Get the fuck in here. It's not too late. Most of the price action is at 8450.
Get the fuck in here. It's not too late. Most of the price action is at 8450
Delete this.
sell the news retards, once mainnet comes out this shit is going to downtrend-ville
Sell the news only work if its a rumour
Theres bigger news next week, this wont end.
>selling now
lul, I hope no one falls for this
This will be skyrocketing once the koreans start waking up. Im pumped.
Don't think I am going to sell after the news. Only 7 days away for even bigger news on the 31th of jan. Might even see a launch on korean exchange on the 1st of feb. I rather accumulate if it dips
where's the pump? Still in the red here.
Thought of getting in, but might miss BTO
$800,000 whale at .0086 this will never break, Koreans have the weakest hands
No, it's Americans. Asia's hands are strong as fuck. Why do you think Asian bitches give massages. They know how to work it you dumb fuck. RSI gets tapped out and you fucks swing trade instead of holding.
Am i retarded or is this blatantly being manipulated by whales? Whenever ICX sees a ~10% increase large sell walls instantly dump and drop the price low, this happens almost every hour for the last week. Exact same thing that happened to VEN. Can't wait for this to 2x with mainnet launch.
jesus fucking christ, its not crashing. Korea and china havent even started getting involved. fucking weak hand americans
ofc it is. its some of the most blatant i have ever seen. just play the fucking dips and accumulate more
Already in since 60k stats :)
What time (in Korean time) will we expect main net to be released?