First coffee bought using the Lightning Network.
Muh coffee.
First coffee bought using the Lightning Network.
Muh coffee.
Wow, using a centralized network to pay with decentralized currency. So much better than using a debit card!
>wasting precious bitcoin on some overpriced crap
too bad i can do the same without paying fees
>now the transaction fees are $20 instead of $40 and it only took 2 hours instead of 6!!!
Who is the central party?
If you mean completely instant and basically zero fees then correct.
Yea that only happens if both people have a segwit wallet and you run through a lightning node. Good luck getting everyone to adopt that. Exchanges and miners don't want that.
exchanges and miners dont sell coffee or any other product
>basically zero fees
i can pay with a debit card and pay 0 fees and it's still instant af.
let's be honest for a moment, btc and crypto are speculative assets and 80% of people in crypto don't even care, they are here for the gains and lambo memes
do you really think people will pay a coffee with btc while the price swings from 11k to 10,5k in 10 mins?
Exchanges and miners are how you get BTC
Yeah but you have to use your fake usd coin
As far as then end user is concerned it wont' be any different to using Bitcoin now except way more user friendly because of invoices and user aliases.
The tears when some bug causes billions in losses will be hilarious.
>their POS is a website
>they couldn't even make an app
why does this trigger me so much?
>fast and cheap
crypto is the future. no more doubt about it. get in or be poor.
i already got my btc, not planning to buy more. You on the other hand will keep paying those fees even if absurdly high, dont kid yourself. You will fomo at $25k i can see it already
>i can pay with a debit card and pay 0 fees
Lol, you can't be this stupid.
>he doesn't understand how lightning network works
Literally solves all the issues BTC had. What now haters?
Is it because the coffee is no longer getting cold waiting for bitcoin to validate?
if its not on the blockchain its crap and should be killed with fire in addition everyone that supports it should get their genitals chopped off
Do you have to pay state and local taxes if you buy with Buttcoin?
People wont adopt it because none knows about segwit wallets and lightning nodes, Only people that understand block chain know whats going on with BTC's scaling issue. And exchanges don't want segwit because it lowers transaction fees which is what they profit off of so they will never adopt it. Also miners don't want any of this shit because it lowers profit for them as well. There you go you have a 3 party platform that needs to be used in order to "fix" BTC's scaling issue and its against the interests of the 2 power houses of the BTC eco system. 1 - Miners and 2 - Exchanges.
>1 cup of coffee, that'll be 0.02LTC. I mean, 0.01LTC, I mean 0.03LTC, I mean...
No I don't, please explain it to me..who is the central party that has control of your funds?
>OMG goys this brand new blockchain technology is having growing pains and isn’t perfect yet like the internet was when it was first released durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
you are a normie moron. Keep sucking the Jew cock faggot
>i already got my btc, not planning to buy more.
okay well none else will want to buy BTC so that price will tank. Have fun selling BTC at 1.5k. Nones fomoing into that shit storm.
Don't forget that you will also be paying for a subscription to LN and the other party has to also be online or else horrible things happen
that too, You literally have to pay someone to fix BTC's shit show. and you end up becoming reliant on some 3rd party.
cashies on suicide watch
seriously, what wrong with Segwit?
Nice progress. I dont get why people expect that even small transactions like buying coffe should be on the blockchain.
Hope the Raiden Network will solve this issue as well for Ethereum, as the network costs are already like $0.50
lol you're probably getting cucked in 'murica
i don't pay fees with my debit card and you're probably too stupid to understand the difference between debit card and credit card
don't worry i'm still dropping bags on you faggots
>none else will want to buy BTC
you are greatly mistaken, shit is barely starting. You will see end of year...
>bitcoin was invented so normies can pay for their $2.95 coffee
>not murican
>your pathetic “bags” is spit in the ocean because you are a little dick plankton
>Dumps 50% in the last 3-4 weeks
>Dumps in BTC dominance
>Dumped from Steam
>Dumped from 90% of companies it use to have a foot hold in.
>Increased transaction fees
>Increased transaction times
>Core teams only solution is "lightning nodes" that you have to pay a 3rd party to use.
hmmmm yea shits starting to burn to the ground if thats what you mean?
>i don't pay fees with my debit card and you're probably too stupid to understand the difference between debit card and credit card
Guess who pays the fees?
>that has control of your funds
No one said that. If you're being sarcastic, fuck off. If not, fuck off and read about the lightning network.
>getting so salty because you have to pay fees in order to buy a coffee wih your shitcoin
stay cucked murica corecucks
So LN has yet to solve the routing problem. Right now every single channel update is broadcast to the entire network. Sounds scalable right?
Then there is the issue of the other party broadcasting an out of date channel state. You have to be watching ready for this to happen. If you miss it they can just steal your funds lol. And apparently the proposed solution to this is to pay some third party to monitor your channel?
It's a fucking mess.
this post is going to trigger so many newfags
Basically, LN is just a glorified tab keeping system.
B-but LN is vaporware! Biz taught me that!
Should I invest in Raiden? Or will Ethereum be BTFO in '18?
first exchange that will support lightning transactions will slowly but surelyy get more customers => more people paying fees (for the exchange, not for the bitcoin network) => more money.
the more usable it become, the more we will see slow vendor adoption again => more people will use it even just for their channel opening/closing => blocks will keep being full and miners will still be paid.
I'm near Palo Alto where do I buy this coffee
sounds like a good time to buy
>retailers accept btc when price is running
>stop accepting when it starts crashing
>make off with the profit
You do realize that’s what will happen right? It already is. Lmao at the deluded people who genuinely believe we’ll all use bitcoin someday or any other deflationary crypto instead of the dollar. This was a fad. Oldheads know that and are merely pretending to be punks in a fleeting attempt to keep the pump alive.
>And exchanges don't want segwit because it lowers transaction fees which is what they profit off of so they will never adopt it.
Bitstamp supports Segwit since September 2017 and even pays for the transaction fees. It's just Coinbase being ass
Hubs are trustless you blithering fucking idiot
the issuer of the service and they pay like 0,7% to 0,4% of the total revenue or even less for credit card payments where i live
Is the need to buy coffee easily and quickly literally the only thing driving crypto tech?
What happens when the coffee bubble bursts? Crypto won't have a reason to exist.
I used to believe in bitcoin but these people need to get their head out of their ass and start looking through the perspective of the normie (which is hard since a lot of bitcoin maximalists have autism).
This shit is not end user friendly. It needs to exist solely on the backend or else no one is going to put in the effort to use it.
None of the btrash retards do.
kek like I said pajeet, I’m not American. I live in one of the most wealthiest nations in the world. You’re still a faggot for ripping on BTC. If BTC goes down, it all goes down for a long time. Your ignorance is radiating from all over you
I'm sure everyone involved with cryptocurrency realizes how non-user friendly it currently is. it also should be a reminder of how early into this technology we are.
Does BTC actually want to die?
Is this a cry for help?
Bitcoin's greatest strength is also it's greatest weakness. It is stable with solid security but will lose to other coins implementing change quicker with faster innovations.
If they don't get their shit together, Bitcoin will fade this year.
lol, so what should i do pajeet? bow down to the shittiest and most overvalued shitcoin out there lmao?
i've already made a big ass profit from crypto so even if it crashes tomorrow i won't stress an inch
you probably started in december and now you're hoping for this shit to pump until you make it
fucking newfags, im out
> that you have to pay a 3rd party to use.
you know lightning nodes are open source right
fucking cashies are actual retards
>implying the Jews and blockstream won’t sabotage it.
The value of every currency fluctuates relative to all others at all times. The US dollar is considered strong against the Canadian dollar when $1 USD = $1.1 CAD. Right now 1 BTC = ~$11,000 USD.
If you understood how it worked you would realise it will only solve said issues when you have banking hubs so you don't have to pay the massive fee of opening a channel. Only paying it once basically. Now it's literally banking 2.0 or pay massive fees. It's dumbass solution.
>B-but as long a-as BTC goes up I don't care
I care and plenty of others also, Segwit and Lightning are both shit solutions.
>Now it's literally banking 2.0 or pay massive fees.
How is it remotely comparable to banking? You do realize that hubs are trustless, right? Right??
I don't get why Roger Vernstein supports are so anti-Semitic.
Don't they know their guy is Jewish?
It is trustless but not peer to peer. I also son"t trust a system where I am not holding my BTC but some fucking IOU that will be settled at a later date. Which will prob never come.
You expect the people following a conman and his coin to be consistent in their beliefs? LOL
>So LN has yet to solve the routing problem it will never work
its been on mainnet for like 1 week you literal moron
wow bitcoin literally does the same thing good job
Who cares if your coffee payment is routed through a centralized network? The base layer and your holdings are still on the decentralized base layer. That's what's important.
How is this level of centralization any different than the current setup with miners? (which people are mostly fine with)
>bcunts btfo again
>better get those 1 terabyte blocks
>I dont get why people expect that even small transactions like buying coffe should be on the blockchain
Because literally the whole point is that all transactions are recorded and visible on a single public ledger.
literally literally literally not the point
>bcash literally down 70% from its USD ATH
>bcash literally down 60% from its BTC ATH
>never was on steam
>less dominance than dogecoin
>never had a foothold in any companies
>tx fees just as low as other unused shitcoins
>tx time just as low as other unused shitcoins
>bcash team only solutions is to copy 95% of its code from core devs they shit on constantly
hmmm yea shits starting to smell like just another shitcoin
I encourage all bitcoin core supporters like myself to try out LN on the mainnet! It 100% works! Buy something really expensive with it! It's amazing!