Tfw scammed 40 eth today

>tfw scammed 40 eth today
its too easy


Doubling eth! Only 132 eth left, send here before I run out!


Impersonating ico admins on Telegram, pajeet?

story time

this shit doesnt work
im talking sophisticated stuff
thats for me to know and you to...

thanks just sent 100k

I sold LINK at market price

I would never do that because I try hard to do only good in my life. But, good for you, I guess.

that doesnt work either
petty change maybe

im weeding out idiots from the market while also dminishing their influence on the world via removing their power tokens (money)

i'm a good person

Guess what
It won’t save you

i am already saved my friend

>doesn't work
It does

>good person

Holy fucking kek

teach me your ways

for petty change

>Scams someone out of hard earned money
>Claims he's a good person for doing so

This level of delusion...


prove me wrong
by removing money from those with low iq, i guarantee that the world runs more smoothly, and with less fuck ups

it is the same reason why democracy doesnt work. the idiots ruin it for everyone else because they need to be told what they want and how to live

so then, why not act accordingly?

are you the guy posting the fake cindicator airdrops all morning

i unironically respect OP, if i knew how i'd do it in a heartbeat as well

no thats pajeet tier

teach me senpai

I honestly think this wood be an awesome motivation for a movie villain.


do you catch ED fatfingers?

Thats how you justify it? Funny. Assuming this isnt a Larp.

Your own your way my sun

You're probably the guy with the fake Kodakcoin website, aren't you?

Running some shitty Pump and Dump group?

tell us then you faggot

if u dont reply ur a cuck

meh, the golden days of scamming have passed, used to hack 50 btc every month back in 2013-14

and you could pretty much launder them easilly back then, now every fucking dick tries to track you


wtf runescape tricks work on you guys?

crypto faggots really are the stupidest people on earth

Phishing I presume? This is why I don’t use eth. Click a link and bam - my eths!
You’d be surprised

no thats not scamming
no fedora
no they haven't
do you have any idea how stupid the people rushing into this space are? obviously not

It’s ironic that this is what most anons here pretend to fight against. The world’s wealthiest sucking away money from the poor.

yes they have unfortunately, thank fuck I succesfuly turned them to other cryptos and now my millions are untraceable started cashing out since june 100,000-150,000 every month
stay low bro

HAHA you're delusional though
you aren't taking money from those with "low iq", you are taking it mostly from those that have not ever fallen for somebodies tricks and deceptions, innocent or inexperienced or sometimes greedy. you are just making more jaded and cynical humans. I mean idgaf, participating in this type of speculation you should be prepared to lose everything in one way or another, you are just "another" way... I can rationalize or justify nearly any type of (personally profitable) behavior myself, it's a cold world, but anyways just saying you should at least be honest with your self

using trojans and keyloggers or beef script probably. Enjoy jail

i wouldn't consider myself wealthy, although i was born with nothing
its naive to think the big bad bankers are the reason for the problems in the world, or the jews, etc. the reason those people thrive is because of idiots. they shit on idiots, and the idiots clap along and thank them for the show.

im perfectly hoenst with myself. i dont believe my actions change anything about their traits they were born with and carry through life. if anything, i free them of responsibility of having to make a choice on where they vote (with their money) because they no longer have any of it, lol

i don't think so

Scamming people would make me feel bad and make me think I belong in hell so I won't do it.

I wouldn't even care if OP was like "Yes I steal money from people because I'm an asshole, I'm just greedy". But the fact that he goes through mental gymnastics to convince himself that doing it makes him a good person is just obnoxious. That makes me go from not caring to wishing OP was dead.

this is quite the larp


fake ICO sites?
fake ICO token contracts?
eth recovery service?
fake trading bots?

then you really haven't thought it through enough
look around, the world is sick don't you agree? how do you think it became this way?

it's because i'm right and you realise you've been living backwards the entire time

if you wish







do you own this etherpersons site?

You're not stealing money from people with low IQ. Imagine if they have 140 IQ and decided to invest in this.
Then some asshole like you who is actually probably less smart (are scamming pajeets high IQ?) steals their money

if you say so

Yeah because to scam someone you need a high IQ..

>make site on darkweb advertising drugs, cp, hitmen, etc
>post wallet address for payment
>watch the money from idiots roll in

James Issac Newton invested and lost tons of money. Was he the scum of humanity? Was he low IQ?
You're scamming people like him.

Being a mugger with a gun who confronts a scientist in a street and takes his money doesn't make the world a better place.

someone with 140 iq wouldn't fall for it a scam, even if it was sophisticated. and even *if* they did, then that wouldn't change anything either. its not only limited to those with low iq, but those with no wisdom (in a general way) too.

you don't, but i doubt many people with 140 iq fall for such scams or invest in "lending platforms" and things like that

Prove it, send 20 ETH to 0xf9f6313feeb40b92454fecb93d466b06e85ce66a

newton didn't invest into a scam, he invested into a bubble. for all we know, we may be doing the very same when buying bitcoin. well, we definitely are, it's just a matter of how it ends for us vs. how it ended for him

>someone with 140 iq wouldn't fall for a scam
Kek. You actually think someone with 140 IQ who has never heard of email spoofing won't fall for a fake email from a legit company?

thats not sophisticated enough

Apparently he was low IQ because he lost money.
The people you are scamming are trying to invest in the bubble and are being tricked by you so their money goes into your pocket. They don't lose money to the Hubble.

no, you're saying newton invested into a scam but he never did. he invested into something more akin to bitcoin that burst at the wrong time (for him) to walk with money. in fact, he made money first, and then invested more and lost it

lol, pajeet tier garbage

what you made an app or something

You're just contributing to making the world a worse place to live in.

A peaceful (or at least sufferable) world requires trust. Trust that the people around you aren't going to kill you. Imagine a world where you would be constantly afraid of every single person you come across and what they might do to you. Unless you suffer from personal trauma that's not the case, you go grocery shopping peacefully, you have time to enjoy yourself, if you get sick or hurt people can help you get better.

Now enter you, scamming other people for your own personal gain. Somewhere inside you you feel it's not right, so you feel the need to justify it on an anonymous image board, by saying the people you are scamming are idiots who don't deserve to have money. In fact many people are computer illiterates but have great abilities and qualities in other fields that you don't have, so getting scammed doesn't make one an idiot and your justification is flawed from the start. But most importantly, by scamming others you increase the level of fear and hate in the world.

Someone getting scammed will feel pain, anger, will want to take revenge, will feel there are bad people out there who are out to get him. One part of his daily thoughts will be poisoned with what you have done to him, especially if he cherished his cryptos and his dreams that it fueled. You may have destroyed his dreams. And that comes with consequences. The hate and anger he feels will usually be directed at others who he will see as more threatening than before. Hate and fear are contagious, they spread like a virus unless there is good to counter it. The more one suffers from the act of others, the more one feels threatened and the more those around him end up suffering. And you're the spark behind all that.

Maybe your spark will get extinguished from the good of those who are there to support those you scammed. Or maybe it will ignite a blazing fire that will cause more suffering than you could ever imagine.


nicely put, saved

This tbqh, well said user.

doesn't really matter when we're all dead. The guy who got scammed was definitely dealt a great injustice but it shouldn't stop OP. It's like trying to train a tiger not to be a carnivore and eat its natural prey. Trying to stop a tiger from eating a baby because it is "wrong".

Sure OP knows he can make money elsewhere but this is easy cash and he is just exercising his right to power as someone who is smarter and more cunning than the average crypto idiot.

You may say that it is wrong for yourself but maybe OP just accepts it and feels fine with it. I probably would too.

this is all feel good "you know you're wrong" bs. i know i'm right, that is the thing.
>A peaceful (or at least sufferable) world requires trust.
do you trust the average person? do you have trust in them to make wise decisions for themselves, their communities, their families, their neighbors? if you answered yes to any, then you are wrong, or day dreaming, or both.
>In fact many people are computer illiterates but have great abilities and qualities in other fields that you don't have
this isn't true. i mean, there may be exceptions, but it isn't true for the most part. generally, idiots are idiots altogether, it's not closed off from the rest of their life, or their thoughts/actions.

>by scamming others you increase the level of fear and hate in the world.
i remove the level of fear in the world by stopping them before they have a chance to begin. i limit the power and influence they have on the world by force, through wit, and for love. i love people, so it's only right i stop them from damaging themselves and others. actually think about what i'm saying and extrapolate it as far as it can go. you will find i am doing no wrong. i would do it for free, but i'll take the money as reward

>Someone getting scammed will feel pain, anger, will want to take revenge
they will feel this either way.
>will feel there are bad people out there who are out to get him
they should feel this either way.

>Or maybe it will ignite a blazing fire that will cause more suffering than you could ever imagine
maybe, but i assure you the blaze will burn with less intensity compared to the one they start through lack of responsibility, or the one they started without even knowing it

ive heard all of these before of course, and still fail to understand how you can ignore the reality. you treat the ""victim"" as if they are innocent. they are not innocent. this type of person fuels death and despair directly, i limit them from doing so. its really quite simple


it all matters eternally. thats part of why i do what i do

You will never get that trust on the internet because we share the internet with the races that lack of genetic coding for empathy. If the internet was full of naive Norwegians and Japs that would be great, but that's just not the case. In reality, the internet is full of Africans claiming to princes, Chinks running phishing scams, Jews running data mining operations, and Pajeets/Arabs/Pakis pretending to be sexy women on Facebook in order to get you to send them money.

How do you make sure it's not going to get traced back to you?


>i remove the level of fear in the world by stopping them before they have a chance to begin. i limit the power and influence they have on the world by force, through wit, and for love. i love people, so it's only right i stop them from damaging themselves and others. actually think about what i'm saying and extrapolate it as far as it can go. you will find i am doing no wrong. i would do it for free, but i'll take the money as reward

You're so up your own ass that you can't see how flawed this shitty logic is. By scamming someone you're not limiting their power and influence, you retard. In fact, you're very likely increasing their power and influence because losing $40k might be enough for someone to go crazy and kill someone or beat the shit out of their wife.

>doesn't really matter when we're all dead.
Others will live in our stead, and they will be formed by us and the world we create.

my logic isn't flawed, you just don't understand the scope of my argument
i'm talking behind the "oh no he took my money", what did i stop them from doing beyond that?

Where to start, user?
Do you develop methods yourself or use public/paid methods?

>scamming money on a public ledger
>deludes himself into thinking hes helping the world

dont drop the soap kiddo.

>stealing is OK if you steal from dumb people

You're a dumb person, I'm stealing from you next.

keep larping faggot
>someone who owns 40ETH already done their homework

Nicely put. OP sucks.

at japs being ideal empathetic race... ask the chinese bout that... ya they are all cute and cuddly with cartoons and hello kitty and shit now, but they weren't always like that
you dumbfuck you're forgetting history, every "race" and group of people has done amazing things and also horrible things (judged by todays standards), nobody can claim moral high ground on behalf of their ancestors...

It's because of people like OP that the bubble will burst because government will try to protect the PUBLIC against him with regulations. That's how everything exciting becomes boring.

its not only okay, it should be encouraged
i'd say i have more positive impact on the world than a firefighter or a war veteran, yet i get no free lunch or applause (well, maybe free lunch)

ok if you say so

naw, he basically said, "you're a bad guy from taking from people cos' they're good"...

what we do today won't matter in the future since we'll be dead. And in theory trying to reach a universal good a fallacy. Perspectivism shows that this effort is meaningless. One person's good may be another person's evil.

I know people that think cryptocurrencies are just gambling and evil. When in my view, they are useful and a transformative technology. Who is to say that they are wrong today? It is just their view and perspective.

Why did you even post if you won't say how you did it? Trying to justify yourself to people on the internet because you have no social interaction irl?

That's why I beat people to death

I mean, they are weak and I am just improving the gene pool. I'm basically Jesus at this point

I should have been more clear. You suck because you're a larping faggot.

no its because idiots lose their money and then cry to the government to help them get it back
you are directing your resentment at the wrong person

>what we do today won't matter in the future since we'll be dead.
it all matters eternally

Just share your flavor of scam or fuck off

I suport OP. Democracy is dead and we need modern european based national socialism.

You did them a favour, today 1 ETH, tommorow house...

Tip for a fellow thief

How did you do it? I want to scam normies on twitter too

If he took from the whales and gave to the masses, I wouldn't mind but he's making the poor poorer

Wow another LARPing thread by a sad lonely retard, such novelty!

karma is a bitch, and you'll find out soon.

Holy fuck never thought I would see this on this board, changes from > muh race war, muh moniez, muh feggitz, muh supposed mental superiority, hurpdurp

i like to see if anyone has any new arguments occasionally, unfortunately they dont
rest is conjecture and projection


fagot there's zero proof or even remote proof of your larp
>the fact that you active answering here only proves it
go larp on /b with strapon up your ass

The world has a certain balance, sure, but it can still progress, in fact it has been doing so for generation upon generation

have mercy on people including your victims and support good causes and who knows maybe it will all end up a wash

the poor make themselves poor
don't you get it?

>it all matters eternally

what does this even mean? Who cares about eternity. You will be fucking dead bro. Use the time in your life wisely and cherish it, you won't have this opportunity ever again.