Hidden Gem Thread
Hidden Gem Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>secured partnership
>unique patent
>excellent whitepaper
>low mcap
See you in lamboland
hat. dyor
thanks just bought 100k
but in all seriousness this is a sleeper. whitepaper is better than most in the top 100, they already have a working product which is rough around the edges but workable
with the right marketing this could do serious damage
sub 10m mc's anyone?
GATCoin is never going to be adopted, each retailer sign contracts with different societies because they want the exclusive on some sectors and they pay them to have the exclusive.
They just came out and say "You're all accumunated by GAT, you can trade your points here and there", they won't partecipate.
There are daily OPT threads now. This shows Veeky Forums is slowly realizing it's a gem. It will moon sooner than later I think. It's gonna spread like wildfire once investors realize it's potential
alqo is a masternode privacy coin that will 50x this year. kucoin and cryptopia soon.
my only problem with this is that i don't know if they're offering a streaming service or if it's just a store for you to buy songs. i'd rather buy a subscription and listen to a bunch of songs for free i'm not sure that this is really replacing spotify because that's why most people subscribe to spotify
Im thinking some big announcements mid feb and a jump to 2$
from what I read in the whitepaper it's like both. I need to brush up though
black and blue logos never let me down before
looking at you, CND
They were gonna have it as a purchase per song but they changed to a streaming model last month
Adshares (ADST)
WAX token
I haven't seen a more blatant moon mission than this.
eh...now i'm bearish because they don't outline how, exactly, decentralized streaming is supposed to work
How do you figure
because a streaming platform is completely different from "pay to own," which is their original concept. they've just said "it's technologically possible" and offer no detail in how you actually pull off a decentralized streaming platform
like do you have access to some repository that you then stream from anywhere for a monthly fee? i don't get it. supposedly details are coming in february
i'll probably throw a couple hundred bucks at this shitcoin but won't really be a believer until i see their solution for streaming
They go into more in depth somewhere Ill try and look for it
Voise is a better version of Opus.
Half these shills keep asking about the need for the coins or tokens for these projects so please indulge me why the need for coins for this? I understand it's decentralized and the revenue will go to artists but even so I don't understand. Also this won't hold up against any of the major platforms already out there. Why would I ever give up Spotify for this?