Ok, Brian Kelly is for sure a Veeky Forumsraeli.

Show yourself, BK.

Other urls found in this thread:



Ok, everybody out of the pool. Crypto is officially over.

its this real? i want to kill myself... i didnt enter crypto to see this

AHahahahahaha it feels fucking beautiful being a young NEET and making more money than these fat fucking larpers who've spent 100,000s on college, are crippled in debt and brag about making what I make in a month. Get fucked you stupid stock cucks.

i have been coming to this gay fucking website for 13 years now and normies taking our shit is the only thing that still gets to me every time

Ok. That's me. AMA!

lol you're not making more money than Brian Kelly, you naive child.

I've been on Veeky Forums since 2004 and in my experience it's only the newfags and kids who say normie

In every case I would agree but this is just priceless, they're going to give us all their money.

Based BK shilling ETH and working the marks


baka desu senpai


I kekd

ok grandpa

I'm talking about the normie people he's preaching to, pinhead.

>why is Ethereum so hot
I can't fucking believe it, it's Trump 2016 all over again.
I'm sold. ETH 50k by the end of the year.
I made 8k off Trump and I'm going to get filthy rich off Ethereum.

Most of them also earn more money than you, loser.

It's people like you that I hope crypto crashes for. You just sit on your ass and expect life to hand you money for contributing nothing to society because you got lucky finding a cool logo on an imageboard. At least those studying and reaching for a certain goal have drive. You are here because of luck.

>Don't sell too soon!
t. DBC bagholder

>only risk 1-5%

never gonna make it

I've been on Veeky Forums since 1994 and in my experience it's only the newfags and kids who say I've been on Veeky Forums since

We are going to make Ethereum great again

Isn't this a good thing? I can't wait for when these normal faggots pump my bags and I get to dump them on them for 100x profit

Nice strawman. How are those student loans treating you?

These guys are complete retards

Unironcially always do the opposite

the kikes are trying to pump shit on national television nothing is going to pump

>claims strawman
>uses a strawman directly after

lol retard

>"Fat bumers hu watch tv al dai mak mor muny dan u"
Another financially insecure dweeb. Did my debt comment upset you or something?

>uses an autistically big strawman
>calls someone a retard for asking a question
lol retard

who /outlaw/ here?

>only risk 5% of assets

how am I going to make money investing like $75

Go all in on each rocket ship and don't get dumped on

I've been on Veeky Forums since 1978 and in my experience it's only newfags and kids who say I've been on Veeky Forums since