
>100k crypto
>Not even 100€ in bank account
20k savings
1k checking
10k cash
400 ETH
Car worth 9 to 10k
Dont owe anything
No credit
Im 27 and i have no credit at all
Is not like i will be able to buy a house here in colorado. its too fucking expensive now
Anyone else with no credit?...
as if 10% more or less matter
20k crypto was 40k boutta week ago
20k in a safe at a relatives no banks for me
i live paycheck to paycheck but i live with parents and dont spend it all since i stare at charts all day. I'm hoping with crypto i can pay my mothers mortgage off and retire her earlier than she plans to and allow her to retire way comfier than she plans too
Keep your REQ and sell the rest for LINK. All of it.
who needs credit if you have enough money to just buy it outright? Dont play the bankers game
Don't be a retard. In terms of risk, Crypto is blue chip investment compared to biotech stocks. Except the upside for crypto is higher by orders of magnitude.
This is my favorite "sekrit" coin meme on Veeky Forums. Gonna be funny when people get JUST'D
>accuses other of baseless speculation while speculating on it himself
OK user. That 90% crash was because MtGox which had 90% of all volume was hacked btw.
>4k in stocks
>4k in bank
Being poor and stupid sucks
>6000k in overdraft/credit card debt
>450k in crypto
I got my car cash at 17k
Bad invesment i now, but i dont think ill be Ble to buy a house here. Might as well save then buy cheap somewhere else
>35k in crypto
>20k in bank
>20k in debt
How the fuck is everyone so crypto rich? Wtf did u guys buy?
>uh, no sweetie. It doesnt matter how "good" you think your coins are, they are all 100% speculative + manipulated prices
Just like those weed stocks that arent in the top 10?
10k crypto
35k bank
40k real estate equity
not hard if you bought BTC at $100 or ETH at $10
It doesn’t matter what coin, you just gotta buy high and sell low
I'm only not all in because of the shadinness of fiat-to-crypto exchanges (non US here). Those 3 days of wait for my deposit to clear were hell. It was about 1/3 of my money.
>$200k crypto, all in vechain
>$100 in the bank
>20 year old NEET living with parents in a 2nd world country
Fuck all these normies, we're going to make it brah. Don't cash out
22k in crypto, 4k CC debt I used to start trading on DEC 4th. I own a car worth about 6k.
it's the USD-Tether of IRL user. if currency depreciates than his gold will 'go up' in value. If you want to guarantee that your 1000 dollars buys you more or less what 1000 dollars buys you today, but in 10 years, regardless of inflation - gold.
investment is to make a result which is not always in the more direct form of 10x usd. gold is worth owning with money that you truly want to save.
>"Dont be a retard"
>proceeds to be a retard
$1.24m in crypto
$15k in the bank
& that's only because I sold 1 percent of my LTC when it hit $350. At LTC's peak I had 2m in crypto and literally hundreds of dollars in my checking.
I'm pretty tempted to sell at least 30-100k more so I'm set in case a bear market happens but still have plenty of crypto left if thats not the case.
ugh the short term cap gains are gonna be brutal though, even when my income is zero dollars it's bad. even worse if you have a high income
No joke,
80k in alt coins mainly chinese like wtc, ink, neo, bnb.
Probably around 500 in bank.
I m all in. Dont ask me to diversify, any penny i get out of crypto is a pain in the ass.
That s the greatess shift of wealth in human kind.
I'm ready to loose everything. I have faith into the evolution of the eco system
600k in crypto
1200 bank account
wish i made two trades different. would have 6mio...
at least want 3
Make it or suicide.
I am not wageslaving for the rest of my life. Fuck the world is awesome, so much shit to do and see but only if you have freedom to actually do it. Fuck having to put a month notice before you take some pithy 1 week generic vacation once or twice a year or traveling the world when your some old fuck at 65. If you are working you are a slave, no matter how much you make. Free by 35 or dead my dudes.
5500 in crypto
50k in retirement
10k in the bank
Will I make it /bros/?
5k In cash
20k in Nvidia 1070 units
5k in gold
5k in silver
100k in LINK
>20k in Nvidia 1070 units
are you using them to mine or just hording them waiting for prices to go up?
>I'm ready to loose everything
right? this is a great opportunity, banks don't offer these type of returns in their investments
by the way, is ink a big player like the other coins you mentioned?
if you take the money out of retirement you will
jesus. you're set