Blacks starting new cryptos

Red flag? Can they really ever be successful at running businesses?

>The CEO of TEL pictured

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ok racism aside, niggers cant run a business

Blacks are terrible leaders

sure smells /pol/ and not Veeky Forums in here

das rite wite boi we izz invesas an shieeeet

Lol if this is the best FUD you can come up with I'm not too worried

they do like dem chainz, so idk

Its another "muh 3rd worlder coins" hence why theres a gorillion total supply and meant to be used on a phone

So you be sayin iz we makin dem cryptoz n shiieeeet?

Listen to his interview with CNBC, he has no idea what he's talking about and sounds like a Nigerian with broken English.

I'm not racist but I would never trust a nigger with my money.

I was going to invest in this ICO until I saw the CEO

Fuck y'all racist mothafucka WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHIET

It's fine, he is merely the hip public face of the company. Others pull the strings.

$TEL is going to moon any moment now, 100% certain, n-not even worried in the slightest.

LMAO this is the only reason I did not invest in TEL. Only SJW cucks buy TEL so they can feel good about being not racist. Shitcoin for shitskins.

Believe it or not hating on niggers is a time honored Veeky Forums tradition newfag

Niggers can shill anything to other niggers, you've literally got Africans believing that raping a baby cures HIV because the local nog wizard dreamed it up. Tech-wise they can't invent the wheel, but can they sell? You bet your ass. BITCONNEEEEEEEC

Go have a nigger do your taxes and report back here. We’ll wait

>nigger detected.

So he is a diversity hire? The company is throwing money away already.

He's just the normie bait puppet, It's all beautifully orchestrated by the Japanese owners,.They know what they're doing.

black people and money dont mix

why do only white people and asians use a real computer, where you can actually do more than just filming street fights in da hood.

Telcoin is quite possibly one of the dumbest coins I've seen on the market. They make it sound all revolutionary and shit but it's literally just a cryptocoin that you can use with your phone.

Even QLink is more believable than this bullshit.

this coin goes against everything i stand for but i still bought in because money>white race

why are the buy orders for eth pairing running low?

Because the whales are entraping theirselves with their greed

If niggers can make me money then I love niggers

Its an absolute fact, niggers arent even capable of civilization without whites or chinese building it for them

I want reddit to leave and stay leave.

Don't care if a techno negro runs it. We are here for moon missions.

>facts and statistics are raysiss

He runs tel in the same way that that attractive russian lady runs the Russian military: he doesn't

You have his name. How about we judge him by his individual merits, instead of acting like brainless racist /pol/tards mad because back in middle school a Tyrone fugged their oneitis.


discord gg/3fW7bzr

Their product is meant to provide negroes and shitskins with an easy way to send money. ("banking the unbanked", muh untapped markets)

Making one of their kind the brand ambassador makes perfect sense, imo.

>going to school with niggers

All of you, go back to It's like, you guys are on there, but don't even do thorough reading.
He's French born, to new immigrant parents. Back when France did merit based immigration. Meaning, he's part of this statistic.
He sold his last company for $50M, and has connections throughout the Telecom industry.
If you are letting dumb racism, because in this case, you aren't even researching the trends of race realism to come to sane conclusions, I feel bad for you.
The team is what makes this coin, and the team is correct to make the stars align for a hyperspace jump.
Now please, go back.


cry more faggot. Nigs will never ever like you

I don't believe in non-white icos. I usually check if ico's base of operation is in Europe or US, and sometimes China (I don't trust chinks but I can trust non-mainland Chinese). You can say that I apply same rule of thump to blacks, hispanics, pajeets and such. As a Turk, I know dangers of trusting subhumans. Their little and petty scaming ways are sickens me.

Protip: We've a a lot of subhuman types other than Turks.

Something about blacks that they always have to rebel against everyone else to prove somehow that they’re kangz. I don’t fucking get it.

but it makes me feel taller to stand on other people :( besides, it's too late for me to cultivate another identity now. i'm all in on being a massively insecure cringe-inducing faggot

>Punching picture
>Nigger taking much girl meme
>Implying women want niggers in the first place

You're just all-around annoying as fuck.

Says the guy who lives in the comfy white made West. You should try being more nonjudgmental and go live in Africa you fucking hypocrite.

here we go again with the weak burger fud

To get back on subject, I'd set buys at 55 sats. Then walk away until April.

i was looking into tel and was just thinking this

hard pass

Shut up, jew.

#1 reason why its a scamcoin

I would rather trust a Blackbro than a Chinese man.
The fucking Chinese get away with so much shit it's unbelievable. To this day Justin Sun is seen as some kind of yellow messiah on Veeky Forums.

I dont care that he's black. Its the whole rap/pop star of telcoin that I dont appreciate

hey look /pol/, this black guy is fucking a white girl! it's a tragedy, right? tee hee ^_-

>liberal cuck that lives in a white gated community

Why do whites have to keep placating the inferior races?

>thinks this is new
It’s not, but you are. Stratis
This is literally a business thread. Discussing a business leader’s competence.

nobody cares about some coal burning whore


because you guys get so pissed, it's funny to everyone who isn't you

Do you know what company in the dot com bubble was first to have a black CEO?

>he doesn’t realize this meme is a big ploy to get you to search for interracial porn
Keep looking up bbc m8

Get the fuck off of Veeky Forums you niggerloving jew.

stop being racist you damn buffoons!

just let it sink in that he’s fucked more Japanese women for free (just by speaking their language) than you’ll ever be able to pay for


Rapper Nipsey Hustle is a big time crypto investor. Also heard a lyric from another rapper the other day about how he dropped $50k on Litecoin.

>living close to niggers

>hybrid of business guy and video streaming/Python engineer

What the absolute fuck lmao. Fuckin niggers, man, can never make it anywhere in life without scamming even dumber niggers.

LoL @ your UUID/GUID filename. What database you pulling from?

Internet - Money Man

StroJ and Stratis
Also KuCoin look at how white people love it.


We did, he sounds like he has no idea what he's talking about with broken English. Around blacks, never relax.


Google lol

Are you fucking retarded?

Is Alphabet hiring shills? I'm tired of being a poorcuck and now that I know the gateway to riches I need to build up assets to start.

Why? It's literally Veeky Forums's coin of the year.
All kinds of anons spreading referrals to get more wives into this.

mad nigger is mad



>best engineering school in France
>one of the best MBAs in the world
>former consultant at McKinsey
>CEO of one of the most powerful banks in the world
You will never be as good as this black guy /pol/

>companuy has one black dude at the top
>"hurr durr it'll crash hurr durr"

I don't even care about racism. When it comes to money that's all I consider. Besides, there's like 10 Asian old dudes advising. We'll be fine

dfw bought 75k at .007eth

Why are there disproportionately more blacks with white women than there are whites with black women?

These incel white dudes have the worst inferiority complex. They can't stand seeing black people succeed so they talk shit behind the comfort of their keyboards.

I didn't buy but this company is going places.

because black women are so disgusting their own race doesn’t even want them

Yes, it's a huge red flag. Why do you think mostly niggers fell for the Bitconnect thing? Why do you think basically all of them are involved in one ponzi scheme or another? It's because they're stupid and immoral. Dey dun give a fuq.

>brainless racist /pol/tards
The only men with both statistics and reality on their side are the uncucked men of /pol/.

Sexual satisfaction

“He didn’t fall for the bait on my waifu post. Hire him”



>polo shirt


I don't see what the problem is

>misleading statistics, circle-jerking to their false reality because they can't get laid

High status blacks go for white women but high status white men will never go for black women.

Why the hell would they fucking lmao famalam

it's funny how for you cucks some one in a million westernized mulatto's achievement somewhat is representative for a majority of ass backwards 70 IQ monkeys lmao

>discussing the legitimacy of blacks in business
>implying this isn't a business and finance topic
Kill yourself

It's just good for the coin.
When Trevon James and his cryptogang hears about this they are going to shill this coin to the orbit.

I'm not a racist, but come on, niggers can't into business

I'm pretty confident about this coin
Don't let racism fuck your gains user
Like why even care, half of all the coins are made by chinks or eastern europeans
If you can only buy your coins based on the color of the ceos skin you are gonna have a bad time
Stay retarded Veeky Forums

black people are bad at business and innovation, its not even racist to say this

theres 10000 years of recorded history for me to refrence to come to this conclusion

this coin can make 3-4x but the company will crash long before they achieve their goals

>race is skin color

just kill self

>misleading statistics
Find me a test measuring intelligence which doesn't put Nogs under Spics under Whites under Asians and then look at the world and tell me it's somehow different.