Don't fall for the taxes meme you cucks

>buy gold with bitcoin
>sell gold with cash
>avoid tax jew
Burgers not welcome itt.

Other urls found in this thread:

>trading digital gold for real gold

how do you buy gold with btc??

>buy gold with bitcoin
>sell gold with cash
>have a bunch of untaxed cash you can't use, can't deposit into any banks, and can't make any large purchases with
But at least I have my tendies!

yea and then get sent some gold plated nickel. lmao

The IRS will find the paper trail. You have to cash out your BTC somewhere - kraken, Gemini or coinbase...don’t you?

Nah they plate tungsten.

no dumbass u can send btc from an exchange straight to their website

>buy gold with bitcoin


Why would you tax bitcoin if you legitimately used it as a currency to buy gold?
>buying a laptop with bitcoin
>paying tax
Are you retarded? You buy gold with the bitcoin.

Ah. So your role-playing as shit-level stupid for your (you) tonight. Take it. I have plenty. I bought in when they were only a few sats.

Isn't that money laundering?

t. brainlet
How? You're literally just using a currency to buy a product.

where could you sell a shitload of gold bars for fair value

>where could you sell a shitload of gold bars for fair value
wondering this myself. every shop seems to jew you

>buy at over spot price
>shop buys yours at under spot price

what the FUCK is this KIKERY?

If your portfolio is big enough just go to Geneva and have the mountain jews cash you out and set you up with a bank account.

Yeah, I’m a way it is...that’s what I’m trying to get at here but these guys think they’ll evade taxes.

>Our buyback prices are from around 99% of the spot market value, assuming the bullion products are in good condition
Oh no, you'll pay whole

If I buy a video game with cash from Walmart and then turn around and sell it to GameStop is that money laundering

There's a huge opportunity there for you, user - open a store that buys and sells gold at spot. Never under. Never over.

A gold store

you can do that with this coin
thank me later user

When GameStop would do those B2G1 sales on used games sometimes the trade in values of the three games would exceed the price. I'd bounce between 2 stores buying 3 games, trading them in, buying 3, trading them in. I'd also exploit price differences between GameStop and Walmart - buy low at GameStop, return unopened at Walmart for store credit.

The IRS is coming for you. Better pay your tax goy. Kek.

Fuckin germans and usa fucked our bank secret
They won't help you

Shit, I was going to buy this coin when it was 7cents. Then forgot about it while I was tethering up during the crash.

Looks like the big pump happened. Do you think it's still a good investment user?

My plan is to buy up every used car on Craigslist that accepts ethereum, and then just resell the cars taking a small hit

>the state of burgers
For once I'm glad to be a eurofag.


Most countries will require you to have a car dealers license after selling X amount of cars a year.

Weve come full circle

So how would you buy land or property with all this money?

not a bad idea although its hard to sell a car that is not under your name. I have sold many cars like that though cause i work at a body shop and its easy

What if the taxman asks to see how have you been purchasing so many cars?

they wont know if you dont register the car. all you need is the signed title

that would leave a pretty heavy paper trail because you're signing over registrations each time

you dont need to register the car. as long as you have the signed title you can sell it to whoever

With cash? Duh.

>Hello mr. user, it has come to our attention that you recently tried to sell several hundred thousand dollars worth of gold. We have a warrant to enter your house and seize all electronics under suspicion of illegal activities and ties to organized crime or terrorism

>using bitcoin to buy something is money laundering

>cashing out several hundred thousand at once
>implying the gold dealer will give a shit about few hundred k sell
>implying what I described is not perfectly legal tax avoidance
I said burgers are not welcome. Fuck off you kike.

How do you get a title co to take cash that has no paper trail?

>buy property by depositing cash
>pay company for building my house
I'm not building a fucking mansion. I can buy a decent property in my capital for 50k and build a house for

So you dont live in USA.

What about
>Burgers not welcome itt.
seems unclear? I swear you burgers are worse than pajeets when it comes to tax-related discussions.

The first post said
>Burgers not welcome itt.
You fucking stupid burger

lol no one cares about your puny little country andrei.

Open businesses that only accept monero and its all over for the zog.

>burger can't into English
>desperately trying to save his face
Go suck taxman's dick, you fucking commie.

If you use bitcoin as a currency to buy gold and hold the gold, does that make you eligible to be caught by tax authorities?
What if you freely admit to buying gold with BTC?
They can't tax a BTC transaction. And they can't take some of that gold from you can they? Not unless you sell the gold

Would you pay capital gains tax if you bought a pack of cigarettes with BTC?

>selling your gold
hodl your godl dumbass
the kikes are running the dollar into the ground which makes gold value skyrocket

Burgers out. We talking in € here.

Buying gold it is!

your currency won't be worth shit once america's currency isn't worth shit
who do you think keeps your country safe

Safe from whom? The dead skeleton that is Russia's military?
>implying anyone would unironically hold fiat
>what is real estate

You can’t exclude burgers you fucking faggot. We run the world and invented everything you love.

safe from us dumbass
i'm coming for your boipussy

Then fix your government, you dumb commies. The founding fathers are spinning in their graves.
Be quick, else Tyrone or Sanchez will come for yours first.

why are ameritards so dumb and delusional

>meanwhile England most common male name under 3 is mohammad.

>England is Europe now

>england has never not been europe
the rest of you are so insignificant it's funny

Yet EU is a bigger economy than USA

>Germany will be nonwhite majority in less than 30 years.
Do I need to keep going?

yall are retarded
money laundering is washing or "laundering" "dirty" money (i.e. illgotten gains through drug trafficking, prostitution, gambling etc.) through a legitimate under the guise of sales/revenue that was generated by the business

>have a bunch of untaxed cash you can't use, can't deposit into any banks, and can't make any large purchases with
This. Lets say you watch to dodge your crypto taxes this way; Someone tell me why converting it into physical fiat or bullion is better than just putting it in a cold wallet? Without a method to launder your untaxed gains all you have done is rendered the money exponentially less transportable. At least if it's in crypto I can take my tax-free gains with me anywhere in the world like a swiss bank account.

Who's fault is it? No one asked you burgers to ruin both world wars.
Also reminder that USA already is 38% non-white kek. You'll beat Germany to the punch, I'm sure of it.

>>have a bunch of untaxed cash you can't use, can't deposit into any banks, and can't make any large purchases with
so dont make any large purchases that would draw attention to yourself
make any large purchases using regular income where the source can be traced, and buy groceries, gas, clothes, etc with your gains cash

>make any large purchases using regular income where the source can be traced, and buy groceries, gas, clothes, etc with your gains cash
Why bother with gold then? You can use ATM for that.

You can do all that with crypto. Why cash it out in the first place?

>Implying our gains are in groceries, gas, and clothes territory instead of lambo and houses territory.

the jews that run the gov say that purchasing with crypto necessitates a realized gain or loss if the USD price at transaction is greater or less than it was at purchase of the coin. taxable even
i didn't imply that, but you can't buy a car in cash when the gov knows how much you can't afford it. you can push your spending to make if look like you're living lush and just getting by without going broke on paper, then buy all the little necessities with cash and no paper trail so they can't add up that you're really spending 100k a year instead of the 40k a year that it seems looking at your official transaction records

Not according to Uncle Sam no matter how unfair you believe it to be.
Fucking millennial.

>lose more money in the conversion than you would pay on taxes

>burgers not welcome itt
>Uncle Sam
It's 2% you dumb nigger.

enjoy your fake gold

>Sharps Pixley
>fake gold
Unironically kill yourself, waste of oxygen.

>>have a bunch of untaxed cash you can't use, can't deposit into any banks, and can't make any large purchases with

Thats why I'm going to spend everything on coke and hookers (preferbly tranny hookers)

All it will take is one audit by the IRS.

"So user, where did the money for these cars come from? We don't have any 1099s or W2s showing income to cover these purchases."


(Snaps on latex glove.) "Bend over, user, this is might hurt...a lot."

Spoiler - banks have to report large amounts of money being deposited into accounts. Over 10k per transaction is automatic, but they look for other patterns as well.

The IRS hires people way smarter than you, have fun getting audited. Maybe if you bring your own lube, they'll use it.

Look up your local tax laws. Crypto isn't treated like a currency despite what your autism thinks.

The title doesn't mean fuckall. The issue is large amounts of money going into a bank account with no records of wage earning. When the IRS invites you to their office for an audit, and you can't prove where the money in your account came from, you're going to learn what 'fucked" really means. They can escalate that easily into criminal tax evasion charges, and send you to prison.

But you NEETS keep larping, it's adorable watching you fumble around like fucking idiots trying to invent fool proof money laundering techniques.

And when the taxman asks where that 50k came from?

Do you really think you know more than the tax man?

That's fucking hilarious.

Yes. It is also tax evasion. This thread is “how to fail an IRS audit and go directly to federal prison.”

Crypto doesn't exist in my local laws and will not until at least 2019.
You realize that someone would have to report me, you fucking moron? And even then, I would say I bought gold with my bitcoin. They can't do shit.

>“how to fail an IRS audit and go directly to federal prison.”
Fuck off burger, no one itt is discussing your cucked country.

You do understand gold dealers have reporting requirements, right? If you buy more than 10k, and if you sell them more than 1 kilo in bars, and more thn 25 1 oz. coins. That's the US, other countries have different law, but they all follow similar guidelines. Why? To combat money laundering, or exactly what you're promoting.

They figured this shit out years ago, dummy, by smarter people than you'll ever be.

Have fun in prison. Promise to write!

Name the country, angry little man, so we can go find out what the actual laws are there.

Until you name the country you're proposing to try money laundering in, it's all fucking talk.

C'mon, big boy. You talked the talk, now walk the walk. Name the country.

anyone know of a metal joint that accepts crypto in Aus?

This is why privacy coins will be YUGE. You know, Monero, Verge, Xspec ect. What are they going to do when they can't trace the paper trail?

>you bought X coins for n dollars
>where are these coins now
>implying "i lost muh private key" will be an acceptable answer

Jmbullion is where I get mine , I don’t trust the scammier looking sites , but jm is solid.

Just mine and sell it

How are you going to cash out your Monero? How wouldn't the taxman see the large amount of cash you now have and are spending?

As has been pointed out, it's not rocket science to avoid getting raped by the IRS.

If you try to cash out like $40,000 directly from Coinbase you're going to be raped in taxes and are pretty much automatically getting an audit when tax season comes around. The only viable path is to trade your bitcoin directly for gold, and then sell little chunks of gold (which doesn't have extreme volatility like Bitcoin and pretty much is only going up from here) for cash and use that cash to subsidize your lifestyle while paying your rent and other conspicuous expenses with your normal, traceable wages.

While this is a viable strategy and I commend denying the ZOG government money, it's probably a lot more convenient to bite the bullet and pay the taxes.

u wot m8

What are peoples thoughts on buying things with credit cards and using different services to pay back those debts with crypto. Can you avoid taxes?

>And when the taxman asks where that 50k came from?

Unless hes buying expensive lavish huge shit they aren't going to know. Cash is basically not traceable

Report to who? It's a British company. Who are they gonna report it to? This isn't USA, faggot.
The Slovak minister of finance literally made a statement this month that they have plans to introduce crypto taxes next year, and it's not absolutely certain the incompetent morons will succeed in the slightest.