H3h3 FUD

Here's your boy Ethan fudding cryptos. I guess this is how normies see this whole thing now.


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i hate ethan so much, i dont get how this loser got famous

Good. Normies can now back the fuck out.

bitconnect having such a close name to bitcoin is going to scare off lots of normies for a while. also please never give this faggot any of your BATs

I fucking hate this kike

He's Jewish, what did you expect?

Jews gonna jew.

that shit was funny as hell

A Jew wouldn't use a position of influence to make your life worse, they're your greatest ally.

I typically don't wish ill on people but ethan is such an obnoxiously unfunny dickhead that I'd like to pop his puny kike head like a grape.

why does his fucking "girlfriend" look like he imported her straight from 1945 auschwitz ?

This is a good thing. The normies will eventually fomo back in. Until then we have good pickings.


does anyone find h3h3 and his fan base of sad losers the most pathetic thing on the internet

all they do is sit around literally internet bullying people that remind them of their highschool bullies

its ethan and all his fans, they are the biggest losers on the whole internet. they think they are literally the internet police officers, they get to tell you what to think

fuck i hate ethan so badly

BATmen btfo

might as well chuck those bags in the Thames for all the good it will do, lads



Thank Christ I love when Normans miss out on the easiest opportunity of their life to get rich because of their own stupidity


ethan was on biz researching this

Thats good, the more fud the better. the longer we can accumulate.

the guys “career” revolves around being a drama queen and bitching about other z list e celebs. pathetic waste of flesh

Lazy eye having kike
and his dressed like an 80's 14 year old tomboy stoner retard euro trash beeech. ILL FUCK BOTH THERE MOUTHS SHUT FOR TALKING SHIT BOUT MUH BEEECONENNENENCTSSSS

bitconnect was never a crypto. nice journalism ethan

the absolute state of normies


He actually met her at the Holocaust museum/memorial, no joke.

For fucks sake I hate this fat fucking cynical kike.

nice fud

there is no such thing as bad publicity bruv
people with money in crypto aren't gonna sell because this dipshit tells them to, and people who don't might get curious and buy

(((Reddit))) and his vaping video

Don't you retards realize he's just trying to keep the prices low so he can accumulate? Jesus and I thought r9k was full of brainlets

his videos back in the day were funny, I used to watch them back when he was aroun 60k subs, I don't know how he grew this big either, but I agree he's annoying and unfunny now

Ethan is a faggot. Get this shit off this board.

Thank god for this videos, an extra barrier for normies to not get into crypto yet.

Also, it was funny as hell

where else do you think your gains even come from faggot? we need normies

>Also, it was funny as hell
Pretty sure you're the normie

this exactly

Kids watch this shit (((bro))), wtf

What a fucking cuck. More like bitdisconnect hahahshshahahahs

I love nocoiners shitting on crypto it gives me hope that I'm going to make it.

Fuck off with your kike e-celebs.

I kinda like him, lately he has fucked it up, but has also said he hates the jews and israel while being one.

My nigga.

this was shit i expected more one thread about bitconnect on /biz was more funny then this video lazy jew didnt even cover the best part just wanted to get on the bandwagon


pumping stale bitconnect memes kek
This faggot better pump BAT

Also says he doesn't understand borders and thinks there should be none.

Every single second that normies and mainstream adoption are out of this give you more time to accumulate, by the time there is full mainstream adoption there will be full regulation that will shutdown any person acting on his own

I honestly believe this to be true. I felt like I missed the boat when the market cap rose to $800B and all the normies were in already. If the normies go away again and we get a significant drop-off, then the second it gets back into the news we'll see these massve gains again.

same thing here, it was back when he was influenced by sam hyde and was a lot more brutal with his subjects, now it's pretty gay to watch

Who is that fucking bitch roastie?

I'm only like 20 secs in, but she is always annoying the fuck out of me.

His parents are typical normie white folk (and his mom is a MILF), and I don't think any of them are religious.

His girlfriend is an Israeli soldier, but that's it. Is he a religious Jew too?

> (OP)
> Who is that fucking bitch roastie?
This is the fault of exchanges not H3H3, we knew this would happen as soon as people didn't remove the ponzi from it.

Same goes to tether, just wait it will be an even bigger shitshow.

>don't forget to invest in BLACKEDcoin, boys haha

Remember boiz. The time the normies start pouring in, is the time we cash out for good.

I'm sure the H3H3 fanbase has a combined purchasing power of about $17

literally the epitome of a money hungry kike. left the funny alt sam hyde kind of humour behind when he realized he could make an easy buck by peddling e drama to 13 year olds

Also how old is this guy? How the fuck did he become so big by simply reacting to shitty videos?

I really don't get this generation and I'm 22. Not even lewronggeneration, I just don't get all this shit that teens are getting excited about

>white folk
Shalaom Mr.Noseburg!
Yeah I remember watching that video. Mentions "BLACKED.COM GUYS" like twenty times to his audience of twelve year olds. I'd love to gas this fucking kike.

when ethan meets sam hyde

I really hope this is true

>normie white folk
I think you meant
>fellow normie white folk

Basically ripping Sam Hyde and twisting his character to appease the current hip hop culture autists

What is wrong with that fucking bitch? I literally have never been so angry at someone I don't know.


The only thing that had me laughing was the BICONEEEEEEEEC guy

Sarin Fetal Syndrome


I really don't understand why Ethan has tried to incorporate his wife so much in these videos over the past year. She literally doesn't contribute anything ever and has a wet blanket personality.

basically he copied sams video really gayly



Where the fuck is Sam now?

She looks like a female version of those mutt memes. I can't unsee those kinds of people anymore fuck.

The normies are in en masse.
A turbonoemie told me about how hes 50% down on ripple right now. We laughed together and I told him I too am in the red (actually im rich now)

He's a legit spastic/autist and he genuinely loves her. It's not that bad.

There's videos where the material is upsetting Hila, but she isn't saying anything, and he deliberately goes out of his way and his routine to cheer her up and praise her.

It's childish love.

I think he's only making videos for his patreon supporters now or something.

Im not watching does he whine about bitconnect or something?

I love Sam

>fan base of sad losers
>internet bullying people

>biggest losers on the whole internet

yikes user go look in the mirror you sad sack of shit lmao

>rips on other eyelets
>they respond in anger he plays "just goofing around duuddeee chill"
>"supposed" Sam goofs around with physical banter and calls him a fag for giggles


Fucking typo Kek

When he tries to pump her "clothing line" god damn that stuff looks like awful sperg stuff

>He thinks any of his FUD is going to get to the GOD CARLOS FROM NY

Tic toc tic toc...

hey hey hey...



Pretty sure he used to browse /b/ back in the day.
A lot of the memes he drops were from there.
These days he is a little more normified, but his roots are certainly in the shithole of the internet.

Thats why he is having trouble with content recently, he is hanging with too many normies and having too much of a social life.

>Carlos says bitconnect, h3h3 says bitcoin
He is fudding it so he can accumilate!!!!

Fuck the ze jews win again!

Never trust a jew or a christian either they're all the same desert people

>dat freudian slip
We know your secret now, eyelet.

wew this is fucking embarrassing. how do so many people like stuff like that? it makes no sense

i mean the vape thing was decent for a moment but


hes literally just making the same jokes about bitconnect that we all made for days straight

how is that fud

she could probably sell that shit at zumiez or some other mall tier skateshops

>Fighting for a theocratic jewish state.
>Not jewish
ok pal

>I use to watch him, give him views and spam his le funny meme face gifs all over the Internet to attract other retards
>how on earth did he ever grow this big I wonder

It's quite perplexing, I agree.

>normies never get on board
>no mass adoption
>bubble never bursts



This is the most ironic post I've seen all month. Thank you.

I hate Normies


Remember Remember the 16th of november

Ethan is a fucking god. We only have him to thank for this video, this is what we want normies to see.

lol did you even watch the video.

He was roasting BitConnect. And everyone’s niece IS acting like they can give investing advice. Even made fun of the sheer number of coins, which probably won’t be here next year. Nothing invalid here. Hold your coins and keep it moving

>bitconnect having such a close name to bitcoin

Its insane how many normies think that they are one in the same. Starting to get real fucking annoying

You gains come from normies you stupid fuck. They exist to transfer their wealth to US. You stupid fuck, stop fudding them so damn much.

If normies stop buying, then you start losing more money. You realize your gains are because these coins keep growing?