mainnet is tomorrow and this coin isn't pumping. did i just get bamboozled AGAIN? vechain and now this. i feel like killing myself right now.
Mainnet is tomorrow and this coin isn't pumping. did i just get bamboozled AGAIN? vechain and now this...
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How do we get the new tokens?
Sell now before it's to late, idiotface.
send it to an exchange and it'll do it for you automatically
lol ready to sell and jump into xlm
Idiot, its already priced in. You think people are going to OBVIOUS pump it day before mainnet launch ?
main net is acutally NOW, it's the 24th in korea, dumb boy.
this shit is dead.
Been balls deep in ICX since $1.60 and it’s priced in.
What will drive the price up at this point are a few things:
1) wallet release
2) staking info
3) partnership announcement
4) ICO info
5) any other developmental updates
6) Korean exchange listings
Main net and summit are for the most part priced in. We’ll see slow growth until any of the above occur.
>he fell for the VeChain meme
You do realize anyone can edit Wikipedia? Jim Breyer isn’t a real person but you faggots think he is because you heard about him AFTER researching VeChain. Good fucking job.
First one who followed the DYOR meme
so is main net not happening?
yup. when i found this out my first thought was "holy shit i've really and truly been bamboozled". i dumped my bags faster than my wife leaving me for a big black nigger.
i googled for info and theres jack shit about main net happening
ok you got me, this is funny
korean exchanges opening back up + icon launch party are both in 1 week. why would you sell now.
80% of this board panic sells when something drops 10%.
This place is full of weak fucks.
> investing in a coin with 77x ICO return
dont bet against the blue moon faggots
So should i buy ICX now?
You can't lmao. The deadline for swapping coins was yesterday. Don't tell me you still have the worthless ERC20 tokens??
Man, you better not check in during the dip. Just close your portfolio apps for a few days and go outside or whatever. Play videogames. Check back in February and everything will be alright.