Is this a good job?

>graduated college
>unemployed for 4 months besides some little jobs here and there
>finally get a job offer
>doing insurance sales FROM HOME
>get paid $9 an hour plus comission
>just sit in my living room on my computer and call people all day
>schedule my own hours

What do you think? The hourly wage is low, but I don't have to spend money on gas or food going to work. My parents think it's a good set up, but I am concerned because I won't be meeting people at work and I also can't move up in the company.


>need to impregnate intensifies

Venti was built for breeding

sounds like a good way to stay a loser for life.. lol @ $9/hr... whats the commission gonna work out too?

btw my company starts braindead electrical apprentices at $15/hour and hit $20ish in 3-4 years.

Doing nigger work lol

What % is she?

meh... $90k/year.. You cant just start at the top.. inb4 you make up some shit about how much you make doing basically nothing.

Invest in Crypto.

It won't pay a steady monthly salary, but when you reach the big payday, the equivalent is not unlikely to be in the $50-$100/hr range.

Specifically, consider UFR.

[1] a new exchange listing coming in days,
[2] alpha release coming out in Feb/March,
[3] a version of torrents where you get paid for seeding...

But you can try others, APPC, PayFair, Hawala.Today will all moon as a result of this big whale action that's upcoming. (Once BTC / ETH get dumped, altcoins will skyrocket as people find out the coins of the real value.)

>tfw you will never fug brittany venti
why live

90k/year at $15 an hour? you work everyday of the year for 16 hours mate?

nah usually about 50/hrs a week 5-10s the occasional saturday ect... took awhile to get there but yeah, not a bad gig.

Comission comes out to an extra $100-$200+ a week or more typically

I'm already invested in Crypto. I put about 1200 in and now I'm up to 5k. Been aquiring ENG lately

like 56

you're only going to hit 45K a year at $20/hr

don't invest in UFR^^ pajeet coin that won't go anywhere. But I would take the job and also invest in crypto as well. If you can do both you'd be making some serious money. Never take advice from Veeky Forums though. I listened to their advice in what to invest in and my account went from 25k to 18k. Expensive lesson but I learned and eventually made it back.

ayyy lmao

and on a side note, use tradingview. people post their guesses and use TA's to guess what a coin will be. It's not always accurate but it can give you a good idea on what to invest in and the current market aspects of the coin. Have had much more success with that then with the garbage can that is Veeky Forums. I just come here for lols

It's a nihilistic existence

I kinda figured I could just sit at home and make like $500-$700 per week and invest in crypto with like 75% of my income.

I pay about $10,000 in overhead per year though

I said apprentices make $20/hour.. I never said I make just $20/hour.. get a license and it goes up. I'm at $34/hour and I only wore my tools for about 4 hours this week

>amerimutt standards

eh i wouldn't invest 75% in crypto. I would maybe do like 25% or what you can afford to lose because you can never know what can happen to the market. But sitting at home to get paid sounds pretty nice even if it isn't that much.

you buying magnalis lil whale bro?

No, but whatever makes you happy.

People seriously underestimate how much you make at trades, especially since everyone is shilled the college meme these days. If I can't hack it as a lawyer, I'm going trade or military.

Why wouldn't you personally do it?


You need to GO OUT AND MEET PEOPLE. Sitting around at home is how you fucked your self to begin with. Your degree is just a check box on someone’s list somewhere, you won’t ever amount to anything if you can’t put yourself out there

>But sitting at home to get paid sounds pretty nice even if it isn't that much.

Well I figure it comes out to the equivelent of $13 an hour when you take taxes, gas, and food into consideration if I were to commute to another job.

kys immediately

I would just try to see if you like it. Making $9 an hour isnt that much for a college graduate. I would just make this a temporary job for a while until you find a better one.

I hate menial work.
And I hate customer service of any kind.

becoming a lawyer sounds tough... what type of lawyer are you trying to become. My grandfather made a nice living at writing wills, and contracts for water rights.

Yeah true

I figured I could take this job and start going to church groups and stuff to network. I didn't network much in college because I got pretty sick and just barely graduated.

>Looks at the face and not the machinery

fucking kek

please tell others in your pod to pump APPC. These bags are heavy and my arms are tired

What price did you buy?

Reminder that Brittany is over 50% white and any offspring with her will result in practically white children

damn that figure, I want it so much

Yeah...I guess i'll keep doing it while I look for another job

>insurance sales

NEET graduate here.

I've been unemployed for 12 months and I'd rather kill myself than do that

The only purpose to work is to get capital to trade, so it seems like a good set up. Other jobs pay more, but they take up more time so you have no time to trade.

You will starve for years until you start getting resubscriptions on top of your sales. Eventually, if you are good and work hard and long enough, you will make a shit ton of money for doing little to no work. It is a very rough business starting out. I don't know if it's something I would do desu.

Yeah I mean I literally bought 50 ENG in between some sales calls earlier, not the worst set up.

I also do classical music performances so i get to practice or that a lot more...

But $9 an hour and I don't make any connections or meet anybody, kinda pathetic desu. Also not going to get laid doing this or meet a waifu

I have no problem with doing sales, it's more the $9 wage that bothers me

Been there. Shit’s rough as fuck, especially if you went to a top tier university and the only problem is that you suck at interviewing. Keep pushing; you’ll make it.

>amazing body
>le 56% face

>I have no problem with doing sales, it's more the $9 wage that bothers me

It's the opposite for me.
I don't really care about the money I just hating selling things.

Thanks bro.
I studied bio science but I had no real interest in doing it as a job because I'm not very good at it and the pay is garbage for requiring a degree.
It's my own fault for not thinking it through desu.

Applied for lots of city jobs but my work experience is terrible and I can't interview for shit.

I was thinking of moving somewhere like Japan/China and teaching English while smashing lots of asian qts. Gonna try getting a teaching assistant job at home first. I know you probably don't even need any experience to do it, I just wanna make sure I'm comfortable doing the job before making any big decisions.