Dynamic Duo Lambo Starter Pack

If you are not 50% in VEN and 50% in LINK then you don't deserve the Lambo

get the fuck out shill
you know ven has no future

Everyone knows that REQ and LINK are the true bros.

VEN is the new Tron. What a scam.

Reporting in.

VEN best coin

fuck these smelly rakesh fags (walties)

reporting in

>down $270.27

Ven will be a success based on huge partnerships and Breyer backing. There is no stopping this coin. - VEN $30 Feb

Chainlink - $20 Feb.

whats so funny about -270?

I think he's a salty walty..no worries you'll be up $500 tomorrow due to the partnership announcement of DNV GL and VEN

I'm in ven, link and xlm.
I'm a poorfag though so have only been able to put £1200 in.

That reddit cofounder twitter post about xlm was interesting. Also Stripe announced today no longer supporting BTC and looking at XLM as they were an early backer. Things looking up for XLM

See, fellow linkies?
They already want to piggyback us.

Can someone help a brainlet retard understand what vechain does?

Its very confusing trying to read their chinese translated things. Theres no whitepaper I can find for it.

you don't deserve vechain...stick to tron cuck

what about OMG and XLM?

And am I understanding it correctly that you would need a tag that scans physical objects. And this data is then used on the vechain network?

So this is the new VEN fud? bundling it together with a miserable pile of shit? at least this FUD is more subtle than your retarded copypasta pajeet


Reporting in.

Independence Day # of VEN confirms it

Holy shit guys I found this rare chainlink image I think it might be true. I think LINK has partnered with Disney and they're going to fork it as DisneyLINK. It'll be the token to get on all the rides and you can also buy the turkey legs with them too. Rumor has it that rory's dad settled a (legacy Ethereum) smart contract with Jason O'Forkparser and they've agreed to buy back all legacy and ShadowFork LINK at below ICO. They're going to start a new token to build supercomputers on every city at SIBOS 2018. All because Sergey is Satoshi......

mickey roadster racer lambo incoming

if this is true my boner right now is gonna outlive me