Vechain: WARNING to NEW investors

After seeing the suicide hotline number all over Reddit during Bitconnect's exit scam, I've realized how devastating to peoples LIVES it can be to lose so much of your money on what you think is a promising endeavor.

ANYBODY that is being shilled into buying VEN right now, BE CAREFUL. Proceed with caution. Now, I'm not saying that VEN will be crashing in the imminent future, BUT, I would like to lay on you my perspective. Hopefully this post reaches the ones that are thinking about investing into VEN now. It's the wild wild fucking west here, and not many care to look out for you. I've made enough to be satisfied for a while. I want to give back in the form of wisdom.

So, without further ado.

Dear Current VEN Shillers,

VEN has been one of the most hyped coins the past couple weeks. Nearly ALL news is priced in. Momentum is obviously drying up. MOST of the hodlers bought in sub $0.35. I remember when they tweeted about Apotheosis part 1, and I was shilling it like crazy on biz and Reddit. Knowing that Vechain wasn't a company that had baseless hype, I knew that the price was finally ready to explode. Explode it did. From $0.35 to over $9.50.

Do you REALLY think VEN will continue to climb after doing more than 25x in a span of not even two months? Until the actual rebranding event happens, I guarantee that no amount of news will be enough to keep this momentum going. What did we witness not even more than 12 hours ago? VEN of course got dumped to about $6.50 after its final pump for a good few weeks. WAIT to get into VEN. Now is not the time. These assholes that bought at the top and are trying DESPERATELY for you guys to buy their bags.

Unless you want to buy at the fucking top, for Christ's sake, just wait until VEN corrects. It has only gone up. Look at TRON. When it went from 20 sats to 2000 sats in less than a month... Well I'll just put it like this. It destroyed a lot of peoples investments buying at the top.

Other urls found in this thread:

Uh ven is legit. Neck. Self.

i just dont understand how ven is any different than wabi

What OP is trying to say is, get off the rocket while you can.

>he spend his day writing this

VEN has had it's run. It wilk begin correcting over the next few weeks. Definitely do not get in now.

>big announcement tommorow
>guys dont buy VEN!! nothing is happening!!

obvious counter fud

So what you're telling me OP is that you sold and want to buy in cheap? Sorry bruh there's no brakes on this train.

Oh really? You've found the first crypto train in the history of crypto with no brakes? Tell us more user.

muh breyers muh partherships

you trying to accumulate

Ive been in ETH since $2. I have the same feeling about VEN

>OP's face as he clicks Post

>all this cohordinated fud all of a sudden right after it has a massive bullrun
Really activates my almonds

I dont understand why VEN needs a token.

Every non-brainlet knows what you're up to fag. You sold and now you need to fud to re-enter at a cheaper price. You're not fooling anyone.

This sell ven asap now or regret it later.

why does eth need a token?

I don't give two shits about those who think I'm trying to accumulate more by trying to FUD Vechain. You guys are currently delusional and high off the euphoria that VEN's recent price behavior has offered you. WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP.

Veeky Forums is anonymous, yes. Does this mean that you can now act without morals when you otherwise would have in person, or if your identity would have been known? SURE you can. I know this first hand. I mean, look at this fucking thread.

There are actually people out there who are less knowledgable when it comes to investing, and they unfortunately seek actual advice when coming here to biz, or Reddit, or whatever place they may seek from.

To YOU guys, please reread my post, and go study the charts of each top 100 coin. When a coin experiences such explosive growth as VEN has, it does not mean that it will continue in that trend. Please do not waste your family's valuable money investing off the advice of euphoria ridden, greedy bastards that will, with all effort in them, try to convince you that it's a good buy right now.

Wait until the market stabilizes, and wait until the euphoric ride ends. VEN is truly one of few coins that will perform OUTSTANDINGLY. Now is not the time.

Use your intelligence to HELP others, not manipulate them to your advantage. You greedy abominations. Peace.

This. Just look at TRX

Yeah I'm sure you're just posting here to "warn" people out of the kindness of your heart. One thing that is clear about every crypto is that each one performs and behaves differently. You can't base what will happen with VeChain on what has happened with other coins. Not a single person on this board KNOWS what will happen, and anyone claiming they do is trying to manipulate the brainlets here, often by claiming that they are trying to help.



is someone actually writing this shit or are they copies from rebbit

VEN being more than $1 literally defeats the purpose of the coin

TRX pumped 150% in less than 12 hours. Ven has been climbing for that last few months. that comparison is retarded and you know it.

regardless of what OP said, please anons, wait until ama dnv gl pump at least

Yes I'm actually writing this. I posted on Vechain with my new reddit account. From this day forward, you all will refer to me as antiCocaColaKid.

Just bought 500 VEN at 7.3k
How much will it pump tomorrow?

What discord group are you all from?

Ive been in since 3k sats but I remember WTC did exactly the samething a few months back.

It went on a similar moon and people were buying right at the top, I was fomoing at the lips, people were telling me to get in but I held off as I didnt feel comfortable.

It tanked hard and I think it eventually fell to a lower price than before the moon.

Fuck off with the discord bullshit. I'm one person trying to do good. PND groups disgust me. However, karma sees all.

Op doesnt realize the whole fucking market is down hence ven being down

Lol you literally could have said the same thing about ANS before NEO

What OP means too say is you’ll literally neck yourself if you miss this rocket

this, sold half of it waiting for another dip

Are you this fucking dumb? At a high level they all have the same characteristics. Go fucking neck yourself.

Rofl no one fucking knows what the price is going to be. TA is not always accurate in crypto land fuck off OP

These fucking idiots don't care dude. It's nice to try and reach out, and hopefully someone will get it. But there't a ton of salt here and misery loves company. Fucking cucks...

That’s because no one is trying to “help” anyone they just didn’t buy in low on a coin, are butthurt, and now spreading fud. Neck yourself along with op

>copypasting reddit post to Veeky Forums


Couldn't agree with you more. The important thing is that this post will reach the eyes that it needs to. Any comment posted on this thread in response to what my post is about, negative or positive, is secondary.

As it should be. Fud is pointless. If you have real articles to upload go for it. Otherwise fuck off trying to “help” people with fake news

Here is a non removed post.

I have that antshares feeling

Nope, it's removed.

People like you should be burning on fire, cancer to the society

>after seeing how many pussies are on reddit
Go back.

That’s the point of Thor, you fcking idiot
VeChain isn’t a currency, it’s a product management system, you fcking Street pooper

Third time's the charm.
Here is an identical copy of the original reddit post that got removed.

Yes definitely wait until after DNV GL announces they're going to move their entire business assurance business onto the VeChain blockchain to buy in

OP, look up Dunning-Kruger effect, realize you are a retard

>to be this much of a faggot.

looks like someone is a bit salty they never got on the ven train

Buy the rumor sell the news. It's like Veeky Forums never learns. This is going down after the AMA and anyone that thinks otherwise will hopefully start seeing a pattern.

Salty Walty sat on a wall
Salty Walty had a great fall
All the chink trophies and FUD towards VEN
Couldn't make Walty appealing again

>much of a faggot.
Except there is no rumor you brainlet? We don't know what the big news is. And if anything the news is already sold, from 80k sats to 72k, it can only go up

Yes when DNV GL announces their entire business assurance business is going to be migrated to the VeChain platform it's gonna dump

It depends on the announcement you fucking brainlet.

Veeky Forums has become unbearable

It's also not an AMA. You should really consider shutting the fuck up, you're going to infect other people with your stlidity

Very very interesting indeed to see what kind of reactions different people have as to why I wrote this post. Such a wide and interesting spectrum! From wanting to accumulate more VEN myself, to originating from the inner most depths of Walton's community.

This thread is starting to resemble a Friday night meet up for schizophrenics.

In a nutshell, VEN makes almost everything else look bad. This coin has received an enormous amount of attention very suddenly, and upon casual examination it seems to have everything:

-A working product already deployed
-Use cases in industries perfectly suited for blockchain adoption
-A massive network of government and industry contacts
-Confirmed partnerships with industry giants
-Investment and direct advisory by well respected venture capitalists, who are also connected to industry and government
-Proof of Stake, which promises the passive generation of wealth for token holders, independent of market speculation.

So why the FUD? Why do people want this coin to fail? Isn't blockchain adoption a GOOD thing? Not to them. You see, they hold actual shitcoins who's only value is as a speculative asset. The coins they hold do nothing, have no use case, have no adoption, and are unconnected to any real world industry or government entity. They hold bags of shit.
When VEN succeeds, it means that suddenly the standards on what is acceptable in this market will shift. People will compare shitcoins against the new gold standard, and when they find the shitcoin wanting, they will move on to something else that more closely resembles what a winner looks like in 2018.
VEN pushes the standards sky high. So of course, the type of people who want to get rich off of scam icos, third world garbage, memecoins, and worthless no-use-case minables hate it. They hate it. Because it's the future. The future has no place for shitcoins.

The future is in utility. Logistics, fintech, platforms.

Blockchain is maturing. It's a good thing for everybody who wants to invest intelligently.
It's a bad thing for those who thrive on manipulation and blind luck.
Enjoy the FUD. It is merely the dying breath of shitcoins everywhere, and the frantic screaming of their bagholders as they go down with the ship



Maybe we just really hate faggots, and hate faggots from Reddit even more than normal faggots?

Please do it right.

buy high, sell low

what do you mean OP


Yeah this. Blockchain applications just make perfect sense for supply-chain logistics and fintech.
The biggest winners over the foreseeable future will be promising projects in those asset sectors, VeChain included.

Pajeet you're terrible at this FUD thing, just buy now and save you the effort of spilling your spaghetti everywhere

Stop falling for this obvious bait you fucking newfags

More like DietPepsiCuck

People don't understand that most people that ACTUALLY believed in VEN bought in SUB $0.35 when they had their FIRST APOTHEOSIS tweet.

Let me lay down some math for you guys.
$1,000,000 at $0.35 will buy you 2,857,142.86 VEN.

$1,000,000 at $4.00 will buy you 250,000 VEN.


Those who are buying NOW at $8.00, do you really think you have a long line of people waiting to buy your moon IN THE NEAR FUTURE?

If the pre $0.35 investors are barely able to sell their moon without the price dumping (500,000 VEN dumps the price significantly, and I guarantee 500,000 is far less than what these early investors possess), then how are you shillers telling these new investors that the moon is happening next week, next month, or whatever other short period of nonsensical time.

Antshares (NEO), took about 3-4 months to recover from its initial hike up.

this level attention is starting to scare me. i didnt think it would moon too high in the beggining but im starting to think this is gonna blast off to pluto soon

CocaCuckKid. Kys

U are cucker and also the gay

What kind of shit logic is this.

In case any of you are missing the action over here:

Why is VEN continuing to correct downwards as you shillers continue to religiously believe that it will continue and accelerate even faster than it rocketed the past two weeks.

Pure delusion. You know what though? Your responses to my post is enough for potential investors to at the bare minimum, hold off for a bit. Congratulations to all your baseless rebuttal attempts. Where are you guys now that VEN is STILL plummeting as we speak? Didn't sell the ATH? Unironically, YOU GUYS are the ones that needed to read my fucking post the most. Most of you don't even have the ability to think independently for yourselves. Most of you base the majority of you ideations and opinions on the backs of youtube think tanks, seemingly esoteric but true Veeky Forums biz posts, and r/cryptocurrency's first page. KEEP THE FEEBLE ATTEMPTS AT COUNTERING MY POST COMING.

salty walty's coin shat the bed
so salty walty put the colt to his head
salty walty's coin took a fall
so salty walty splattered his wall

what is the point of all this? you're really putting in all this time and effort because you care about random people on the internet losing money?

this thing has been climbing for weeks, of course its going to correct. have you ever considered most of us are holding this long term and dont give a shit about short term price movement? have fun trying to time the market faggot. that always works out great. i'll be sitting here comfy as fuck with my masternode buying every god damn dip until the end of the year when I'm retired

>eth can’t keep rising
>eth will crash hard at 20
>eth will crash hard at 40
>eth will crash hard at 60

Vechain has a lot more momentum and instututional support NEO ever had and Crypto is at 500 billion market cap rt now.

Thanks for writing this. I havent got any ven but i really want to buy in. Saying that looking at the graph makes me very uncomfortable at the moment so this is like a double sanity check for me.

I was in walton from day 2 of it hitting binance and saw what happened. Keep it up user, peace

>Post gives reasonable advice about not jumping on a hype train late
>Biz openly despises post calls fud
Never trust biz

Thanks buddy :]

Thanks OP. Just got out at .00072. VEN may well be the next ethereum but that doesn't stop the fact it has a lot of correcting to do and there's other moons to chase in the meantime. Gonna split my stack into REQ and XLM as they're overdue for a good hard pump.


> Tomorrow VEN gets the only A+ Weiss rating

> FUD campaign explained

guys, there are really only 2 reasons why a person would dedicate this much of their time to a coin they dont own:
1) they sold too early and are jealous seeing others making bank
2) they waited too long to buy and now feel they missed the boat
in either case his only goal is to try to push the price down because hes mad he made a shitty trade. nobody knows what the price is going to do next, but if you're going to take advice from strangers on the internet at least dont listen to obviously bad traders like this loser

its not ven correcting, its btc correcting you fucking moron

You're stuck in a numbers game. Money is not all that is good. Morals do exist, and some do believe in Karma.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are NOT humans having a spiritual experience.

I'm not necessarily saying that VEN won't go down, it could go up or down, no one can say for sure.
But 'continuing to plummet?' are you serious dude, its BTC value is at the amount it was two days ago.

Unless you are looking at dollar price, in which case you're an idiot because everything goes down when BTC does.

Because Satoshi is too dead to add smart contracts to Bitcoin you absolute fagit

Go find a single fucking chart in which the price goes straight up and never dips or corrects. Go ahead. I'll wait

>Explode it did. From $0.35 to over $9.50.
>VEN of course got dumped to about $6.50
Please, in the future, make your point in sats. The price in sats did not drop ~30% like you make it seem. The only reason the price dropped is because btc dropped.

Other than this point, good post OP

These guys don't get it. It's ok. We've done our part.

Agreed , i own Ven too

But these faggots are euphoric, massive autism with Ven holders

The only downside to it, DURRR 250 by Feb

go back to plebbit you absolute fucking faggot. this is biz. we are here to make money not sing kumbaya. of course I'm caught up in the numbers you dumb nigger.

you're a pathetic excuse for a human being, user - you know that?

it doesn't. China is a communist state, VeChain is going to provide their services to 500 fortune companies for free.

Friend asks: "So how do you make money off of all this crazy crypto action?"

You: "Umm, well I uh tell people that a certain coin is shit and make up stories so that I can buy in cheaper."


Fuck off pajeet