Sup biz

Sup biz,
I need some advice.

I'm broke as fuck and have 6k in bitcoin.
Do I sell in this fucking bear market to increase my quality of life substantially? (currently living on free food and government benefits) Or just sit tight until it goes on a bull run again?

I could buy some rad stuff to improve my neet existence (oculus, running shoes, keyboard, etc) but selling so far from ATH seems like a bad move.

What do?

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yes, buy high, sell low

no, you nigger, go get a job and hodl

Why the fuck are you even thinking of buying an oculus and running shoes when you're living on free food and benefits?

Get a fucking job and get your shit together first. Then when you have enough money to buy an oculus DON'T. Put that fucking money into a crypto that's not BTC... Why the fuck are you even in BTC now?

I bought in when I had a job working in a call center. Quit because it was making my life miserable. I'm happier now, just broke.

I could probably find another job but if it's a shit as the last one I'd rather be unemployed while I learn how to code so I can get a job that isn't horse shit

Was in a similar situation. Call centers are awful. Quit, went NEET for a bit and studied/practiced computer skills. Got a job at a humble lil restaurant for some easy work that would pay the bills. Kept sending out resumes and landed a comfy job where I can work from home but have to go to meetings about once a week.

Keep on the grind, user. Be comfy now and struggle for the rest of your life, or struggle a bit now and be comfy when you get older and start slowing down.

Thanks man, I appreciate the thoughtful words.

Yeah, I'm looking into part time work so I can keep grinding but I'm only really qualified for customer service which is terrible. Hopefully I can find something that isn't so bad

I'm in a similar situation, with almost exactly the same amount of crypto, but I'm holding shitcoins. Quit my job in december and trying to figure something out. Already had to cash out some crypto to pay the bills, looking into part-time work to avoid cashing out even more.

Just think about you'll feel in a year when BTC is 20,000+ and you sold, try to find a job you can stand until you land your dream job! Good Luck!

Cheers brother. I holding some shitcoins too.
I'd recommend looking into coding if you haven't already, there are a lot of courses online if you want to find out if it's for you. Pretty good coin once your in the industry too apparently.

I think you're right man. Keep at it bro

6k won't increase your quality of life in any noticable way on the long run unless you live in uganda or sth

if u need to take out money to pay the bills or to put it in a safer investment, fine...

but buying fancy shit like oculus rift and runing shoes....jesus christ user..

decode me

Sure it could. I'm living on 300 a week. I could live fairly comfortably if I were spending an additional 200 per week for example.

What's wrong with buying rad shit when you're broke? It's not like I'll be broke forever

that kind of attitude will keep you broke user. if you are going to cash out invest in something that can help make money like stock, a decent vehicle if you don't have one, fuck go to walmart and buy bulk water and hang around contruction sites pawning off the water at unit price and tax + profit.

What is wrong is that in this market that "rad shit" could instead be worth tens of thousands of shekels in 18 months and you know it.

Try this

Fuck you leech. You are gambling with taxpayer money. I hope you die.

hope you get cancer and die early, leech.


>he sold, pump it

take out like 500$.
Keep the rest, and be a little kind to yourself too.
Don't let greed take over and even if it all goes to shit, you still have a 500$ you can live on which sounds like a good investment to me.


You will never ever make it investing in anything with the desire to "make it." if you need the money cash out. If you dont you can HODL, but there never any garuntees and taking profits are always good. Missed profits are not losses. If you bought in at even $5k and your protfolio went up to $12k then down to $6k you are still up and doing well. It might go back up. When who knows, but if you always have that attitude you will die poor.
Its always the same on Veeky Forums.
>Bear Market
>Bull Market
Just do what is responsible for you.
But do yourself a favour dont ducking soend that $6k use it towards a down payment or basic needs.

Seriously, kill your self. You are a prideless drag on the rest of us. Assuming you are from a western culture. We are superior to third world shit holes in spite of weak, dependent beta males like you. Your grandfathers would weep at your worthlessness and take their own lives if they could see you. I hope for your sake you are black, because if you are white, then you are an even more unfathomable failure.

I earned that money through work you fucking moron

>Not supporting a universal basic income

holy f dude Hooooold!, the bear market looks like its near the end. Feb-March we should see the bull run. I am holding tight, same here bro, just finished my $3 lunch but I know the wait will be worth it, and we wont be poor fags in just a few months

i hear you on that one except im not going to quit with out a solid plan, im putting all my extra fiat $ in to Crypto, i made my calculations, this year I will be able to quit my job if it all goes to plan. I should have a entire years salary in my bank account if my plan goes well, and then I will figure out how I can sustain working for myself doing Cryptos, Mining, Marketing etc

Everything's gonna be okay. Every forest needs some flowers, a little red here and there on our way up the mountain. Isn't it so fantastic we're able to stand on these peaks and take in the grandeur? Sometimes we have our head in the clouds and miss the hike and that's okay. There'll always be more for us to climb. Y'know, the journey down is just as much fun when you wanna get to the bottom. Sometimes we trip and fall and that's okay too. Anytime you learn, you gain. There's no pressure. Just relax and do what makes you happy and it'll happen. If what you wanna do is going to make you cry later, then you need to choose a little more carefully. So be very light. Be a gentle whisper.

Wow, this is next level. How is this level of butt-hurt even possible over anything I've said?

Somehow I think your life is a lot worse than mine and I'm sorry you're in pain

Sounds like a solid plan hombre

Yeah, but you didn’t cash out when you ran out of money to support your broke ass. And universal income? Don’t make me laugh, you commie retard. You think western civilization lifted the whole world out of feudalistic imprisonment by being cucks who pay for the weakness of every faggot in existence just for breathing oxygen? Universal income is just a turd for maggots like you to consume. Unearned income. What a joke. How do you think the world works? Whose money is going to pay for that?

i honestly think if you are sharp enough, focused in your discipline you can go unemployed and live off Cryptos for a good while I am pushing towards that independence, going to leave my wage cuck co workers behind end of this year

yup bro, if i would have just held on the to coins i bought 3-4 months ago I could have quit by June, i f up, but im back and im holding until the next bull run, it should set me free

Fuck you, my MONTHLY wage is 370 and it's average in my city

So let me get this straight, you're arguing against the government giving you free money, taxed from the super wealthy who have a tendency to support such movements, so you can focus on bettering yourself, being able to retrain, start business ventures, and contribute value to society "CUZ COMUNISM BAD!"?

Studies show the implementation of basic income increases productivity and the hours people work rather than decreasing them

That sucks man. Where do you live? Get the hell out of there

And yet here you sit, not doing shit. Go figure. Communism is bad because it produces weak men who don’t strive for self sufficience. You are exhibit A, user.

Ukraine. I am finishing bachelor this year and I consider studying masters in USA and try to get scholarship, but I have to stay here or 1 more year. I also can move to Germany this year, but I will try USA first and if I fail I will go to Berlin. The problem is that my job here is pretty good for 20yo (big4 audit), but those wages maaaaaaaan

100x margin long on ETH and hope for the best

o shooot i met a lot of girls from the Ukraine here in Los Angeles, i know how difficult it can be there. I dated a few as well nice girls and fun

you should kys for being a fucking leech

girls are the only great thing here, but I date the same one for almost 5 years lol

yea they are super beautiful, i am dating one now her name Katrina, her eyes are like the sea super beautiful looks like a model

Most of girls stay in usa illegaly after W&T and it's not hard for them at all to find a husband at

Oh okay, yeah I recommend migrating. I imagine the cost of living is a lot lower over there though, right?

Acquiring marketable skills through study is a good way to go

There's a ridiculous international premium on engineers who understand how to blockchain.

Thank me later OP

Buy eth, get into some ico
Literally any ico will do fine

I am trying to move out from my parents with gf and I think of ~800$/month for us both including housing billls and grocery, but I still cannot afford it. I could if I have sold dbc at the top, but I fucked up.

I'm learning how to code so I can get a decent job. I AM a good example. I'm a good example of social welfare helping people better themselves and the society they're a part of.

If this safety net wasn't available to me I would just be stuck in low income work rather than being able to move up the social hierarchy by retraining.

There's a midpoint between capitalism and communism

>What's wrong with buying rad shit when you're broke?
It's dumb, I have a job and I don't even like spending money on shit like that.

>It's not like I'll be broke forever
lol, yeah you will if you continue to handle money like a nigger.

Thanks for your insight friend

If you spend all your time studying all the coins and movements you can make enough to buy the stupid crap you want in a month.

trade it for funfair and hodl until you 2x in feb try your best timing the top, buy as soon as you can

>Why the fuck are you even thinking of buying an oculus and running shoes when you're living on free food and benefits?
Poor people are poor for a reason.

I have a oculas
Running shoes
And 6k In crypto
Wait did i fucking make it guys
Is this it

Patience is the biggest virtue here.

I'd advise continuing to live like you do, and reinvesting your BTC money into riskier, higher moon-capability coins. UFR, APPC come to mind.

Top kek. You made it breh

hold Euro bro, Bull Market is right around the corner. Pick UP some ICX (Icon) if you can should hit $50 this year and XLM is cheap as well right now.

Oh I see. You are so tired from “learning how to code” all day, there is just no way you could bring yourself to go and provide for yourself at the same time. I had no idea, I had no idea that you were putting yourself through all that. You poor devil. And your support of eventual universal income doesn’t hint at all at the fact that you expect not only the money you are already receiving from working people you don’t know, but that you expect more! Nor does the fact that you want to take some of your crypto and blow it on dumb wants instead of needs indicate that you still have no appreciation for money and don’t appreciate the anonymous help that you’ve been given in the slightest. I misread you completely, user. Please go back to learning how to code, I would hate for you to further exhaust yourself.
>give me a break, you lazy fuck.

I don't understand why you're so mad because someone has differing political beliefs to you.

If you're working some meaningless full time job, as I was, you have less time to focus on things that matter to you and have actual value.

VR development is easier with the equipment. App development is easier with a phone. Running shoes make it easier to not become overweight.These aren't just frivolous purchases.

Of course I appreciate the money I'm currently receiving and don't intend to subsist on it long term. It's a terrible living on subsidies.

What do you spend your day doing? From your rage I imagine it's something you don't care for